Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

207. Golden Lion's IQ has dropped a lot

Shocked! The Golden Lion, who has been missing for more than two years, attacked Marineford a month ago and was finally arrested!

Shocked! New World pirate Terence and his subordinate pirates encountered MarineF4, Kizaru, Aokiji and Green Fox on their way back to New World. Vice Admiral captured them and finally got caught. …

After Roger's death, the big pirates are surging. Every day, a big action movie is released. People all over the world are tired of watching the news in the newspaper. Today is not this pirate group fighting that pirate group, tomorrow will be that pirate group. The gang of thieves started a film with Marine, and the sea is clearly turbulent. Under the stimulation of this kind of news every day, the ordinary people have become accustomed to it. They can't feel the excitement of the past, but they can't feel the excitement of the past. , Harmony, and then the news of fighting and killing is difficult to set off so little waves in their hearts.

However, a news headline this morning caused a huge wave in their powerful hearts.

The super 22 pirate Golden Lion, who has never made headlines as a protagonist in his life, finally made the headlines. This is probably the most glorious moment in his life. The super pirate Golden Lion, who disappeared for more than two years, was one day a month ago. At night, I single-handedly supported a bunch of unmanned pirate ships to attack Naval Headquarters at night. Although Haki can't be used, the black boss temperament that can scare little kids into peeing can be felt even in the newspaper. to that ferocious aura.

Super Big Pirate Golden Lion Night Attack Naval Headquarters?!!

Seeing the big characters on the newspaper headlines and the photo that exposed the black old man's grandeur, everyone's brains went numb.

Even the news in the lower left corner of the headline that the New World pirate Terrence Pirates was destroyed by the group was selectively ignored by people. After all, compared with the super pirate Golden Lion, Terrence is a bitch!

After Uncle Marine's two global live broadcasts and the friendly introduction of Marine pretty boy "Vice Admiral", people don't know much about Uncle Marine's strength and the strength of the major pirates in the New World. Although they don't know all about it, they are generally still very good. Clearly, especially the top four which are the most introduced.

If the Golden Lion pirates still attacked Marineford in their heyday, people were only slightly surprised. With the precedent of Whitebeard's battle in Marineford to save his own son, people would not feel so shocked. After all, Golden Lion Lion's lineup in its heyday was better than the Whitebeard Pirates, and even had more younger brothers than the Whitebeard Pirates. The son's unpretentious and boring enjoyment of life is much taller.

In those days, the Golden Lion who swallowed mountains and rivers was the benchmark of the big pirates in the eyes of many young people, and the man was nothing more than that!

But since the Battle of Edvard, almost all of the Air Pirates went to the streets. Although the Golden Lion was not caught, the entire Air Pirates were almost wiped out in the shocking tsunami. Everyone knows that the Golden Lion is lonely. Now, if you want to make a comeback, it is almost difficult to return to the peak. After all, the cannon fodder is easy to find, but the starting cadres are hard to find!

But people never imagined that although this Golden Lion was still alive in the tsunami, his brain was no longer able to function, or the wood that was inserted into his head was assimilated, and he dared to run alone. In front of Marine's house, and before others found it, he flew majestically in the air to start a group spray, spraying everyone's family is a waste...

Isn't this fucking stupid?

Although most of Naval Headquarters' forces are now scattered in the major bases of the Grand Line to maintain one side's safety, but there are still several giants at home, you are a Marine brother, Marine Admiral, Marine hero, Marine famous educator are all What about dry food?

Whitebeard is not as brave as you!

After that, Brother Marine and Marine educator Kong and Zephyr didn't do anything. They were cheerleaders on the side, depending on how awesome you Golden Lion is. If you dare to come and criticize our family, we are all rubbish...

Looking at the Golden Lion in the newspapers is a bit of a blast, but everyone knows that the news media deliberately blows up a wave of enemies in order to cater to Marine, so that everyone knows how powerful Uncle Marine is. This is an old routine.

They are also old fans who have watched two live broadcasts. They dare to slap their faces and bet that if the fruit ability of the super big pirate Golden Lion would not fly, they would have a Golden Lion stuck in their heads in Marine Heroes. 10 rounds in the strongest defensive zone with Marine Admiral, they swallow their shit upside down, they are still fresh...

The 0-0-0 statistic of the Golden Lion also fully illustrates the problem.

This fuck has been playing for days and nights, and you said that you have almost demolished Marineford in half, how can you bring such shameful data, you can't even get an assist, this is too low, right?

People analyzed the content of this newspaper headline.

The Golden Lion was probably assimilated by the wood on his head, which caused his IQ to drop a lot.

How long has Roger been hanging up, why are you still going to the Naval Headquarters to find Roger, Golden Lion has been recruiting thieves in the mountains for the past two years, and the mountain has only been connected to the Internet in the past two years... .-_-||

In fact, the analysis of these old fans is almost close to the truth. The rudder on Golden Lion's forehead not only affects his Conqueror's Haki, but also his IQ has indeed been forcibly dropped a lot. These analyses are correct.

But it would be wrong to say that 743 Golden Lion went to the mountain to recruit bandits to make a comeback, and the mountain was only connected to the Internet for two days.

For the past two years, Golden Lion has been squatting over the country with the most advanced technology and information in the New World, and he has also installed several large screens in his air base to keep pace with the times. He was the last time Whitebeard fought Marine. Watching the live broadcast, I also gave a lot of rewards to Whitebeard, but unfortunately Whitebeard is not strong enough to break the joint defense between Sengoku and Garp, otherwise he will be the big brother to Whitebeard. . . .

However, just after watching Whitebeard vs Naval Headquarters last time, my younger brother helped him bring in several world-class neurology professors to examine his head. His younger brother and Dr. Indigo said the same.

This time Golden Lion can't stand it. He has saved so much money during this time and invited you to come here just to hear this?

However, just after the Golden Lion went crazy and threw these brick beasts into the sea to feed the Sea Kings, because of the stimulation he received, he passed out with black eyes, black feet and kicked his feet. When he woke up, he learned that his beloved Roger Not only was he caught by Marine, but he was also publicly executed in the weakest sea in East Blue. How could the Golden Lion stand the excitement? He couldn't take it for a while, so he went to Naval Headquarters to "do justice" for his beloved Roger.

(PS: Thanks to the fathers for their monthly passes, rewards!!).

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