Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

250. Marine pretty boys can get along with Kaido!

It can be said that they have watched this Marine pretty boy debut until now, from the very beginning of the Wall battle to the Marineford battle, this Marine pretty boy all revealed a sultry temperament, even if this guy is one of the four Marine monsters One, MarineF4 member, even if he fooled the mindless Wanokuni rich Second Generation in the New World to stand up with him or Marineford and Hawkeye stand up, although the record is very good, maybe the first impression is too deep, this guy gave them The impression has always been on the two aspects of being bold and incapable of killing. Now I am reading this news, it is said that this Marine handsome boy stationed Kaido of the Beasts at one time. At one time, there are more than ten New World pirates, and these people still have The recent rise in the New World can be regarded as a powerful talker of the Pirate League and Kaido's leader, the head of the three disasters, Huo Jin, they suddenly came over, time flies so fast, it has been several years in a blink of an eye, This Marine pretty boy has grown to this point.

Hanging out with Kaido of the Beasts?

What is that concept?

Kaido of the Beasts is notoriously tough. Since his debut, he has been arrested by Marine no less than ten times. His defense and vitality are beyond imagination. Even the so-called strongest creature is not wrong. Although this Marine is also a violent person, but due to the shape and age, they still can't compare with Kaido when they want to come.

After all, Kaido's record of being arrested by Marine and executed many times without dying is really brilliant. This Marine's debut time is too short, and although the record is not bad, it is still a lot worse than Kaido's record over the years. In New World, only Kaido dares to go to the base camp to go solo every time a group starts. Such play is barbaric, vulgar, and has no tactics at all, but it is often barbaric, vulgar, and has no tactics. Yan's style of play can put a lot of psychological pressure on the opponent.

They didn't bring a single younger brother to their hometown to start a group, and they couldn't do anything? If the younger brother of the family joined together when the group started, would they still fight like this?

Kaido's record is too many, and he is a fighting maniac himself, the world-famous heads-up king, on the other hand, this Marine's record is too small, so everyone will not compare them together, but Now the two have worked in New World, although there is no result, but most people know that it should be five or five, otherwise a brutal person like Kaido, if he can't beat him, he would have been thrown into the sea and fed to Sea. Kings are here!

At this moment, all the talents began to face up to this sassy Marine in a real sense. Not only did he have a sharp mouth, but his strength was also so arrogant!


Naval Headquarters, the first brother's office, Kong suddenly slapped his old face hard.

What was he thinking in the first place?

This kid is short of money.... Then find some reasons to give him more bonuses! Anyway, the money is also from Celestial Dragons, so it doesn't hurt to spend it.

Knowing that this kid will always hit hard when facing pirates, why didn't he call him back when he knew he was going to New World and let him be troubled by the aftermath?

it's good now?

Kong looked at the movement of the pirate alliance headed by Kaido's Beasts Pirates in his hand, and he really regretted it!

With their joint efforts during this period of time, Marine finally controlled the situation between the first half of the Grand Line and the four seas. Of course, it does not mean that all those pirates have been finished. Today, the times are still running rampant. The first half and the four seas The pirates are still emerging in an endless stream. The term "controlling the situation" here means that they have passed the chaos in the early stage of the rampage of the times, and have roughly adapted to the rhythm of today's times. Those pirates are not as high as they were at the beginning. Compared with the order of the world, it was much more stable at the beginning.

As long as he continued and maintained this rhythm, he could safely hand Marine over to Sengoku and go to Mariejois as an official to enjoy the rest of his life.

But now, this "love general" has caused this incident to him in New World.

Please report in the newspaper that "Love General" can have a good time with Kaido. He is very happy about this. The next generation of their Marine has finally grown up. Although his tenure has entered the countdown, in the future, their Marine power will reach its peak. At the time, he was the founder, and whenever I thought of this, a sense of pride was born in my heart!

・・・・Seeking flowers・

But what "Love General" did in New World, he is so worried that Moxie's head can't stand up now, how worried he is!

Kaido's Beasts Pirates are not as strong as the Whitebeard Pirates. Even the Beasts Pirates and those pirates that don't even have a boss form a pirate coalition, in his opinion, it's just a bunch of rabble. What's in this coalition?

Except for Kaido, a super-giant, everyone else who can fight, Plague Quinn? Jack the Drough? is just Kizaru's moving target, not worth mentioning at all. There was one from Red Line before. The fire of the race let him take a look. Now all the fires have been slapped by his "love general", and there is only one Kaido left in the Beasts Pirates. As for those pirate groups whose bosses have been slapped, he is too lazy to watch, Purely a bunch of soy sauce.


Although Kaido is super giant, can he be stronger than Whitebeard?

Kaido is not as fierce as Whitebeard, but there is one thing, Kaido is more troublesome than Whitebeard. Since he took the position of Marine's brother, Kaido has been arrested countless times, but Kaido's defense is too high and his vitality is too strong. It's stinky and hard like a stone, it can't kill him at all, even Garp with his own real injuries can't kill this guy, throwing him in Impel down is a waste of food, so so many times Kaido runs away from them They also turned a blind eye and pretended they didn't see it, as long as this guy didn't provoke their Marine, let him go if he wanted to. In the New World, their Marine's strength was quite weak, and they couldn't do anything to Kaido.

But now his "love general" actually "hooked" Kaido, a disgusting thing that didn't pay for his life, to come and slap them Marine, then he really has to fight again, it doesn't matter if he fights, but they really can't find it The way to kill Kaido, even the big brain in the science department that surpassed the world's technology for 500 years can't find a way to kill Kaido

With Kaido's character, the trouble will definitely continue, and that's when the real trouble begins. …

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