Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

231. Rayleigh: I should also make up for the mistakes of the year

.Ok, I'll go with you!

Although I don't understand what the face of this bastard Marine said before, he agrees with what he said later. He is a pirate, but he is a pirate with a conscience and a moral bottom line. He said a thousand things. Ten thousand is indeed a mistake that all men in the world will make, and a mistake is a mistake. It is really inauthentic for him to walk away like this, and he really wants to give some advice to other girls...

"Ai! You're right like this, you dare to be a man, and you are still a good man after 18 years. Although I don't agree with you young people who have to go and become thieves when you are young, you can have This responsibility is really rare, I appreciate you more and more, let's go...(^口^*)/"

Leonardo saw this red-haired man doing things alone and acting like I admire you. He took out a pair of stainless steel handcuffs made of "Seven Seven Three" and threw them on the table. If you don't wear this thing, who knows that he caught people.

Before going to the New World to pick up the money, let's make a fortune from him. Besides, the rewards of the Five Elders are so rich, the red envelope of the big Celestial Dragons should not be too light...(^?^)?

"...Shanks this kid is more responsible than you.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, Shakky took a swipe of a flower in his mouth and squinted at Rayleigh next door.

If this guy was so responsible back then, New World, The fish men island wouldn't have so many orphans without fathers, and there would be a lot of them in Charlotte's fat lady...

"...Yes, this child has finally grown up, and I should also make up for the mistakes I made back then."

Rayleigh also had a rare sigh of relief, drank a glass of wine, stood up and walked towards the door while the wine was still strong.

"Where are you going?

"Daughter Country...

"Whoever, whoever, inform your boss and say that I have brought the person Five Elders are looking for, and hurry up to receive it."

"Speak well after you go in. After all, you have slept with their daughter, and they can be regarded as half of your father-in-law. If the other party is still an only daughter, you will send it...(^?^)?"

When he came to the entrance of the World government next to the base, Leonardo did not take Shanks in, but finished speaking to the two uniformed gatekeepers at the entrance, turned around and said to Shanks.

Marine Vice Admiral is still qualified to bring people into Mariejois, but he thinks it's better not to go in. This red-haired road, seeing the injustice, put the Celestial Dragons sister to sleep and provoked a Celestial Dragons big man, he is a justice The Marine, if you see any bullying pictures on it, you can't help but roar, if you yell out that Lord Yimu, it will not be very good, he still wants to continue to hang out in Marine.

In fact, working in Marine is also very good, although there is no way to become rich and rich, but at least the income is stable and the benefits are good. It is not like the pirates who are poorer and richer. Today, I use shark fin armpits to rinse my mouth, and tomorrow I will drink white porridge with wotou. ....

"...Is it too late to regret now? -_-||"

Shanks, who was relatively calm at first, didn't know why, but he always felt that the way this guy looked at him made his heart ache, and he felt that the bastard Marine was cheating on him.

"It doesn't matter to me, my mission is just to find the murderer, and now the murderer has also been found, I will still get the red envelope if you run away, but the people in the World Government are not as good at talking as I am, and the monks can't escape the temple, they can't find them. After all, you can find Rayleigh, anyway, you worship his incense, Rayleigh finally managed to wash his hands and retire, and if you want him to go back to his old business, there is no way to support you at will."9

"Calm down, where is your righteousness just now, your righteousness is thin, and where is your courage?"

Leonardo said indifferently.


Shanks didn't speak with a black line, it's just you, I can't calm down, okay?

The prisoner was handed over very smoothly, just as Leonardo had guessed. The Celestial Dragons sister's father was indeed a big man. Not long after the gatekeeper left, there were seven or eight people wearing masks. A "red envelope" that is beautifully packaged and even the box is made of pure gold is sent to Leonardo before taking people away.

There are very few Celestial Dragons that can dispatch seven or eight CPUs with any individual. Although as long as a Celestial Dragons has the right to mobilize CPOs, they can mobilize several CPOs at one time and only to escort "prisoners". This Celestial Dragons Even if the identity is not as good as the Five Elders, it is estimated that he is a candidate for the Five Elders...

CPO-9 are all elites trained by the World government, and CPOs are even more elites among the elites. Although it is a bit exaggerated that everyone in the team has reached the level of Admiral combat power, but Vice Admiral's combat power is definitely there, and it is handed over to Leonardo. Among the eight people, two of them could feel a strong aura, and the others felt no weaker than those like Flying Squirrel and Dauberman, or even stronger. Even a world government with deep pockets would not be able to cultivate such talents. Come out a few, after all, there are not so many outstanding talents to train them....

If every Celestial Dragons can mobilize CP0, this is quite a huge number, this world needs a hairy Marine, and people like World government are enough.

"Curry Vice Admiral, come and see what's inside?

Leonardo returned to the base with this "red envelope" made of 24K pure gold. Dominic couldn't wait to take the small box and his eyes would glow green. Celestial Dragons is such a big local tyrant, look at this 24K The packaging is made of pure gold, and the contents inside are extremely valuable.

It was the first time he'd seen Celestial Dragons deliver in years.

Now he has some regrets in his heart, if he had gone with Curry Vice Admiral, maybe Celestial Dragons would have a share of it if he was happy...

"Let's open 4.6, calm down, this is just an appetizer, New World is the big one, when we go around New World, your dream of buying a big villa in Sabaody to pick up your wife will come true, boat Are you ready?

Leonardo looked at Dominic's unpromising appearance, although he was also curious about what was in here, but in front of his younger brother, he must not lose his cards.

"This is.... Devil Fruit?(⊙_⊙)?"

When Dominic opened the small box, he saw a fruit with a strange pattern like an apple in it. Instead, he had a question mark on his face. It didn't mean that Devil Fruit was not good. It can also be sold for 100 or 200 million, but... this Celestial Dragons gave Devil Fruit to his boss, it seems to be a bit lousy, and the price is not high!

(PS: Kneel and thank the fathers for their tickets!!).

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