Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

280. I am inseparable from gambling and drugs!

"...(-_-)/...then what is your justice?"

Looking at Leonardo who was serious and didn't know what he was talking about, Kuzan seriously doubted that it was more than the number of words in the water, but he couldn't find any evidence. He regretted it now, so he shouldn't have come to this guy. It's a bunch of nonsense that doesn't give the answer he wants.

"I and gambling are inseparable! (^Y)"

Leonardo suddenly straightened his waist with a solemn look on his face, and at this moment he seemed to see a light on his body!

Others can't see it's real they are blind..


Looking at Leonardo who didn't want Bilian, Kuzan put down the fruit wine and stood up and was about to walk out the door.

He really regretted why he came to this guy to solve it... Although he has been a classmate for several years, he still can't get used to this guy's brain circuit. It's better to face the wall and think about how good life is to find this guy to solve it. ..

"Hey! Don't go! It's a rare visit. Tonight, I booked a private room in the fifth area, and I will take you to meet the world, the famous Sabaody's fifth area, haven't you seen it? I only let you know that you are here. I'm really reluctant to go, usually, is it interesting?"

Seeing that Kuzan was leaving, Leonardo grabbed him and threw him a look that a man could understand.

"You want to go by yourself, right? I heard at the headquarters that Gion has been transferred to the World government, and I guess it's already on the way.?(;¬_¬)??"

Kuzan sat down again and looked at him contemptuously.

Bah! A cowardly bastard with a heart but no guts.

However, when he was interrupted by this guy, his mood improved a little, not as heavy as before.

"I don't like to hear your words. This kind of normal social interaction between men, to play on the scene, even if the stinky woman is here, I will do it. (¯^¯)

Leonardo was upset, how could he listen to the meaning of this guy's words and make him seem to be afraid of that stinky bitch in Gion.

Is he afraid of girls?

"'re happy. I'm going to sleep for a while, and call me when it's time. ┐(-??;)┌"

Seeing how he was dying to save face, Kuzan spread out his hands, put the little evil hood on his forehead to his eyes, lay on the sofa, and fell asleep in less than three seconds...

66...Sleep so much that I didn't sleep you to death! (▼︽▼ㄨ)”

Leonardo finished speaking angrily, and he didn't bother to kill him, and hurriedly walked out the door like a frightened bird.

Gion, this stinky woman, really wanted to trick him again. When I was talking on the phone last night, she said that she was waiting for the transfer order in the headquarters, and she wanted to kill him by surprise. The big boxes that she finally fetched can't let that stinky woman. See.

"Domi... Huh? Why did you come here, Gion, didn't you say you are waiting for the transfer order at the headquarters? ('???)"

When I ran to the door just now, I saw Dominic come back with his younger brother dragging big boxes. He was about to ask Dominic to transfer the boxes first, but when he saw a familiar figure beside Dominic, his expression changed, and he was surprised. asked eagerly.

"Didn't I want to give you a surprise? How? Are you surprised? Are you not happy...(???)?"

Gion held his father's famous sword in his arms, making Leonardo a little dizzy, and said with a half-smile.

"It's....too unexpected! I'm so happy...(≧w≦)/"

Leonardo wanted to cry in his heart, but he had to force a smile. Is it a coincidence?

This is always the case every time, I finally managed to make a fortune, and I killed this stinky bitch before I covered it up...  

"Yeah, but I see that you seem very unhappy, and you're in tears..."

Gion squinted and stared at him, although this stinky guy showed a very happy look, but how could she look fake, and what happened to the tears in the corners of her eyes?

"This is an idiom I just learned, called crying with joy... (55),

Leonardo forced a quibble with a stubborn smile.


Dominic shook his head helplessly when he saw the dead look of the boss.

I don't understand why the boss resists Gion-sama like this... No! Now it should be called Momousagi Vice Admiral or Gion Vice Admiral. In his opinion, Gion Vice Admiral is pretty good, with beautiful people and hard backstage, The key is so rich, why does the boss resist so much?

It wasn't like this when I was trying to get people to go to second base!

"So....what's in these boxes?"

・・・・For flowers・・・

Gion glanced at him dubiously, thinking that he had passed the border, then turned his head and asked curiously, pointing to the big box dragged by the younger brother behind.

"No...nothing, it's all confiscated contraband, Duomi pulled these things out of the warehouse! Warehouse!"

"Aren't you tired from the journey? Go and rest, Kuzan is here after he's cleaned up, and have a good time with him tonight..."

Leonardo hurriedly waved his hand to Dominic and said deliberately accentuating the word "warehouse" before diverting the topic.

"Yes, pull things to the warehouse!"

Dominic is still eye-catching, nodded in understanding, and walked towards the warehouse with his younger brother.

"Stop! I want to see what contraband is inside! (^▼x)"


The more Gion looked at Leonardo, the more suspicious he became. He stopped the two younger brothers who were dragging the big box, and lifted the lid of the big box with one foot.

"These are the contraband you said? (^▼ㄨ)"

The large box was full of gold and jade, almost blinding Uncle Marine's titanium alloy dog's eyes. However, facing these things, Gion, who had a mine at home, did not change his face, and stared at Leonardo angrily with his hands on his hips.

.....It is indeed a contraband, it was collected from the smugglers, and I am planning to report it to the headquarters.....

Leonardo explained, covering his forehead.

"..Humph! I'll help you report later, go ahead and do your job..."

Gion seemed to see through his thoughts at a glance, and after saying that, he waved his hand to send him away, turned around and walked with Asakura Curry...

*e=('0`*))) Alas... I've been busy..."

Looking at the handsome back of this stinky woman, Leonardo turned gray, worked hard for more than three months, and returned to before liberation...

“Curry Vice Admiral, what now?? www”

Dominic is crying, he also has shares in these things! He originally planned to take some home to persuade his wife, who likes to go out at night to get her hair done lately, Sabaody is not safe at night, and now... nothing at all. .

"What should I do? Salad..."

Leonardo is no longer sad now. Who told him to flirt with people when he was a teenager?

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