Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

276. When the labor and management come, the finale is not yet

"Ah! 35


In a small town in West Blue, Shanks, who was waiting for his ship to be built and ready to go out to sea to find like-minded friends, sneezed several times in a row in order to not be a son-in-law and vowed to do something big.

"Have a cold? (⊙_⊙)?"

Shanks rubbed his nose, an ominous feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, and he stared blankly at the blue sky.

Did someone miss him? Or did someone curse him?

Not only do I think of the innocent girl that night when Mariejois was on the scene... In fact, that girl looks okay, she doesn't have the domineering and oppressive feeling of other Celestial Dragons girls, it's hard to think of a fat head. Er, how could Zhu Yuanyurun's father give birth to such a contrasting daughter... If he didn't inherit the 807" straw hat on his head, he would be a son-in-law for Celestial Dragons, and be ashamed of that girl It's not bad to live together for a few years, inherit the billionaire fortune, and simply live a lifetime.

Anyway, he has no father or mother, so it's okay to be a door-to-door son-in-law, right?

But who made him inherit the captain's hat? In those few nights in Mariejois, every day he dreamed of the sunset, and the scene of the captain giving him a straw hat made him feel very guilty.

If a man doesn't make great achievements, why should his family be...

So it took several tons of saliva to fool Celestial Dragons and let him come out to "build a career".

This ominous feeling...Could it be that Celestial Dragons found themselves fooling him, ready to have him fucked?

But can't it? The IQ of that Celestial Dragons shouldn't be that high!!(⊙_⊙)?(⊙_⊙)

"Huh...Mad, I finally got rid of it.

At the port of Sabaody Archipelago, Leonardo watched the coffin board go away, wiped the sweat on his forehead, honest people are really not good at fooling, in order to fool Hawkeye, he smashed all the words of praise he had learned in his life. On the red-haired Shanks, what Poseidon Rayleigh believes is a once-in-a-hundred-year swordsmanship genius, in a word, Shanks are not born in heaven, and swordsmanship is as long as night...

He didn't stop talking until Hawkeye's eyes glowed red.

"Curry Vice Admiral, is that redhead really as fierce as you say? (⊙_⊙)?"

Hawkeye was sent away, but Dominic was already attracted by Leonardo's red-haired Shanks' words before, and after seeing Hawkeye gone, he couldn't help asking aloud.

"It's difficult, I'm bragging.... When the labor and management came over, there was no finale. The ghost knows how fierce that guy is, but that guy should be enough to deal with the eagle eye... No way! Let those auction houses help The labor and management should pay attention to the news of the Supreme Sword, just in case...-_-||"

Leonardo said with a black line, and then thought that after the red-haired Shanks, he seemed to have given up an arm in order to fool Garp's grandson. After that, Hawkeye didn't ask him to single out, the ghost knows if it will happen again at that time. He came to find him, so just in case, he still had to have a supreme big quick sword. In his current status, the 21st job of the big quick sword was indeed a bit of shame for the traveler.

Look at those colleagues, whoever does not have a super artifact in his hand, he is the most profitable, he is also a person with a systematic father, right?

"-_-||.... Curry Vice Admiral, a few years ago, a Celestial Dragons shouted over two billion yuan for a big knife, and even if we find the super knife, we can't afford it! Why not! Another trip to the New World?""

Dominic rolled his eyes to see that there was no one left or right, and suggested in a low voice.

Since he bought a big house in Sabaody and took over his new wife who had been separated for more than a year, he has felt a huge financial pressure. Before, he didn't care about being alone, and the "membership fee" he received every month was eaten by the boss. I can also drink some soup, and from time to time I have spare money to go to the No. 5 area to be unrestrained, and there is no pressure.

But after he took his wife over, his wife would go to the banquets held by those big local tyrants from time to time, and when he came back, he had a bunch of valuable things in his hand, which made him feel even more pressure.

If his wife is hanging out with those rich people and his pockets can't hold it, he won't know what will be planted on his head one day...

It would be great if I could go to New World with my boss, not only to be promoted, but also to make a small fortune.

".....£=('0`*))) Oh, what a lot of money, don't even think about New World, our current strategic goal is to be with the world in the first half, the first time a brother Sengoku Admiral won't say anything, once again, even if the two leaders don't speak, I will be blocked by these guys like ghost spiders. Those guys have all lost their money in this battle...-7(?-?) "

Leonardo sighed helplessly and spread his hands...

He also felt that some idiots were talking about a dream. It was already very rare to get a big and sharp sword with 21 jobs. There are only 21 in the world. There are already several famous swords that are known to have owners. One appearance is sky-high, not to mention the super artifact innocuous and fast knife. Hawkeye has one in his hand, Whitebeard has one in his hand, Roger has one, Shanks has one, and there are four famous swords among the twelve super artifact. Lord, there are still eight ghosts left who know where they are. This thing is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack, and it doesn't even have a target.

The most important thing is to have no money!

The little black card of that stinky woman in Gion has already suffered a loss, and he dare not think about the waves before, or he will never even think about raising his head for the rest of his life.

'e=('0`*))) Alas! Then there is no drama, and it will take more than ten years to make a big knife just by relying on those "membership fees" every month. ""

Dominic sighed when he heard Leonardo say this.

I thought that being promoted to Rear Admiral was already considered a high-paying class. In addition, I followed the boss to New World to make a small fortune, and I can live a carefree life in the future, but it turns out that the special mother is even more difficult than before! 4.6

I think about the issue of funding. ""

Leonardo turned around and left the port and walked towards the base, frowning and not speaking.

As Dominic said, it takes ten years to earn the price of a big knife 20 years ago, what a bum!

Even if there is no Supreme Sword, someday this fellow Hawkeye will slash with him again, and he will set aside funds to repair the ancestral sword, right?

It's definitely not good for such an honest mess, even if he is promoted to Admiral, Admiral's salary is not enough, he still has to find a way.

"Go and study the constitution of the World government...  

Finally, Leonardo rolled his eyes and said to Dominic, and walked into the base chief's office.

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