Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

241. Little Marco: It's not really that bastard, is it?



"Puff! Puff...!""

The boys on the Mammoth are also numb, the sword just now proved that they are not parallel imports, why do you want to send it up so hard, this Fuck is a fierce man who split the sea in half! !

But Ma Guima, they are used to the operation of the boss, and now it is still the most important thing to save people. Although their boss is a bit funny, he is indeed Lord Kaido's favorite general. If they are swallowed by the Sea Kings, they all have to go and feed them. Sea Kings

As a result, the entire Mammoth's younger brother did not force it, except for the sailor, the rest of the crew jumped into the sea to save people.

"I now know why this idiot's bounty didn't go up last time..."Seven Seven Three"-_-||"

Dominic next to Leonardo wiped the sweat on his forehead and said speechlessly.

It's strange that people who give away their heads at the beginning and then return blood for the whole battle, can increase their value so much, Beasts Pirates is not yet the top four, and the name of the three beasts and three plagues is not so valuable, how can it be said It goes up when it goes up, when their Marine money is blown by the wind?

He guessed that this guy's last battle was estimated that this guy sent a wave of kills at the beginning, and then he spent the rest of the time in the recovery of blood. Naturally, there is no way to increase his value without any performance...

...... This guy is indeed with a good boss, otherwise it will be difficult to mix in the sea.

Leonardo, who was back on the boat, also nodded in agreement with Dominic's guess.

One thing to say, although Mr. Kaido is usually a bit rambunctious, he is indeed a good boss. At least a brainless boy like the big-haired elephant can get a good deal of conversation under his banner. More love is better, less love is not enough...

"Jack! This guy....Dan Gonghuang!"

The so-called "flying high and seeing far away" was originally in the middle of a 5-5 with Xiaoma, holding a flaming sword. He was probably too ugly to show his true face. The birdman Huo Jin saw his third brother double again... Send it again Human head, and he was kicked into the sea by a pirate he had never seen before. Now he can't hold it anymore. Their names of beasts and three plagues are tied together. If the third brother is kicked into the sea with one kick, If he doesn't find his way back, they will become two fools in the future.

In the same way, he threw his sword in the air to force the little brother back, and used the body that turned into a pterosaur to make himself dive forward at an extremely fast speed, like a Great Fireball that fell from the sky and rushed towards the one-eyed dragon who kicked his third brother into the water. Go to the sky above Leonardo at an angle of forty-five degrees and take out a big burning sword and slash it with a sword!



The whole process happened so fast that no one could see exactly how the fire embers appeared. The next second, they saw the one-eyed dragon that had just slashed the sea with a sword was divided into two from top to bottom.

However, the people around were stunned by the sudden appearance of the fire that killed the opponent's main general, and they didn't notice the undifferentiated expression of Uncle Marine, who was disguised as a pirate on the little iron, especially Dominic who was beside Leonardo. There are no sad expressions.

They have seen a lot of pictures of the boss being cut off, not even Golden Lion, Rayleigh, Whitebeard, just this little brother Kaido?


"not good!!!"


Others didn't notice the expressions of Marine's uncles, but the nearest fire Jin noticed Dominic's expression, although he also had a question mark on his face, wasn't this guy his comrade?

A green light flashed instantly.

A sense of crisis from the racial instinct came from his heart. Although he didn't know why, he still flew upside down 50 meters, and saw the one-eyed dragon that had been split in half by him just now. He beckoned to him, even suspecting that he was hallucinating, rubbed his eyes and looked carefully, and the eyeballs completely stared out.

He was 100% sure that he had hit him just now, and it felt right.

This guy has been split in two by him from top to bottom, but now....this is Marco's brother??

"This birdman pretty boy, do you know your net worth? (???)?"

Leonardo smiled and said towards the fire in the air, he didn't take the matter of being split in half by this guy just now, and looked at the fire as if he saw a ticket.

After all, after dealing with pirates for so many years, the pirates do not talk about martial arts and play sneak attacks. He has gone from the atmosphere to numbness at the beginning. Even big names like Golden Lion and Rayleigh can not do sneak attacks with Bilian. what?

Yu Guang glanced at the battle of the head of the family in the distance, "Blowing Chicken", the dang-haired mother-in-law was dying in the blood, I don't know if it was locked in the last drop of blood, it would not die, the long-haired stupid elephant The net worth is too low, and now it is not worthwhile to slap on it. The boss of the three disasters, Huo Jin, has enough net worth. Although he has not reached the peak yet, with the addition of "Blowing Chicken", there is still a few more than 200 million that he has earned before. Guy, enough to ease his financial stress.

This fire, he has settled!

Teacher Kaido can't stop...


"How is it possible, I clearly saw...""

"What the hell is going on, can this guy be killed? ∑(?n?II)"

Seeing that the one-eyed dragon, who was clearly cut in half by the fire in front of their eyes, stood there intact and asked the other party's net worth with a smile. forced.

They saw it with their own eyes just now, the fire ember suddenly appeared above this guy, followed by a sword, and they didn't realize that the guy was split in half, don't watch the playback five seconds ago!

"This guy...(⊙_⊙)"

And Xiao Ma, who has no opponents after being abandoned by the fire, also saw this scene. Because he has been protecting his eyes for many years, his eyesight has been maintained at 5.0 or more all year round. The space eyes flashed past the familiar green color just now. The light was captured by the vision of his space eye.

A quite familiar figure appeared in his mind. This figure was wearing a straight white suit, with a scabbard around his waist, a big sword with several big gems that was very precious at first glance, and a big cloak of justice behind him. With slightly curly brown hair and a pretty face that threatens the reader's father, the handsome and handsome Marine is Vice Admiral.

The same cheap appearance, the same recovery ability than him...

Isn't he really that bastard? (⊙_⊙)?.

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