Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

230. Shanks: Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!! My second brother...Bah! How could I possibly be the son-in-law of Celestial Dragons, absolutely impossible! ``Dan')?"

Hearing Leonardo's words, Shanks jumped up and reacted more excitedly than his dead father.

Just kidding, he is the heir to the captain's straw hat, and he will tickle this straw hat in the future. How can he be the son-in-law of Celestial Dragons, and he has to do a great job!

"Then you mean to be a scumbag? The thing I hate the most in my life is the ruthless bastard who lifts his pants, bastard..... Roger, did Rayleigh teach you that? `~(-_-)/ "

Leonardo held the sword hilt at his waist with one hand and looked serious and could draw it at any time - said dryly.

"No! I... I just didn't know what to do! (^∇-X)"

Shanks was also not cowardly, stepping on the seat with his left hand holding the knife and looking at Leonardo and said.

Between the eyes of the two, there was a strong current flashing, and it looked like it was about to explode at any time.

"Hey.... calm down, you two, it's not good for you to fight here and knock down this bar, Curry kid, I don't think Shanks is like that kind of irresponsible person, maybe it really happened. Suddenly, I didn't think about what to do for a while, so it's better to give him some time to think about how to solve this problem. If he runs away, I'm still in Sabaody.


Seeing the two kiddies getting ready to go to work, Rayleigh had to speak at this time. This bar is where he will retire for the next few decades. If they are destroyed by them, Shakky will not want him to work at night to pay off his debts.

As for Shanks going to be the son-in-law of Celestial Dragons... If it's him, it's no problem, he's retired anyway, and it doesn't matter if he goes to Mariejois to enjoy life, but Shanks is the hope of their Roger Pirates, the heir of Roger's straw hat, How could he run to be the son-in-law of Celestial Dragons.

What an evil fate!

"It's not that I don't give you Rayleigh face, you don't know that the background of the Celestial Dragons girl this guy sleeps with is a bit big, even the Five Elders have to give that girl face, if this happens, the normal process is to hack people to death It's over, but now that Celestial Dragons is going to be caught alive, and the key Five Elders has agreed, if this guy doesn't come with me to take responsibility for the family, it is estimated that the next time he will face the Buster Call."

Leonardo rolled his eyes and said angrily.

To be honest, he was the least willing to intervene in the matter of Celestial Dragons. After all, although he had never seen the urine of those already deformed races, he had been the boss of Sabaody for so long, and he had heard a lot about it. There's also a lot of records in the archives that these guys have done wicked things over the years.

So from his personal point of view, the red-haired Shanks slept with the Celestial Dragons sister, and it could be regarded as... honor, but it happened on his land in Sabaody, and the Five Elders also handed it over to He, for this job with an annual income of over 10 million yuan, he has to do it. As for why the Celestial Dragons was caught alive, there are only two possibilities. One is that he wants to kill his daughter who slept with his own hands and does not want to bear the burden. Another possibility for a responsible scumbag is to let this scumbag take responsibility and become his son-in-law.

According to the original book, in the next ten years, this guy will still be able to fool Garp's grandson into the sea, and the superior Four Emperors and even the Five Elders will give him face, so it should be the second possibility.

"...One person does the work and one person does the job. This matter has nothing to do with the deputy captain. What's going on at me! I'll take care of anything!"

The importance of traditional pirates is reflected in Shanks most vividly. Hearing that Rayleigh wants to bail him out, Shanks will not agree, and patted his chest quickly and said.

"It's fine if I have your words. I don't care what you want. My task is to find the murderer and hand over the person to the World government. Since you are alone, then come with me, don't worry... Actually Celestial Dragons aren't all rubbish, they're reasonable people, and the Five Elders are quite reasonable...

Leonardo raised his eyebrows when he saw the red-haired Shanks who patted his chest and carried it by himself. You slept with others. You didn't carry it alone and wanted someone to share it with you... They have never slept before. .


Rayleigh couldn't help frowning. You've licked those five old guys as your own. Of course, they've reasoned with you. Not to mention Marine Vice Admiral at a young age, you're also a Sabaody A territorial official in an international metropolis? Try another person?

・・・・Seeking flowers・

He didn't expect the little brother to hit a big fish with the first drop of blood. If it was an ordinary Celestial Dragons, it would be easy to solve. Although the Celestial Dragons were mentioned on the bright side, Marine Admiral would definitely be dispatched, but he disappeared outside these years. There are also a lot of Celestial Dragons, and many unsolved cases cannot be investigated. If the younger brother sleeps with a Celestial Dragons girl born in an ordinary family, he will run away. If the marksmanship is punctual, there will be more Mariejois around after a year at most. It's just a red-haired baby, and the impact is not very big, but according to the background of the Celestial Dragons girl that Curry said, it will be difficult to handle. The World government will definitely not give up like the disappearance of Celestial Dragons in the past. of...

He has been out for decades. Although he didn't have much contact with Celestial Dragons, he knows more about Celestial Dragons than two young people. Don't look at Celestial Dragons when they came out with a pair of high-ranking dogs and dogs. You have to wear a goldfish tank when you go out, but in fact, the Celestial Dragons are divided into three, six, and nine grades. Most of the Celestial Dragons that go out are mostly second and third. Even if it appears in Sabaody, it is a pair of World government's most elite CPUs to follow up.

Based on his knowledge of Celestial Dragons, it would be better if the younger brother fell into the hands of Celestial Dragons? Especially Celestial Dragons, who even the Five Elders have to give face to, this background is a bit deep.

"Don't worry, I've learned some looks, this guy's face is not bad, kill Polang, enter the palace of life, three squares, right in the middle, avoid the stars without light, in the next 20 years, both power and luck, he will Your life is tougher than yours, nothing will happen. Besides, if you put other girls to sleep, this kind of thing is not Celestial Dragons, but ordinary people have to give others an explanation, right?

Seeing that he could talk, Leonardo waved his hands and made a few messes.

Anyway, because of the plot, this guy will definitely be fine. If this guy gets hung up, who will go to fool Garp's grandson to pursue his dreams in the future?

The life mentor of the protagonist can't be done by anyone, at least he has to have an inheritance straw hat... one.

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