Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

272. Teacher Kaido can actually play routines

"Omg...! This is still alive, is this fuck off?!∑(?A?I)"

Looking at Teacher Kaido, who is still alive and full of energy, everyone in front of the big screen is full of mouths.

With the previous level of attack, Kaido was still alive, and everyone no longer knew what language to use to describe the mood at this time.

Even some people who knew how hard Mr. Kaido's life was had already imagined that Mr. Kaido would not be beaten, but when they actually saw this scene, they were still shocked. It was too much. Exaggerated, look at Teacher Kaido's current appearance, how embarrassed and embarrassed, the body has been deformed, and one of the two majestic horns on the head has also been broken.

But at this level, Kaido teacher is still firm.

"What a monster!! 35

Kizaru helped his glasses, which was already tilted. Although he was still in a casual tone, his eyes under the glasses were extremely solemn. He could clearly feel the power of the little brother's super powerful move at close range. To be honest, even if It was Whitebeard who was beaten violently by the eight punches, and it is estimated that he would also be beaten, but this Kaido person is so deformed, but looking at his 22 steps that are firm and powerful in every step, we know that Kaido looks miserable, but in reality. There is nothing serious about it. According to Kaido's resilience, he estimates that it will not take long for him to recover as before, and he is indeed the strongest animal in the world.

"Little devil, are you tired? Next is me. (∇^▼X)"


At this time, Kaido teacher came to the Senju Buddha step by step in the huge dragon-shaped flame wrap, and the flame, Haki wrapped around the super big stick in his hand, and sent a powerful shock wave to the Senju Buddha.

"Ouch! Come, come, whoever falls today is the son! (▼~▼ㄨ)"

"Turn into a Buddha on the top! Fuck him! `(●-A'-)/"

"Boom 1"

"Boom...! 55

Leonardo saw Teacher Kaido come again, and this time he seemed to be making a big move. He also continued to endure the exhaustion and continued to control the countless fists of Senju Buddha and continued to swipe at Teacher Kaido.

"Boom boom boom...

This time, the head-to-head confrontation between the two sides was more violent than the last time. Teacher Kaido, who was the size of an ant in front of the Senju Buddha, was really ruthless this time. The flames that came with the attack came out from the super big stick, and a series of big explosions occurred. Kaido-sensei is really on top this time.

Teacher Kaido just let those fists slam on him in the rain of sharp fists like raindrops, and kept swinging with a super big stick in his hand. The strength of the attack is always tingling.

"Boss!! 35


Just when Teacher Kaido was in love with the Senju Buddha who was summoned by Leonardo, a voice came from the sky in the distance and made everyone look towards the voice.

Good guy! I saw a big black bird that was burning with flames all the time in the distance, holding a chubby spiritual boy in one paw, and a pirate ship flying towards them in the other paw.

"Huh? That's not it.


"The fire of the Beasts Pirates. Embers?!(⊙_⊙)?"

"Yeah, the pterosaur fruit in ancient Zoan, fire. Jhin, it should be him, but isn't he already slapped by Marine pretty boy? What's the situation?"

This chubby spiritual guy wearing small sunglasses has not yet been recognized by the others. Their eyes are all attracted by the huge body of the toothless pterosaur, which is still on fire. Few people know, the first person under Beasts Pirates Kaido, Fire Cinder, maybe few people knew about it before, but this time Marine pretty boy made this wave in New World, as a way to let Teacher Kaido lead people out of New World The protagonist, everyone naturally needs to understand it well. It is also difficult to remember the Devil Fruit of Fire Cinders, the bounty and the like, especially a toothless pterosaur that can only catch fire.

However, everyone had a question mark on their faces. Wasn't the fire ember slapped by Marine, why is it here now?

"Huh? Look, the fat man on Huo Jin's claws looks familiar, who is it?

Some people observed it more closely, and saw the fat man on Huo Jin's claws.

"I know, the plague Quinn, one of the three plagues... Naoga! No wonder I said that among the people in the Beasts Pirates, I always feel that something is missing?"

"I saw Jack the Drough in one of the three disasters just now. This epidemic didn't come out from the beginning to the end. Did he go to save people?"

"It looks like it should be, Kaido and the others attract Marine's attention, and then let the epidemic sneak to save people......

"Fuck! Kaido can play routines too!! ∑(⊙v⊙a"

People who thought of this were all dumbfounded, especially in New World, those big pirates stared dumbfounded at the big screen. The body was almost deformed, and a horn was missing from his head, but it did not affect his temperament to the boss in the slightest. The Kaido teacher even seemed to be a little proud to them.

All pirates who have been in New World for two years know that Kay 807 teacher has always been a representative figure of the savage. Ba Nao's routine, and there are no decent think tank heroes in Beasts Pirates, Fire Ember is the brain of Beasts Pirates.

But this time, the fire ember was slapped by that bastard Marine. Everyone thought that Kaido couldn't play any tricks in saving people this time. He could only face Marine hard steel like Whitebeard before. Can he save people? It's all up to God.

But now, after seeing Fire Ember and Plague Quinn appear at the same time, and guessing this wave of routines, even the big pirates of New World are dumbfounded.

Kaido is drinking too much Melatonin to become smarter or the muscles in his brain are gradually shrinking, so he knows how to play routines!

It's a good move, a good set of darkness and Chencang......Huh? This tactic seems to be a bit familiar. (⊙_⊙)?

(O_O). …

Leonardo, who was standing on the Senju Buddha, was also dumbfounded. Like the surrounding Uncle Marine and the pirate brother, they looked at Kaido, who was a little proud by the intellectual halo, and even forgot to control the Senju Buddha.

Tai Te Niang's unscientific, Kaido teacher actually played the routine, the key is to really give them the routine......

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