Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

278. Achilles tendon rupture requires surgery

"Curry Vice Admiral, it's almost there? These guys have a World government official behind them. If they continue to work, won't it be good?

In a den of thieves in Area 11 of Sabaody's illegal zone, Dominic brought his younger brother to search the house skillfully, and after taking it away in a packing truck, he came over to persuade him uneasy.

It has been three months since they thought of making money from human traffickers. According to the reliable information provided by the auction house, there are as many as eight criminal teams killed by them in the past three months. The gold and silver jewelry is very hot, but he can't bear it anymore, when he went to tell the bosses of the auction houses

He knew that there were some World government officials behind these guys, so he thought that the boss is now in full swing, and the Five Elders' own people, as long as they don't go too far, just kill two or three to make some money, the officials will know. More or less will also give the boss some face.

But in the past three months, he has become more and more afraid. The boss is copying from family to family, and he doesn't seem to care about the thoughts of the officials. It is also true that the boss was a member of the Five Elders. Of course, there is no problem, but Fuck, he panicked, and if the gang of officials got into trouble then, who knows if they will take the blame for him.

Obviously, he followed the boss to steal eight houses, and his worth has skyrocketed, but now he is not happy at all, cutting people's fortunes is like killing parents!!!

"You are right, although they are not in the same system, they are colleagues anyway. It's not a good idea to kill them quickly... I will take out two boxes and send them back to the headquarters tomorrow to Sengoku Admiral and my brother. Thank you two leaders for understanding their subordinates. give me time for surgery...

Leonardo nodded after counting the harvest. This time, he had almost caught it. There was no need to offend anyone to death, but it is estimated that he has already offended everyone to death, but he might be able to save it. Finally, he did not forget to explain to Dominic.

One day two months ago, Ohara, the famous archaeological holy site in West Blue, successfully disappeared from this world. The only surviving one was an eight-year-old girl, but now she is also wanted, and this matter is also in the world. There was an uproar, people didn't know why Marine launched Buster Call to Ohara, but people once again saw the true power of Marine Buster Call. In a short period of time, a historic West Blue archaeological sanctuary disappeared completely. Yes, it's amazing.

This time, the Buster Call really shook the entire West Blue pirates to the point of trouble. According to rumors, Ohara was full of fire that day, and countless powerful artillery fire bombed Ohara for three days and three nights until the entire Ohara disappeared. The fire ceased after the map. From that day onwards, the pirates of West Blue began to subside, and the impetuous mood of the young people in West Blue who wanted to go to the sea gradually cooled down. Unless it was a last resort, it would be better not to go out to sea if both parents died. Fucking pirates, what's the matter? If Marine comes to the sea alone and the whole family suffers, their hometown can't be depended on by Marine bombarding them for three days and three nights.

The first time Sengoku received the order from the Five Elders to launch the Buster Call, Sengoku immediately thought of his eldest nephew. Although Buster Call is sometimes a bit immoral, it is indeed a very big achievement. The bonus is a lot of money. In terms of performance, the eldest nephew is relatively prominent in MarineF4, but in terms of bonuses, the eldest nephew has recently started targeting human traffickers. It can be seen that the eldest nephew has been short of money, so I immediately contacted Leonardo.

However, Leonardo was immediately excited when he heard the Buster Call. Needless to say, the one who launched the Buster Call at this time must be the archaeologists from West Blue. He seems to have some impressions of the kind of mess between the archaeologists and the World government. It is a group of archaeologists who are full and have nothing to do It just hit the G-spot of Five Elders. Don't people try to cover up this history just because they don't want the world to find out?

As a result, these gang of archaeologists who have nothing to do when they are full have to unravel the scars of others.

From both sides of this matter, both sides are wrong, and both are right. Those archaeologists want to study the blank history, that is, the desire for knowledge, self-righteous thinking that the whole world has the right to know about that period Blank history, as for what the consequences are, this is not what they consider.

And in order to maintain the current state of the World Government, or for their direct rule, it is naturally impossible to keep the archaeologists who threaten their rule alive, and the World Government will kill all the evildoers once it makes a move.

So he felt that it was better not to commit evil. His position was too small to prevent so many innocent people from being wiped out, but there was still a way to ensure that he did not commit this evil. Nick stared at his Achilles tendon, which was growing to his butt, and then reported that Sengoku was unable to participate in this large-scale group event due to the rupture of the Achilles tendon due to his work too hard during this period of time and needed surgery. He is very sorry....

Da Sengoku is also a love soldier Ruzi heard that his Achilles tendon ruptured, Dawei "`shock ~ "shocked" immediately told him to take a good rest and hang up the phone, and two days later, he invited the vice president of the hospital to help him. Knife....

The Ohara incident was the same as in the original book, Ohara was gone, and the big man Saron who followed Kuzan at Marine Academy was also cold. He fell in love with Kuzan for a few minutes, and the final submission was not enough. The director could only let him Kuzan was turned into an ice sculpture and drowned in the cannon fire.

Saron's death, he has to bear the blame. When he was still in Marine Academy, he remembered the plot of Saron's death by Kuzan's hands, but it was too early at that time, and he couldn't do anything, and then he came out and mixed up There are so many things that he has encountered over the years, and he really forgot about it. Even after receiving the Buster Call order from Sengoku, he did not want to follow him to commit crimes and besieged the traffickers to steal the wealth. The matter of helping the poor, I forgot about this plot. Before the news, the Marine giants Vice Admiral Hagwar. D. Saron was arrested and cooled by Kuzan. After disappearing on the map with Ohara, I remembered this plot again. , But it's too late to think about it. As a classmate, he can only burn a few incense sticks for him to pay homage to his dead classmates and youth when he pays homage to the dead ghost grandfather during the festivals in the future...

"-_-II...Or....two more boxes? Two boxes are too few..."

Dominic suggested in a low voice that your boss's lousy excuse was just your "love general". If it was someone else, he would have been sent to East Blue to guard the fish pond. Even as a kid, he felt two things. The boss has a deep love for his Curry Vice Admiral, two boxes are missing...

66... ​​Also, it feels a bit stingy for one person and one box, so let's make two boxes for one person!


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