Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

277. Can both fight crime and make a fortune

"Curry Vice Admiral, isn't this not good? If this is discovered, we will definitely be beaten to the end..-||"

In Sabaody's base, Dominic came to Leonardo with a copy of the World government's constitution in his hand, and the hairs on his body stood up.

He is not a fool, Curry Vice Admiral asked him to take the Constitution for the sake of making money. He used his ass to figure out what Curry Vice Admiral was going to do. The most profitable way to make money is here.

"Wrong! It's not us, it's just you, the Five Elders have been licked by me as my own, I'm panicking..."

Leonardo took over the constitution, which was as thick as a dictionary, and casually flipped through it, stunned to see it.

Te Niang worked so hard when she was studying, and she didn't need to buy those Instructors.

"Huh?! Is it too late for me to quit now? My wife is pregnant, and I still want to see the child born and grown up...o('')o"

Dominic's face changed instantly, although he didn't know what kind of business Curry Vice Admiral planned to do, he said it for the sake of it, he can't panic!

It's not easy to meet a boss and still think about becoming Vice Admiral's glorious ancestor.

"Okay, don't sigh, do I look like that kind of person? I researched this thing to see that the above clauses are the most serious. Generally, the most serious ones are definitely the ones with the fastest money. We don't do it, but some people do it. We found these guys and swept them away, isn't their worth ours?"

Leon looked at him angrily and said.

He is old and ready to be young. He has completely missed the opportunity to change careers. He can only go all the way to the dark in Marine, and naturally he can't do these things.

"Fuck! Curry Vice Admiral is still smart, but the worst thing in the Constitution is the beating of Celestial Dragons, the trafficking of murlocs, and the robbery of the heavenly gold."

Dominic nodded knowingly and said casually, as the deputy of the base commander, this Constitution was smashed by him, and he could recite it from back to front.

"...beating Celestial Dragons has nothing to do with making money, Celestial Dragons haven't come to Sabaody for a long time, even if you save Celestial Dragons, it doesn't necessarily make a lot of money, seeing that bastard Celestial Dragons sent one is useless Devil Fruit showed me how stingy Celestial Dragons is, and it has been a long time since the godsons of Golden Lion and Whitebeard have been out in the past few years, and this is even more unrealistic..."

"Selling murlocs......55

After rejecting the first two, the third murloc trader, Leonardo not only began to think, the relationship between The fish men island and the World government is very complicated, the princess of The fish men island has been vigorously seeking peaceful coexistence between humans and murlocs for many years. On the surface, the relationship between World government and The fish men island seems to be quite good. In order to protect The fish men island, a constitution is added, but these are only on the surface. Isn't the buyer the Celestial Dragons, at this point, World government is a bit of a fart.

But everyone knows this, but no one will put this on the table for so many years, and because Celestial Dragons likes slave fishmen, the human trafficker industry can be said to be making a lot of money, but because The fish men island is now Whitebeard's territory, and from time to time, several sons will be allowed to visit The fish men island, so those human traffickers dare not go to The fish men island to fuck people, they can only go to the periphery of The fish men island Squat down to see if there are any murlocs running out of their stomachs or being singled out, so throughout the year, the murloc industry is not very prosperous, but it has also led to a shortage of murloc slaves, and the price is still high, as long as one or two human traffickers are destroyed The place is completely enough for them to get fat.

"...You go to those auction houses and ask for the information of those guys. Those guys have auctioned a lot of murlocs in their places over the years. If you don't believe me, they don't even have any news... "

After thinking about it for a long time, Leonardo still thinks that it is more appropriate to target those people, which can not only fight crime, but also make a fortune.

Speaking of which, the first half of the current gray forces are really messed up, and there is no one who really talks about their own affairs. Just near their Sabaody land, there are several dwarf mule clubs that open movies every night in the streets and alleys. There are too many things about Marine, just that. The pirates that keep popping up every day can't handle it, and there is no time to pay attention to these crooked melons and jujubes, so these gangsters are becoming more and more unscrupulous, but they are not pirates. You don't need to wear it out. After squatting for two or three years, you will be a hero again. Maybe you can rely on this experience to become a high-ranking person without capital. Even Leonardo saw several scenes of short mules splitting friends. very fresh

This is the first time I saw such a scene in the world of One Piece, but I don't know if I have become more powerful or my vision is different. I used to watch the bloody fight on TV and now I watch it again. It's almost like a child playing a house, as long as But he doesn't bother to pay attention to this kind of thing, it's not just him, most of the people in Marine don't care about such low-level gangsters, of course, except for Akainu, Akainu started to crack down after he took office in Carnival City The dark forces in Carnival City, their methods are wicked and vicious, even when he saw the news of a social gang being destroyed in Carnival City today, and a massacre by Akainu tomorrow, it was all for those unlucky bastards. Silence.

These people have also had blood and mold for eight lifetimes. Uncle Marine who encountered such extreme plots as Akainu...

So now the dark order in the first half of the Grand Line has to wait for the arrival of the newspaper reader Doflamingo to slowly stabilize.

This newspaper reader Doflamingo, although he is a black man, has indeed made a lot of contributions to the peaceful and stable development of the first half. If you think about it this way, Da Sengoku is a bit unkind, and he will help you stabilize the gray in the first half. In the area, you want to be tender all day long...

"I'll go now!

Hearing that the boss was planning to target those traffickers, his eyes also brightened and he ran out. Those guys have done so many immoral things over the years, and I don't know how much they have made. Some people are worth more than many big pirates in the New World. They are a lot taller, but these people are also good at concealment. Usually it is too difficult to find them. In recent years, they are more active because the sea is running wild. Uncle Marine is too busy to deal with pirates and has no intention to deal with them. ,

Now being on the top of the boss can be regarded as retribution...

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