Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

273. The dignified Marine The Resourceful General was actually tricked by Kaido!

Leonardo slid down from the head of the Senju Buddha, came to Kaido teacher, and looked carefully from top to bottom, from left to right.

Isn't Kaido-sensei being pierced by a human soul?

Otherwise, Mr. Kaido, who has been running through the meaning of savage all his life, will actually use his brain, which is so unreal!


"Sengoku, the labor and management still have important matters, and I will come to you when I have time to settle the account today, let's go! (♥~▼ㄨ)"

"Hot breath!"

Originally, Kaido, who was at the top, only remembered his plan after hearing Quinn's voice. Then he saw the shocked expressions around him, from Sengoku to the Marine younger brother. A sour feeling suppressed by his IQ made him feel high. It was the first time I realized that IQ suppression was so cool.

But just before he floated for a long time, he saw the nasty bastard Marine looking at him with a hellish expression. From the eyes of this bastard Marine, he saw distrust, and Mr. Kaido's petty temper also came up, When I was about to continue working with this bastard Marine, I suddenly thought that generally intelligent people are more restrained and try not to do it. Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no point in fighting Marine, so I sprayed Leonardo in the face. Saliva, and after putting down harsh words at Sengoku, who was still in a stunned state, he turned into a giant dragon and rose into the sky, spewing a hot breath from his mouth, melting the frozen sea surface of Kuzan at the beginning, and returned to his car. He waved to the pirate brother, and the remaining pirate ship, which was still intact in the battle, was wrapped in a large bubble, and then slowly sank, disappearing into the sea in the eyes of a group of Marine uncles.

(O_O). …

At this time, Da Sengoku was still completely stunned by three points and shocked by seven points.

Kaido, this stupid big guy, can actually play routines?

This was something he had never thought about. As the famous Marine The Resourceful General, he was actually given a routine by Kaido, a stupid big man. This was something he had never thought about.

Originally, he was still thinking about Marshal Kong's orders. On the premise that their Marine didn't lose face, what method should be used to get Kaido to save the fire. It shouldn't be too obvious. If it was seen by others, they Marine. The image that was finally created may collapse, but it can't be too hidden. After all, Kaido's brain is full of muscles. If it's too hidden, he can't see it, it's useless.

But don't think about it now, Marshal Kong's mission is complete, the fire has been rescued by Kaido, and their Marine image is still there, and in this battle, little Curry suddenly broke out, and his image has improved a lot, Kaido is indeed It was blocked without going into the first half.

But the special mother, he will be ashamed!

Now the whole world sees that he is well-known as Marine The Resourceful General, and he was given a routine by Kaido, the two idiots full of muscles in his brain!

Who would have thought, who would have imagined that a two fool who is full of muscles and can only act recklessly would actually play such an advanced routine!

Really are..

Sengoku clenched his teeth tightly, his teeth were about to be shattered by him, and his hands were clenching his fists tightly.

But I think that Kaido's bastard is a little strong like little Curry. Even if he doesn't die, he might make a mess. Now they also have a heavy responsibility on Marine. There is no need to mess with a troublesome guy like Kaido. In the end Reason still defeated the little devil in his heart, Sengoku let out a long hiss.

Forget it, there's still a chance...

"Sengoku Admiral, that bastard from Kaido dares to play with you, I'll chase after you and catch that idiot back to vent your anger! (▼^▼ㄨ~*)"

Just as Sengoku calmed down, Leonardo came to the giant ship and saw that Sengoku's face changed twelve times a second, and immediately jumped out with the same hatred, and said eagerly.

The little gold card was taken away by the stinky girls in Gion, and only a little black card was left for him, which always made him tie his hands. Stand tall and be a man, because he has done so much in the New World before, it is not easy to re-enter the New World, but now is an opportunity.


Huoshaoshan with a lot of colors hanging around him and others looked at him with a black line, stop, you almost killed us if you went around New World, come back...-_ -||

....No need, it's fine for Kaido to go back. Now the most important thing for us Marines is to maintain the order of the first half and the world. We will talk about New World later, you can't go to New World in private.

Sengoku looked at Leonardo who was eager to try and didn't know what he was thinking. After waving his hand and finishing speaking, he could warn him.

This time Kaido's strength suddenly skyrocketed, which really gave him a jump. Fortunately, the muscles in Kaido's brain shrunk and became smarter. He knows how to play routines. If Kaido is still the Kaido who only knew how to do it when he comes up, then they don't know this wave. How many people are going to die, although he has lost face once, but such a result is still acceptable.

For Marine, personal honor is nothing.

Garp has carried so many blames over the years, he is just a small shame...

"...Received, I'll go back first if I have nothing to do, only Dominic is in Sabaody, I'm not worried...

Hearing Sengoku's words, Leonardo's face dropped instantly, his whole body turned gray and he walked back to his car. I hope Dominica can rely on the pressure of the officials from the World Government and not let them pay too much. many..

"Hey.... This time you can come to support in time, and I will help you apply for a bonus when you go back."

Sengoku looked at his eldest nephew who was staggering on his back, shook his head and said helplessly.

He has also heard some things about this kid. Although he is not a sword player, he also knows the cost of repairing the famous sword. Isn't Roger down for decades because of this dignified top four poverty? Although Gongbu is not the supreme sword, the repair of the sword (Zhao of Qian) is not something that this kid can support now.

"Sengoku Admiral, my sword is rolled up..."

The ghost spider on the side heard that there was a bonus, and immediately jumped out and raised his hand to speak, and then looked at Sengoku pitifully.

This time is not the time to be ashamed, and the repair of a good knife and fifty workers is not something that Rear Admiral can sustain.

Originally, he planned to take the ID card to borrow money, but he didn't expect the bonus.... so happy!

"Sengoku Admiral, mine too....

"And I...

The ghost spider jumped out, and the others couldn't hold it any longer.


Big Sengoku looked at a group of eager eyes, and wished he could give himself a face, Mad, was too angry with the two fools of Kaido, his IQ has dropped, and he has to drink two pairs of pig brain tonic...(-_ -)/.

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