Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

229. To be the son-in-law of Celestial Dragons for decades!

"This....has anyone found out if it's you or that Celestial Dragons girl recognizes you??""

Looking at Shanks with a worried face and not knowing what to do, Rayleigh is numb!

I miss him Poseidon...Bah! Pluton Rayleigh has been in the sea for so many years, what kind of girl has not hooked! I have loved each other, even if it was a mermaid girl, there were many ministers under his "skirt".

But only the Celestial Dragons girl is not among them, so it's not that he doesn't dare, but trouble!

Over the years, even a slap in the face of Celestial Dragons will welcome Marine Admiral, let alone sleep Celestial Dragons, if the World government or Marine finds out, this fuck will be focused on fire, they have been caught by Garp all these years. If you stare at it, you are already poor, and your life is difficult. If you are stared at by the World government, what will you do.

Therefore, they have always kept a distance from Celestial Dragons, after all, their purpose of going to sea is to pursue freedom, and they are not as big-minded as Golden Lion...

Now this little brother in front of him is really awesome. It can be said that he is better than the blue. He has done what he wanted to do but was afraid to do.

However, the same 773 risks are also very high. If someone finds out, the future of the little brother is really uncertain!

So after Rayleigh calmed down, his expression was unusually serious. He was already related to the future of his younger brother, especially when things happened in Sabaody Land, and the troublesome boy Leonardo was the base commander of Sabaody Land.

"I think should not be....."

Shanks saw that Rayleigh's expression was unusually serious, and he was also infected, touching his chin and frowning uncertainly.

To be honest, although he woke up that morning with no clothes and pants on, making him sure that he had indeed slept with the Celestial Dragons girl, he had no idea that he had drank that night.

After grabbing the captain's body and being blown away by Garp, he just fell outside the Marine's encirclement outside Logue town, so he took the captain's body around in the sea for a long time and waited until Marine evacuated and found Buggy two. People quietly brought the captain's swollen corpse back to Logue town. Although the pirates were like little birds without legs, they would return to their roots after death, so after returning to Logue town, they spent a fortune to find them. After a blind fortune-teller found a good place for the captain to be buried, he and Buggy stayed in Logue town for almost a year before leaving. Originally, he planned to go directly to West Blue to find a small partner to build a team and make an official debut.

But I thought that when he and Buggy came out to hang out with one foot in the coffin, he didn't know when he died. Only he and Buggy knew where the captain was buried. If they both died one day, the captain wouldn't Have you become a ghost?

Just in case, he felt that it was necessary to come to Sabaody to inform the deputy captain first and then return to West Blue to make a new debut, but it was already late at night when he arrived at Sabaody, and he didn't want to disturb it at night, Especially now that the deputy captain doesn't live alone anymore, it's rude to disturb people's nightlife.

So he just found a nearby bar with a night show and waited until dawn. To be honest, he didn't like drinking very much before. Maybe he was influenced by the captain. In the past two years, his alcohol intake has increased, and he has begun to have more and more alcohol. Addicted to alcohol.

In that bar, I blew a dozen bottles of tell rum alone, and when I was a little drunk, I vaguely saw that there was a group of pirates bullying a girl next door, and I encountered such a thing as the heir of the Roger Pirates. Of course, he has to draw a knife to help. Under normal circumstances, after he scrambled the pirates, he would go back and continue without blowing the bottle, but he didn't know if it was alcohol, and he forgot the captain's advice to him that the woman was a tiger , He actually went up to get in touch with that girl. At that time, the optical fiber was too dark and he was a little confused. The two just chatted and drank wine. In the end, he broke the video (cceg), and he didn't know what happened. When he woke up the next day and saw a girl lying next to him, he knew that something was wrong, but what was worse was still behind. He found that the girl's clothes scattered by the bed looked like she was born in a big family. He also found something similar to a goldfish bowl next to this girl, which instantly made his scalp tingle.

Isn't this a standard feature for Celestial Dragons?

I actually drank a piece and slept with a Celestial Dragons girl!!!!

Although he was born in a small place, he also knew what the Celestial Dragons were. The key was that he also put the Celestial Dragons to sleep. The huge impact made him not know what to do for a while, and he just wanted to escape from this place quickly. If someone finds out, it will be the end, he is the hope of the Roger Pirates, he can't die before he starts his career!

But after he found the deputy captain, he was a little annoyed when he came these days. Although the other party was Celestial Dragons, he was also a girl. Was it too irresponsible for him to do so, and at the same time he was worried that Uncle Marine or the people from the World government would run away. Come and arrest people, so he can implicate the co-captain. The co-captain is finally able to wash his hands and enjoy his retirement life.

But he didn't know what to do...

"...It's a little troublesome, I'll prepare for you..."

Rayleigh frowned and was about to say that he would arrange a boat run for the little brother immediately, but just halfway through the words, the terrifying Observation Haki sounded the alarm. After holding the shape, he can only helplessly spread his hands, this kid is here for this matter.

"What for him? Prepare a boat for him to run away?"

"You're not a pirate now, you finally came out, don't step in, or I'll be the first to catch you. (^∇X)"

"Hong Mao, you are so awesome, you actually put Celestial Dragons to sleep, as an ordinary person I admire you, but as a man I despise you so much, everyone is an adult, and you have to be responsible for what you do, Celestial Dragons is a bit bad, but the girl is innocent. You just sleep and run away, but it's worse than your boss, Rayleigh. Rayleigh will say goodbye to others when he runs away. This is your plan Have you eaten Bawang meal?"

Leonardo came over and said to Rayleigh angrily, looking at Shanks who was in confusion with contempt.

"Bastard Marine! I just don't know what to do! (♥~x)"

Feeling the intense contempt in his eyes, Shanks, who was confused, instantly woke up and forcibly argued.

"Silly boy, of course, he's going to be the son-in-law of Celestial Dragons! What's so good about being a pirate? Look at Rayleigh, who has been with the boss for decades and has not been raised by the boss, how cool and popular it is to be the son-in-law of Celestial Dragons. Drinking spicy food can save you from fighting for decades! "(^mouth^*)/"

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