Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

279. Will Curry Vice Admiral fall for evil?

"Curry Vice Admiral, Aokiji Vice Admiral is here, waiting for you at the base... The people under his command said that he doesn't seem to be very happy."

Not long after Dominic went out, he ran back and said.

"...What are you doing here at this time, I'll go back and have a look first.

Leonardo was speechless and killed his classmates and friends with his own hands. It would be strange for that guy to be hilarious, but...why did that guy come to him if he wasn't hilarious?

Looking to him for comfort?

But he's not good at that.

"Help me find a psychiatrist...

Leonardo did not forget to say to Dominic when he left.

"(⊙_⊙)? Why are you looking for a psychiatrist? The boss is sick?"

After Leonardo left, Dominic asked the younger brother beside him with a puzzled look, what kind of psychiatrist he was looking for.

"....probably...probably...Curry Vice Admiral has been a bit of a shinto lately. Last time I got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, and when I passed by his room, I saw him staying up in the middle of the night. Putting three cigars on the table and talking to himself into the air..."5

After the younger brother beside Dominic looked around and found that there were no outsiders, he said to Dominic in a low voice.

"Hey! Huh...Isn't it an evil? (⊙_⊙)"

Dominic's eyes widened in shock, and 807 took in a breath of cold air until he was out of stock before exhaling a long breath.

During this period of time, the boss has indeed brushed a lot of people. Although these people are illegal traffickers, they also have the right to ask for a lawyer. The boss will not directly turn those people into flower fat when he has a chance... .

"It's hard to say, these people killed by Curry Vice Admiral are desperadoes, and they had a lot of death energy before they were alive, and they were killed by the boss for no reason. Maybe even pestering the boss..."

Another Marine, who had just passed by and heard the content of the conversation between the two, stopped and took out a yellowish book that looked a few years old while flipping through it.

"Is it just a psychological effect? ​​After all, it is normal to have some mental burdens after killing too many people. Since the boss's debut, it is not necessary to kill too many people...

At this time, a younger brother wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a military uniform came over and said.

"'re right."

Dominic nodded when he heard the analysis of this big boss and little brother. Although he caused the topic of evil, he also felt that it was too ridiculous. As young people in the new era, we must believe in science!

"Hey hey hey! These are all the fruit wines of that stinky mother-in-law in Gion, it's only three degrees, and it won't kill you, save some for me and don't drink it up, or she'll think I'm bringing other girls back..._-| |"

Leonardo came to his base chief's office, and saw Kuzan lazily spread out on the leather sofa, pouring Gion's fruit wine, his whole person looked decadent, exactly like those lost love men who were dumped by girls.

"e=('0`*)))...Saron is dead.

Kuzan brewed for a while, exhaling a visible cold breath into the wine bottle in his hand.

This works better than a refrigerator...

"I saw it in the newspaper, have some ice..."

Leonardo also sat down and picked up a bottle of fruit wine and put it in front of Kuzan and said.

"You say... what is justice for our Marines?"

Kuzan lingered around the fruit wine with the slightest chill in his hands, and his eyes began to become confused.

After being fooled by his boss, Garp Vice Admiral, to board the ship, he followed the boss to see too many broken families and separated wives and children. These were all made by pirates. Although he was still a short mule at that time, he did have justice in his heart. A dwarf mule, the pirates who do this kind of thing are naturally evil in his opinion, and the Marine who catches the pirates is of course righteous, so even if Garp Vice Admiral used his fist to fool him to Marine, he did not resist.

Once, his former boss once said that it is impossible for a person to be a dwarf mule (cceg) for a lifetime. Being a Marine was not much taller than a dwarf mule, but still a decent job.

Secondly, when Marine upholds justice and eliminates the pirates, the tragedy he has seen before will not happen.

But this trip to Ohara, the innocent people of Ohara sank into the sea one by one under the fire of their Marine, which made him begin to doubt the justice of their Marine, and Akainu's cruelty made him even more chilled. Regardless of the life and death of his comrades, he chased and killed the pirates. Although he didn't like this approach, those pirates deserved to die. Sacrifice is inevitable on the way to maintain justice, but Akainu ordered to open fire on those innocent people, and Sengoku Admiral afterwards The disregard made him question the justice of their Marine.

However, he joined Marine at the age of seventeen and only a few years ago. He wanted to consult his boss, Garp, but Garp Vice Admiral is still on the way to "seeking relatives". He doesn't know when he will come back to sell fakes. I have a good relationship with him except for his eldest brother, Leonardo. Although Leonardo's culture is a bit low, he was born in the Vice Admiral family and grew up in Marine. He should be able to answer his doubts.

So after returning to the headquarters, he ran to Sabaody non-stop.

"This... Marine's justice is not important, what is important is your justice. Usually the justice we keep shouting is just a slogan, what is our Marine's justice? World peace? But you see It has been so many years since the World government established Marine, and now they can't even enter the New World. It is nonsense to maintain world peace. Many people choose to be Marine for the sake of high wages, good benefits, and being able to eat and wear well. Nuan, of course, some people join Marine for the protection of justice in their own hearts, how insignificant a person is in front of the sea, the justice of Marine is not important, just be yourself and have a clear conscience.

I know that Akainu's actions this time are really inauthentic, but as far as Kakuzu is concerned, he is also carrying out his justice. He may have had some painful experiences when he was a child that made him hate these pirates so much. Happy childhood Healing for a lifetime, unfortunate childhood needs a lifetime to heal, we outsiders can dislike it, but we have no right to

Don't care about other people, just be yourself... Do you understand what I said so much? (⊙_⊙)?"

Opposite such a high-end question, Leonardo's mind crashed for a few minutes, and he began to organize words to complicate the sentence "don't worry about Marine's justice, just be yourself" that his father had taught him back then, which sounded taller. on some.

Whether Kuzan can understand it or not, he sounds tall and right anyway...

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