Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

228. Rayleigh: You put Celestial Dragons to sleep?

"I was also surprised at the beginning, but after the identification of the professional department, this is indeed the original photo without PS traces."

"What happened to Curry Vice Admiral? Shouldn't you like this Celestial Dragons girl? I'm not afraid that you will be killed by Gion Rear Admiral, besides...they are not original....(⊙_⊙ )"

As soon as Dominic finished explaining, he saw that the boss's face didn't seem to be very good, sometimes sad and angry, sometimes sad.

"...I'm thinking about the case, I like plump, this stuff is too thin and not my thing. -_-||"

"This... Fuck whoever drew it, just say it like anyone else!"

Leonardo had a black line on his head, and looked at the last page angrily, which was the portrait drawn by the Celestial Dragons sister. He could vaguely see that the pirate was wearing a hat-like thing on his head. I don't know if it's the dye or the thing that wards off evil...I really can't tell that this Fuck is a human, and it's disgusting.

"The artist from the World government drew it. According to the testimony of the Celestial Dragons sister, because the lights were too dark that night, and the lights behind were blinded, her vision was a bit blurry, but what was certain was that the guy had red hair and was in the middle of nowhere. Wearing a straw hat when saving her..""


"Straw hat?! Red hair?! (⊙_⊙)"

Before Dominic could finish speaking, Leonardo stood up, and a large roulette wheel spinning at high speed appeared in his mind. There was only the familiar red-haired figure on the roulette wheel, and the rest were question marks. Slower and slower, and finally the pointer representing the murderer freezes on the red-haired figure!

Not him, who else?!

In order to show their individuality, the pirates in the sea have all kinds of shapes, such as arrogant, exposed, sloppy, wearing gold and silver... But!

Red hair and straw hat, this kind of nondescript mix and match style, throughout the hundreds of years of history of the sea, there will never be more than five pirates who mix and match, and in his era, there are just so many pirates with red hair and straw hat. One!

Former Roger Pirates Intern, Rayleigh's proud disciple of the old guy, Roger's first generation successor, the ability of the face fruit, red hair! Shanks!

It seems that there is only this guy, the most Haki man in the future, if he doesn't even dare to go to Celestial Dragons, he doesn't deserve to be called the most Haki man...

Only this kind of vigor can awaken Haki, who is so powerful.

His courage is enough, he sprayed Golden Lion as soon as he debuted, but the Conqueror's Haki he awakened did not reach the level of physical damage afterward. It can be seen how strong that Haki is!

If it was this guy, it would make sense. Most pirates are happy. If a group of people molest a girl, under normal circumstances, the pirates will join the molesting team, and only the straw hats of this generation will inherit It seems that this is the style of the Roger Pirates, and.... this red-haired Shanks is indeed worthy of the audience. When she was young, Charlotte's fat woman would definitely drool when she saw it. A piece of fresh meat almost threatened his status as a Marine pretty boy, the grass of Sabaody.

She looks pretty good on her own, plus her identities as a hero to save beauty and a pirate, how could the Celestial Dragons girl, who has never seen the world, be able to resist this combination of punches, and she didn't directly hit the center room? And after the event, she raised her pants. Leaving seems to be in line with the style of the Roger Pirates. Isn't that the case with the legendary Poseidon Rayleigh? The red-haired Shanks is still Rayleigh's proud student, and has inherited Roger's addiction to alcohol. How could he not inherit Rayleigh's "run~" release "Free and easy"

And there are more people in Sabaody than Marine, and only Rayleigh and his son Shakky are.

"Curry Vice Admiral, what came to mind? (⊙_⊙)?"

Dominic was taken aback, and then he asked in a low voice when he saw the boss's face changing and thinking about something.

"I'm just suspicious now, I'm going out now..."

After Leonardo finished speaking, he grabbed the ancestral sword of kindness and went out towards Area 13.

"Why do you leave in such a hurry, don't play for a while...

In the thirteenth area, in Shakky's ripping bar, Rayleigh poured a glass of wine into his mouth and said to the red-haired boy sitting opposite him.

"It's been a long time since I rested, and it's time for me to find my own companion."

The red-haired guy picked up the wine glass and was about to pour it into his mouth, but after looking at the wine glass in his hand for a while, he seemed to remember something. , an absent-minded look.

""Although I'm retired, I'm not old yet. What happened, you haven't been in the state these days."

Rayleigh looked at this proud student, who was also the successor of their Roger Pirates, and asked casually.

The Roger Pirates only have these two seedlings. That kid Buggy is not a talent. If there are no adventures in the future, it is estimated that he will only be able to sweep Roger's grave in East Blue. Shanks is different, inheriting the will of their Roger Pirates. People, such a state, such a debut.

Since he came a few days ago, he found that this kid was not in a good state, and he was very preoccupied, but he didn't care at the time, thinking that this kid just finished his "filial piety" for Roger, and he hadn't come out of it yet, but he continued. It's been like this for several days, but it's not normal.

His old man enlightened people not so good.

".... Deputy Captain, I have a friend who slept a girl whom I had known for one night without knowing it. When I woke up the next day (Zhao Zhaohao), I found out that this girl was Celestial. Dragons. What if it were you? (〒^〒)”

Shanks circled the red hair on his head, letting the lice fly around, not knowing how to speak, and then thought that the deputy captain was the legendary Poseidon, there should be a way to do this, and then asked, although he said one of his friend, but looking at his appearance, it seems to be more troubled than his friend.


When Shanks finished speaking, the surrounding air suddenly became quiet, and Rayleigh, who had raised his glass halfway in the air, and Shakky on the bar looked at him blankly.

In addition to the shock in his eyes, the rest is shocking demon.

Both of them are from here. Seeing the troubled expression on Shanks' face, they don't know who this friend is in Shanks' mouth...

How dare you put Celestial Dragons to sleep!!!!∑(Ova.

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