Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

240. Beasts Pirates 1st Baturu

"This damn one-eyed dragon... Whoever cuts is this bastard, the labor and capital support him as a cadre!!! (#`Dish')"

Watching the little broken ship drifting away, Jack standing on the bow roared angrily, thinking that it was the first time that Captain Jack had been despised so much since his debut, if only the bastards of the Roger Pirates would be fine, His boss couldn't do it, so he could only admit it, but now he is despised by a one-eyed second-class disabled parallel importer, which makes him no longer able to bear it.

"What? Deputy captain? (⊙_⊙)?

"Brother Meng! Kill me!~! (`Dish')"

"Stop this bastard...?(*`-Dan'*)??"

"Made, little bastard fuck my idol Kaido, little ones, hack him!!(#`A')#`a')#mouth'-)?"

The so-called reward must have a brave man, Beasts Pirates is now a New World giant, especially when there is only one Whitebeard left in the top four, Kaido teacher is almost one of the candidates that everyone is optimistic about. After all, Kaido The teacher is really a monster. It's not that his strength is comparable to Whitebeard, but this guy's super fleshy attributes and the characteristics of Immune to Death similar to Marine's "undead Vice Admiral". No one was killed.

Such potential stocks naturally want to hug their thighs. Pirates who are not worth it enough to get into the New World have more or less dreams. Even if they are unrealistic, they will never prevent them from dreaming. If they are like the godsons of Whitebeard. Licking their faces and calling their godfather their sons, they definitely don't want to. After finally getting into this rank, who would be willing to be someone's younger brother!

They can't write the word "tail" that would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, but have you heard this old saying?


If you can become a cadre of Beasts Pirates as soon as you get started, it will be different. When Teacher Kaido is in the top four, they can also rule the world together with Teacher Kaido, and then they will be much higher in terms of status and status than they are now. Well, if you are lucky, it might even be included in history.

So when they heard Jack shout out this sentence, the pirates who were still watching the show couldn't sit still, and the look of the same hatred on his face made Jack look like a good brother at a glance.

New World is not easy to get along with. Before entering New World, they dreamed of coming to New World, but when they found out that New World is a place where the strong prey on the weak, the rules learned in the first half of the Grand Line are completely useless in New World. The only thing that can really be relied on here is their own fists, but the key is that their fists are not big enough, so they can only hide in a small place and wait to die.

But they are not willing to let them leave the New World until the first half. In their opinion, leaving the New World is equivalent to a loser who has been eliminated. If they fail once, then the breath will be vented, so even if the New World is in the It's tough, and the competitiveness is even greater than that of electronics factories, and they have to grit their teeth to support it.

Look, isn't the chance to take the top right now?

The drought in the Beasts Pirates is not enough to lie to them. After so many people have heard this sentence, when Jack the Drough wants to go back on it, will Teacher Kaido lose face?

Even if they are cut down and maimed, raising Kaido teacher will make them rich for life, this question is sure!

"Hey! I've been following Kaido for so many years, and if I can't catch up, I'm shaking people. You have the power of your boss. Look at your boss, who was beaten into a pig's head by Whitebeard. You only learned to shake people after chasing for a while. To be honest, you let me down. Your boss's face was pinched and thrown in!

"Hidden knife!

"call out!

Watching the surrounding pirate ships come up one after another, forming a circle around his little tin warships, so that their little tins could not move forward, Leonardo remained calm, and his contemptuous eyes threw at the long-haired man on the big ship. Stupid Elephant, none of the pirates who rushed in met his bounty requirements at first glance. No wonder he was so active in running to be Kaido's younger brother.

Then he pulled out the ancestral sword of kindness and slashed towards the surrounding pirate ships with a huge slash.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ah, ah, ah...

The slash slammed into a pirate ship that was blocked in front of them, and the pirate ship was instantly cut in half, and the ship and the people fell into the water together.

After that, several pirate ships that did not stay behind with the slashing were also invited to fight, and the turbulent sea surface was cut into two by this slashing, creating a bottomless dividing line.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・


"No wonder you dare to talk like that Kaido, this guy is really in stock..."

"Huh... Fortunately, I didn't get too close, what's the background of this guy, so strong... (11? Mouth?)"

The pirates who came around saw the effect of this slash, and their souls trembled in an instant, and quickly asked the younger brother to stay away. At the same time, they stared at the one-eyed young man on the boat, looking at the painting on the boat. Some of them have been in New World for many years, but they have never seen such an angry pirate flag.

"This bastard.... give me death!??¤??"

The long-haired stupid elephant that has always been despised is the head iron, and the opponent's strength seems to be very strong, but he never cares about it, even when his eldest brother was beaten by Roger Haibian, the eldest brother and the second brother did not dare to go, he still copied the machete Go up to the Savior.

In his big ship, there are still ten meters away from the small iron, and he jumped up with a machete and rolled in the air for three and a half weeks, and he came to a gorgeous landing position, let this bastard one-eyed look at Beasts Pirates first Batulu Jack Jack How fierce is the captain!

"Fuck! This is all right? (⊙_⊙)?"

"Thick K!


Leonardo was also taken aback by the gorgeous posture of the long-haired elephant. Such a cumbersome man could actually make such a gorgeous, complex and standard diving action. Before he entered the water, he could give 10 points to this action!

Then stepped on the Moonwalk and jumped up, and came to the upside-down golden hook next to the tumbling long-haired elephant!


"Whoa! 95

Although the action before entering the water is perfect, it is a pity that the fish is fried when entering the water.

He's a shady man at all times..

When I watched anime before, I felt that the third brother of Beasts Pirates is not very good at using his brain, and he embodied the savage character incisively and vividly. Although Kaido and Garp are also "pretty", they never give out points. It's so uncomfortable to give out points. You jump from such a high place and have to do such gorgeous and complicated diving movements. Isn't this a special kick....

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