Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

249. All got fucked by that bastard Marine!

As the voice of the younger brother of the Pirate League sounded, some of the younger brothers of the pirate group also found that their captain was missing. It would be fine if he died, but the special one didn't find the body either!

"...this kid. -_-||"

Seeing this situation, Whitebeard had a black line. He didn't know what the Marine kid was doing here. During this time, because of their New World fight, the price of a group of people skyrocketed, attracting many bounty hunters, but He really didn't expect this kid to come to New World to make money, too shameless.

In the human history where Marine appeared, there has never been a Marine who could do such a thing, and this kid is the first!

"That damn brat, wake up Jack and Quinn, and go with labor to save people! (`▼_▼)"

Whitebeard thought about it. Although Mr. Kaido is reckless, he is not a fool. He doesn't know that it must be that Marine kid, and his lungs are about to explode.

He said, how could this Marine kid stop and leave suddenly, he was able to hold it even in overtime, that kid was alive and kicking, and he didn't look like his feet were soft.

It turns out that this little devil is trying his own way, attracting everyone's attention by himself, and then letting his little brother steal people away quietly.

Tai Te Niang is despicable!

He Kaido never cared about his younger brother, because in New World, as long as he has money and land, he is afraid that he will not have a younger brother?

However, Jhin, Quinn and Jack are different from the others. He raised them as sons, especially Jhin, since his "silly son" didn't want to inherit his business and started his own business. Jhin is the heir he cultivated, but why can't he let Marine really slap Jhin, his Kaido's head horse was slaughtered by Marine and couldn't save people, how will Kaido get along in the sea in the future?

Then Kaido-sensei waved his hand, and the fight was no longer here, and he chased after him with Beasts Pirates.

"Bastard Marine, let's save the captain too! (ㄏㄟㄨ)"

With Mr. Kaido taking the lead, a group of pirates who lost contact with the captain followed Mr. Kaido aggressively.

The captain is gone, and the big brother Mao is still here!

"The third master, shall we go too?"

On the Pirate Alliance side, the big boss lost contact, and the second boss pirates continued to be killed. The younger brother who was the first to find that the big boss lost contact could only ask the third boss, who was also injured.

The other younger brothers also looked over. Now that the big boss has been slapped, the second boss is still alive, but he was tortured miserably by Byrnndi. World, and I don’t know if it can still be done.

At this time, this kind of internal chaos was formed by the alliance of various pirate groups, and internal problems came out. In fact, some people did not want to go. After all, they also saw the horror of the Marine and Kaido station just now. Even Whitebeard brought the whole No one from the Pirates can save people at Naval Headquarters, not to mention they, after all, their captain is still alive, asking why they have to die for other Pirates.

Those who are clamoring to go are their own captains who have been slapped, can they not go?

"Go? The Whitebeard Pirates couldn't even penetrate the Naval Headquarters last time, so what's the use of us going? Kaido can't be killed, can you? (^∇X)"

"The first thing we think about now is that the big boss is gone, and the second boss won't be around for long. The so-called snake without a head can't do it. Such a big alliance must have a person with both political integrity and ability to lead us on. .

The third leader of the Pirate League glared at the younger brother angrily, then stood up and started spitting wildly at the younger brothers.

Just kidding, I finally survived until the boss is gone, and the second child is still being abused there. If you don't take the position at this time, why do you go to save people?

Got a hole in your brain?

. Let's go and make an appointment next time.

Mr. Kaido left the stage with a group of pirates (cceg) who lost contact with the boss. The atmosphere was so much troubled by the Marine kid that he couldn't fight anymore. Whitebeard bored his beloved knife and said to the fat lady Charlotte, Ignoring Byrnndi. World and the second leader of the One Piece League, who had been beaten all the time, turned around and left.

But in my mind, I have to make those fuck sons smarter in the future. That Marine kid can come to New World once for the purpose of making money, so there must be two or three times. He has too many fuck sons. Come over, stay by his side in the end, so as not to be topped by that Marine kid.

"...Let's go too!"

Fat Charlotte also ignored Byrnndi. World, who was still showing off, and returned to her car to greet her children to leave.

"Deputy captain, what should I do? (⊙_⊙)?"

The League of Pirates had already been electing someone to speak to, and the rest of the Ward Pirates looked at their giant ship, which had been torn apart by Kaido and that bastard Marine.

That bastard Kaido went after that bastard Marine kid to save people, I guess there will be another Marineford battle later, and now go to Kaido to ask for debts?

Kaido was so scary just now, I don't know if their boss can do it...

Big news! Marine "Undead Vice Admiral" green fox broke into the New World battlefield, stood up to Kaido of the Beasts, and slapped more than a dozen New World pirates at one time, including a former pirate alliance talker "Blowing" Chicken "Shadan, the first person under the Beasts Pirates Kaido, the fire ember of the first of the three plagues!

At present, the Beasts Pirates and a group of pirates who have lost their captains are united as a coalition and are preparing to leave the New World for the first half of the Grand Line!

"Damn it! That Marine pretty boy is so fierce? He fucked more than a dozen times at a time, and even stood up with that monster Kaido!! ∑(?a?)"

The story of New World's scramble has always been at its peak, and it also affects the sales volume of news media and newspapers. Basically, every issue of a newspaper is just released and distributed all over the world, and it is sold out in less than ten minutes. Marine, a pirate or an amateur, has been paying attention to this passionate fight in New World during this time.

After all, this big scuffle has become so big, and so many New World pirates have skyrocketed in value. It's impossible not to pay attention, and who doesn't have a dream of making a fortune!

But when they saw the headline on today's newspaper headlines, they were all shocked!

That Marine pretty boy is so fierce, as Marine not only dares to enter the center of the New World battlefield at this time, but also stands with Kaido, and has also slapped so many big pirates, not only Kaido of the Beasts' top horse, but also Kaido. The One Piece League talks about people... that's not right! Everyone who talked about it before has slapped it, Tai Te Niang's sturdy!.

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