Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

259. When was Kaido's eloquence so good?

"I don't even know, let alone bring people here, as many as you can bring. Sabaody will temporarily hand over the ground to the World government, and I will also control Akainu and Kizaru.39

Mickey's side is also anxious, and now his boss is still arguing with Kaido to delay the time, the two sides have not started fighting, he must hurry up to shake people.

This Kaido is also a hell of a lot. I haven't seen him for more than ten years. When did his eloquence become so good, he could actually open up to a postdoc like Sengoku Admiral...

"...Keep those tables for now, go back and shake people, all that can be played, bring the guys to the port in five minutes.

Putting down the phone bug, Leonardo said to Dominic with a dignified expression.

This plot seems to have deviated from the track of the original book. Kaido's Beasts Pirates should not have many younger brothers before he took the position. He also saw it in New World last time, and it is only a few boats. The New World is a time when a lot of heroes are fighting for each other. It is different from the future when the Four Emperors ruled. The market for professional juniors is too hot. Teacher Kaido's reputation is not very good. It is difficult to recruit those professional juniors. It is also impossible for him to spend so much money to hire a professional younger brother at a high salary.

In the current situation that the top four have been sacked and returned to 790 and left a Whitebeard, although Kaido teacher's Beasts Pirates ranks among the top giants, it is true, but there is also the Pirate League and a group of New World pirates. Kaido-sensei's territory is far less than ten years later, at least he hasn't knocked down Wanokuni yet.

Where did he get the money to collect so many little brothers.

This matter seems to be out of the plot he is familiar with. Originally, he thought that Teacher Kaido should have reached the throne of the Four Emperors step by step in the ten years since the beginning of the great era, and slowly rose. To the stomach...Bah! One step to the rhythm!

Five minutes later, the No. 60 port was full of upright Uncle Marine, standing on the deck of his Green Fox and looking down, Leonardo couldn't help but arouse a burst of pride, no wonder so many people in the world like to fight for the boss , this feeling is really good, it is the first time in his two lives that he has taken so many people to kill people. It's short, but there has never been such a big battle in the past. When West Blue was besieging the wretched man of Baroric Redfield, he also brought an opponent once, but to be honest, West Blue's Marine It can't really compare with the Marine of the Grand Line, it's just too different in spirit.

If the Marine uncles from West Blue were to kill Mr. Kaido, they would probably have to piss their pants just to hear it, and now his group of younger brothers knew that they were going to kill Mr. Kaido. Not cowardly!

"You already know the goal this time. Our goal is the Beasts Pirates who slipped out of the New World. The Beasts Pirates have been known for their ferocity for many years. This time the departure is full of crises. Come out, it is enough to have your heart. If you go, I will apply for a settlement fee for you. If you survive this battle, I will take credit for you!

Leonardo looked at a group of younger Marines who were younger than him, and some were only a few years older than him.

"Swear to the death to uphold justice!!!(('-_-)-_-)-_-)"

There was a brief silence for two seconds. The younger Marine below raised his head, chest, stomach and hips. Not only did no one stand up, but a loud roar of fighting spirit spread throughout the sky over Port No. 60.

Just kidding, the boss said that this is for the sake of it. In front of so many people, even the only son in the family has no face to stand up, and they are surrounded by their companions. If all their companions are in, they dare not play. , When these people are lucky to come back one or two, how will they mix in the future...

People are fighting for a breath, and Buddha is fighting for a stick of incense. Even if you are really afraid of death at this time, you have to bite the bullet!

"Very good! I am very pleased with everyone's fighting spirit. When I see that I don't need to force me too much, just cut to the death and come back alive to give you credit!"

"Set off!

Leonardo looked relieved, no matter how many of these people really stayed. On the battlefield, if you don't hack the enemy to death, the enemy will hack you to death. At that time, the big white pig can also become a jackal!


"Curry Vice Admiral, or... let me go too?"

After Dominic ordered, he came to Leonardo with eager eyes.

If it was in the past, in such a large-scale team battle, he would definitely hide if he could, but if he couldn't hide, he would find an opportunity to play dead behind his companions, but since the last New World battle, he had tasted the taste of seeking wealth in danger. Ideas change.

Such a large-scale team battle looks very dangerous, but it is also a big opportunity. If you play a little better and enter the eyes of the leader, as long as you don't die, you will have a great chance of getting closer in the future, especially if he is still covered by the boss, he is safe. The coefficient is much higher than others, and he really doesn't want to miss such an opportunity.

But the boss didn't know what kind of medicine he was taking. Sengoku Admiral's lieutenant, Mickey Rear Admiral, said to bring anyone who could fight, but the boss let him stay in Sabaody.

Can he play too?

"You are just too shallow to see clearly, think about it, why did that big guy Kaido come here for the first half? Isn't it just to save his little brother? Why was his little brother slapped? Isn't it because of us? We are already on Kaido's blacklist, I don't care, give Kaido two nukes and he can't kill me, but you're such a weak chicken, you're still not targeted by the Beasts Pirates, and we're all gone, those big guys Wouldn't the tax paid by the rich next month be cheaper than the bastards of the World Government? You have to stay here to help me collect the bills, the great era has begun, you see that there are so many pirates in the sea now, you are afraid that there will be no chance in the future ?You are now a Rear Admiral, and there is no special reason why you can't rise in the near future, just listen to me honestly, I will protect you as Vice Admiral in two years! 35

Looking at this guy's eagerness to try, Leonardo didn't know what to say.

If this guy is a little stronger, he will bring this guy to the level of Dauberman. After all, this guy has been following him since his debut, and he didn't go to West Blue with him, no matter what. If you don't give him a chance, who else can you give.

But the key is that this guy's strength is too good. I guess his talent points are all about internal affairs. He obviously ate Devil Fruit. As a result, apart from being immune to some simple bludgeoning blows, his strength has not changed at all. Isn't it a gift....

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