Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

248. Kaido-sama, Boss Jhin is gone!

"Stop! 35

"Pfft! 55

"You bastard, are you still here? If you don't fight back, it's just like labor and capital? (▼~▼ㄨ)"

"call out!""

"Pfft! 99


Leonardo was also photographed with anger. After pulling out the ancestral sword of kindness to block Kaido's powerful blow, double Haki wrapped around the sword of kindness, completely dyeing the sword of kindness black. The black energy was surging like a surging high, and it was a knife to Teacher Kaido's knee. The depth of this knife made Teacher Kaido at least lose a meniscus.

Although the knee was hit hard, Kaido-sensei, who was already in a fit of rage, seemed to be smashing the mace in his hand as if he couldn't feel it.

"Made bastard, I won't kill you today, I'll be your son-in-law!! (♥~▼#)"

"call out!


The scoop was opened again by a stick. Although Leonardo was instantly repaired by the vitality of the blasting sky, it was still very painful at that moment. Teacher Kaido who broke out is still very sharp, especially the super mace. It's a human weapon, Kaido-sensei's attacks are not like Garp, Whitebeard and others with their own true damage or crit characteristics

But with the super mace in his hand, the destructive power is really strong.

Leonardo, who had been cut too many times and lost his sense of pain, once again found the feeling of pain.

People are so cheap, I miss them when I lose them, but when I come back, the pain is unbearable...

"Boom boom boom...

"Puff, puff, puff...'"

Both of them are attacking masters. Ever since Leonardo knew that he had a system under his father's cover, the defensive key had been thrown by him for a long time. Kaido is also the person who threw away the defense key many years ago. Don't look at his rough skin and thick flesh. That's the devil fruit of other people. Afterwards, it is just the additional defensive power. In recent years, people have also played quite unrestrained, and they have never known what defense is.

The two of you gave me a blow, and I slashed you twice. The scene was extremely bloody, especially Leonardo, who was constantly being stabbed with a mixture of brain and blood all over his body, which made his scalp tingle when he looked at it, Mr. Kaido Although it is also bright red, but with dark skin and a large tattoo, it does not look as obvious as Leonardo.

"'s not scary, both of them are crazy...00~"Q"

In such a bloody and shocking scene, some pirates who were almost psychologically weak had their feet weak, and sat on the ground with their teeth shaking.

Although they are either beating people or being hacked all the year round, the people who have been hacked are almost always killed with one knife, even if they watch a few more knives, the scene in front of them is not as bloody. The second scoop, and Kaido didn't know how many knives were cut by that Marine, but the two of them were still strong and madly standing like normal people.

The mother of Tait is not human anymore.

The so-called hard ones are afraid of being ruthless, and those who are ruthless are afraid of dying, these two people made it clear that they are so desperate!

"Curry Vice Admiral, stop being a son-in-law, the goods are here!??)?month?(?"

Just when Leonardo and Mr. Kaido were standing madly to attract everyone's attention, Dominic supported everyone to not pay attention and quietly put the comatose fire on him, and saw that everyone was caught by the boss and Mr. Kaido's stand. Lu was attracted, money moved people's hearts, wealth was at risk, and he looked at the big boss of the Pirate League, who had been coveted by the boss for a long time. In order to live up to the good intentions of the boss, Nick quietly moved to the side of "Blowing Chicken" and gave him a bottle of blue potion in a hurry, then packed it up and took it away.

After returning to their little tin boat, I saw the boss and the Kaido pirates standing madly. According to the degree of madness between the two, it must be a protracted battle, but this is not their Marine home. If the boss is finally tired and paralyzed , they can't even leave. Seeing that the boss is already on top, they seem to have forgotten their original intention of coming to New World.

He quickly took out a big loudspeaker and shouted at the boss, blinking frantically at the boss.



"Bastard Kaido, you're lucky, you still have important things to do, your daughter doesn't need to get married, I'll do you again next time! (ㄏㄟ▼ㄨ)"

"Mr. Pirates, I have disturbed your Yaxing, the green hills will not change, the green water will flow, see you in the future...

Hearing Dominic's voice, Leonardo woke up like a dick, right! Isn't he here to make money? Then he looked at the direction of "Blowing Chicken", which was still hanging, and "Blowing Chicken" was gone. Now, when he saw Dominic winking frantically at him again, he understood. He walked around, dodging the stick that came down from Mr. Kaido and took the opportunity to step on the Moonwalk to leave and return to the small iron sheet, and saw Mr. Kaido's red eyes sticking out. The one who didn't give up wanted to chase after him, his eyes signaled the little brother Pachuan to slam the accelerator to full power, and the little iron felt as if he had installed a rocket propeller and left the battlefield in mid-air. He waved to the stunned pirates around him, patted Slap ass and go.

Gently I go, just as I come gently, without taking away a cloud...


The surrounding pirate Galami gave way to let Marine, a madman like Kaido, leave, and then saw that the little dot was about to disappear on the sea, and everyone was full of question marks.

By the way, what is this Marine doing here??

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, you can see the question mark in each other's eyes, in retrospect, that guy seems to have come to them to beat the three disasters of the Beasts Pirates, and then had a fight with Kaido, as if There's really nothing left.

But... Although this Marine (Zhao Nuo's) is a bit weird, he's a desperate lunatic, but he shouldn't be mad, right?

Came to New World just to have a fight with Kaido?

"" "Boss Kaido! It's not good, Lord Jhin is gone!!!! 00Q"

Just when everyone was at a loss, the younger brother of Beasts Pirates broke the brief silence with a loud cry.

Nani?! What's up? LJ »


Kaido, who was still angry, was still annoyed that the Marine bastard dared to hit his "son"'s attention, and suddenly heard that his head horse was gone, and his face darkened instantly.

"The third head and the big head are gone!! (?Month?)/"

Before waiting for the younger brother of Beasts Pirates to speak, the younger brother of the Pirates League also shouted.

"Not good! Our captain is also missing...(?month?)/"


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