Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

260. This is the legendary Wendou?

"...Curry Vice Admiral, you're such a comforter..."

Listening to Leonardo's persuasion, Dominic burst into tears. Although he knew that the boss was concerned about him, why did this sound so sad.

He really wants to tell the boss that he is no longer a weak chicken, but think about the picture of the boss and Kaido standing together..

Well, he's a weakling.

But even if he is a weak chicken, don't say it in front of so many people~?

I don't want to - face it...

"Sorry, don't take it to heart if I speak so directly, the opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared, if you are not ready yet, it is no use to go, it is better to settle down and settle down, with me covering, Are you still afraid of no chance? 99

Leonardo also felt that his words were also a blow to others. Even if they are weak, there is no need to speak directly. Be a little more euphemistic...

He found that since he was covered by the system father, he has become more and more surging, completely contrary to what his father taught him when he was a child... Well, correct it next time.

"Okay, take a good look at your home, and remember to keep an eye on your next month's taxes, and you mustn't be cheap, the officials from the World Government..."

The boys all got on the boat, Leonardo patted Dominic on the shoulder and told him to get off the boat with a wave of thugs.

Go! Fuck Kaido-sensei go....

"Sengoku, why did you let go of the younger brother who didn't give up labor?! (♥~▼ㄨ)"

In the sea next to Sabaody Land, Kaido stood on the bow of the boat, with one foot on the bow, carrying a mace in one hand and pointing at Sengoku on the opposite side of the giant Marine, one size smaller than his car, while stuck. Time to say hi.

If it were his previous temper, not to mention that he now has more people than his opponents, even if he is less than his opponents, he would have done it a long time ago, but now that he has realized his epiphany, he is no longer the one he was in the past, don't look at it. He has a lot of people now, but there are not many who can really fight. In addition to the kid playing with ice cubes, there is a group of Marine elites on Sengoku's giant wheel.

In order to maintain the current re-established character design, it is impossible not to treat the younger brother as a human being as before, otherwise the newly established character design will collapse...

So he was waiting, and then dragged the time for a while, and when it was about time, he had a little fight with Sengoku. After Quinn and the others rescued Jin, he immediately returned to New World and continued to have a chemical reaction with Charlotte fat woman.

New World is his home ground, and there is nothing to gain from playing with Marine here, which is not in line with their current strategic development of the Beasts Pirates...

“Marine bastard, let go!!!(`▼_▼)”


As soon as Kaido opened his mouth, the stupid long-haired elephant beside him and the pirate brothers around him also started to coax, pointing at Marine who was surrounded by them.

The long-haired stupid elephant is strange that the performance art of the boss today is very different from the previous one, and it was a fight earlier in the past, but today both sides have entered the venue for a long time. And his second brother Quinn seems to have been gone for a long time. I don't know where to go, but his brain capacity doesn't allow him to think too much.

If you can't think of it, you don't want to, anyway, what the boss does, he will do what he does! 3

"Don't let it go, don't let it go...(^x)"

Sengoku was also talking to Kaido while holding a pocket watch and secretly stuck the time, calculating when Little Curry and Kizaru would arrive at the battlefield. Before Kizaru and Little Curry did not enter the field, the enemy's head count had the upper hand, and they could not start the fight. It's better not to fight, those little brothers are nothing, Marine will make up for a settling fee when they die, and they will have to help deal with the aftermath. Anyway, since he helped the Five Elders fight everything last time, they Marine is still quite rich. .

But flying squirrels, Huoshaoshan, the mainstays of Marine's future, if one or two die, it will be enough for him to feel distressed. In two years, he will be the first brother. These people are his chips in the future, and he can't lose it here. .

So I don't know why Kaido changed his normal behavior and kept talking to him, but he was happy to keep talking with Kaido.


Uncle Marine behind Sengoku also echoed loudly. They were all top students taught by Zephyr, and the ghost spider with the lowest culture also entered the pass line, so they knew that although their number was smaller than the other, their momentum, The voice must not be weaker than the opponent's. Once the momentum is weak at this time, the innate will lose.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・


Only Kuzan was snoring and looked listlessly at the old mothers on both sides. It wasn't that he didn't want to join in, but it really didn't fit his personality. He knew that he should have been in Sabaody with Leonardo. That guy has changed positions, and now a battlefield like this is best for him...

"Made, don't be ashamed, now I have so many people that I can't hear what you are saying, the labor and management are asking you once, whether to let them go... (2X)"

Mr. Kaido's eyes are stuck for a second, now he has counted to 12,546, and when he counts to 30,000, Quinn and the others have almost succeeded, um... There is still half of the time, continue to procrastinate!


Wait! Where did you count?

Forget it, count, two, three...

"When you become a Marine, there is no fear of death. Quantity does not represent quality! If you don't put it, you won't put it! (^∇X)"

Sengoku glanced at the time on the pocket watch. Little Curry's Sabaody is the closest to here. According to the displacement of those ordinary warships in Sabaody, the time of Mickey and the distance between the two places... It will take about half an hour, Kizaru The speed is fast, but Akainu can't keep up with the younger brothers, at least 40 minutes.

keep dragging....

"Made, will you let it go...(^∇X)"

"If you don't let it go, let it go! (▼~▼ㄨ)"

"Don't let me fuck you! (^∇X)"

"Come on, I haven't practiced for more than ten years, let me see if you have improved...(^▼x)"

Originally, the two sides were collectively scolding the street. Over time, the two bosses seemed to be on top, and they didn't wait for the younger brother behind him to agree with each other. The two directly accused each other, standing in the middle of their respective bows. .

The younger brothers on both sides were numb.

What the hell is this? Are the two bosses planning to win or lose?

This is the legendary Wendou?(⊙_⊙)? One.

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