Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

232. It's really important to follow the boss!

"...What kind of power is this fruit? (⊙_⊙)?"

Leonardo took the fruit in his hand and looked at it carefully. The dense circle pattern on it was pale white. From the appearance, it was most likely Paramecia fruit. He had not seen the Devil Fruit pictorial book. Naval Headquarters has it. History The Devil Fruits that have appeared on the Internet are all recorded on it. It cannot be said that all Devil Fruits in the world are recorded on it, but there are at least 90%. However, if you want to read the Devil Fruit illustrations, the level required is quite high, at least Vice is required. Admiral is the only way. Before, when he wanted to watch it, the level was not enough. Later, when he was promoted to Vice Admiral, he forgot too much and forgot. Now, looking at the Devil Fruit in his hand, he really doesn't know what the ghost ability is.

And more importantly, is this Celestial Dragons a little too special?

The labor and management waste the boss's energy to help you find out the murderer who slept with your daughter, why would you give a Devil Fruit?

It's true that the price of Paramecia Devil Fruit is slightly more expensive than ordinary Zoan fruit, but 22 can't get anywhere, especially this kind of fruit whose ability is unknown. The approximate price is 150 million, and it will be put on the auction house. The auction will definitely not exceed 200 million. After all, the Paramecia fruit with unknown ability is equivalent to a big gamble. If the bet is right to eat a powerful ability, then it will soar into the sky, but if it is unlucky to eat it. What a tasteless ability, even if it was developed after a doctorate, it would end up going to work in an electronics factory.

Just like that String-String Fruit, which has been developed to the Ultimate in the hands of Doflamingo, and in the end is just a broadcaster. If you change to ordinary people, you have to go to work in an electronics factory to find a way out...

Therefore, the price of these Paramecia fruits with unknown abilities is not high. Leonardo is also considering whether to take a gamble to eat this Devil Fruit. First of all, he has never eaten Devil Fruit himself. The afforestation and strong vitality are all given by the system father. , so ordinary he has only one heart, another chance to eat Devil Fruit, and his own strength does not need to rely on Devil Fruit's ability, even if it is really just a garbage ability, it will not affect him much, The vitality of the explosive watch made him unable to move even if he had one more weakness and fell into the sea, so he had the idea of ​​taking a gamble.


"I've already eaten one, and it's useless to keep it, how about it? Do you want to take a gamble? It's right, it's a promotion and a salary increase, flowers bloom and wealth, it's a wrong bet... It doesn't seem to matter that you are so weak. .."

Seeing Dominic's eager eyes, Leonardo thinks that this guy has been with him for many years. Although the promotion is too fast, his strength is too weak. Commodore is probably at the end of his life. It's only one or two billion. After a short time, go to New World and come back. It's better to let Dominic give it a shot. Been with him for a few years.

Even if the ability is not strong, it is better than the current level. It should be no problem to be promoted to Rear Admiral, right? It would be good to help him manage Sabaody land in the future. He has to find Gion, but it's impossible for Gion to be his lieutenant for life, right? It's impossible to think about it. Although Gion's potential is slightly weaker than him, Kuzan and others, it is also stronger than flying squirrels and ghost spiders. Many, Gion mainly did not get a powerful Devil Fruit, so the early stage was not too powerful. When she reaches Dajianhao, it will be different. He remembered that in the original book, Gion was in the position of Marine Admiral, and Da Sengoku also It is impossible to waste such a top-level combat power as his deputy, so he estimates that after a while, the stinky girl Gion should be promoted to Vice Admiral and leave.

When he is not in Sabaody, Dominic will have more work than now. In an international metropolis like Sabaody, it is impossible to cover up without any strength. His reputation as "undead Vice Admiral" scare some small coffees. Lamy is alright. When encountering those big pirates with iron heads, the name alone can't scare people, it still depends on the ability of hands-on.



"Library.. Curry Vice Admiral, you... you really gave it to me? Omo"

Although Dominic was hit by the latter sentence, he still looked at his boss with tears in his eyes.


Men die for those who are confidants, and women are for those who please them.

At the beginning, he was just an ordinary Lieutenant Commander fighting on the front line in the New World base. People like him were caught in the front line. At the bottom of the nurturing Marine, if you survived for more than ten years, you will have reached the top of Commodore, luck heaven-defying is also a peripheral Rear Admiral, and then you will spend your life in such a wasteful way.

But since he met Curry Vice Admiral, his life trajectory has undergone tremendous changes. After returning to the headquarters with Curry Vice Admiral for two years, he was directly promoted from Lieutenant Commander to Commodore, and he can hold his head high in front of his old husband. Now There is also a chance to eat Devil Fruit to make the strength even further.

Curry Vice Admiral is simply his second-generation parents! No wonder many people say that smuggling is important to the boss. Before he didn't feel it, now,

It's really important to be with the boss!!

"Stop, take away the tears, I've overdone it, I don't know what the power of this thing is, you should know that if it's a relatively powerful power, it's fine, if it's a garbage power, not only can it not have any effect on you Help will also give you an extra weakness. You can also wait for us to go to 773 New World to make a fortune after a while, and when you have the money, come back and find those busy people to help you get a Devil Fruit, at least that's safer. .

A young man who was four or five years older than him was crying and crying in front of him, especially since he was so familiar with it, Leonardo had goosebumps and hurriedly interrupted the atmosphere he was continuing to brew.

"That's it, whether you can be rich or not depends on this one!"

Dominic's tears suddenly stopped and he said with a serious face.

Having been in Sabaody for so long, he naturally knows how rare Devil Fruit is. Even those auction houses don't necessarily have a Devil Fruit auction all year round, and even if they do, if they are unlucky enough to be favored by Celestial Dragons, that's not a problem. Without him, the Devil Fruit auctioned at Sabaody Land over the years has been in the hands of Celestial Dragons in all likelihood. Celestial Dragons' three hobbies are drinking, smoking, and hot... Bah! Weird Devil Fruit, strange Weird murloc slaves and beautiful dolls from the European and American routes, so even if you go to New World with Curry Vice Admiral to get money, it is almost impossible to auction a Devil Fruit in Sabaody, unless it is a Zoan fruit that Celestial Dragons dislikes, but ...There is a ready-made one that you have to spend money to buy if you don't eat it here, save the money to buy a big villa in Sabaody, and go to the No. 5 area to consume it, isn't it delicious?.

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