Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

281. When Admiral? Did you ask my dad?

Sea Circle Calendar 1501.

Sabaody Archipelago Marine Base Office.

"Nani?! Did I hear you right, Mickey? Are you really going to make me an Admiral? (A)"

"...Sengoku Admiral asked my dad if he...?(⊙_⊙)?"

I finally sent that stinky woman from Gion back to the World Government to stand guard. Today is a rare day off. It may be the reason why he summoned the Senju Buddha when he was dueling with Kaido last year. During this time, Mr. pirates on the ground of Sabaody They are quite honest, even if they saw another purse on the ground, they no longer picked it up and stuffed it into their own pockets as before, but carried forward the fine tradition of picking up gold to find Uncle Marine with the purse... Sabaody The law and order is also much better than before, and now the whole world knows that Sabaody is the place where Kaido, the hard-steel single "807" pick king, can summon the Marine "undead Vice Admiral" of Senju Buddha, even those who are rebellious The big pirates of New World got tired of fighting in New World, and the first thing they did when they came out for vacation and boarded Sabaody Land ran to line up to get a temporary pass.

Early in the morning, Leonardo was leaning on his old waist and was about to lie down for the day. The personal phone rang. Sengoku's adjutant Mickey was on the other end of the phone, telling him something that was neither good nor bad for him, but made him a little worried about tenses. , He, in a month's time, will be promoted to Hall Master and promoted to Admiral!

There are only two months left for the term of Kong, the first brother of Marine. The first brother who has been the first brother of Marine for 20 years is about to retire to the World government. The current position of Marine Admiral Sengoku is an open secret, although not stated, but almost everyone knows, Marine Vice Admiral

Marine Admiral can be parachuted from the World government, as long as he has the ability, but the first brother Marine must be a member of Marine, and now Marine Admiral is like Sengoku, who will come if he is not in the position?

Originally, because of Zephyr's transformation as an educator, Garp refused to be promoted, so there has always been only one Admiral like Sengoku. The two Admirals were not filled at the beginning because Marine did not have suitable talents at that time, and secondly because of Sengoku's generation There are very few people who can become Admiral, Garp still refused, but because Garp's record of killing Rocks is too great, even if he refuses to be promoted, he has to keep the Admiral spot for him, this is a question of attitude , but also respect for Garp.

Now that Sengoku is in the position, it means that Marine is about to enter a new era, and the vacant Admiral positions will naturally have to be filled again. Marine Admiral will naturally let young people take the position. One Admiral position was added in, and after Sengoku took over, four Admiral positions were vacated at once, and the candidates for Marine F4 and the Five Elders were also selected by default for this session of MarineF4.

Therefore, Mickey's call was only on business to inform him to return to the headquarters to participate in the promotion ceremony a month later. This promotion ceremony is much more grand. The first brother Marine and the Marine four Admiral took the position at the same time, announcing the beginning of the new Marine era. Shock the pirates in the sea.

Leonardo doesn't know whether to be surprised or happy now. He only knows when Marine added a fourth Admiral position, but he thinks it should be the five old guys at the top of the World government who he added as his own. That's right, he originally thought that he was an Admiral candidate. Although his record is strong and his ability is high, he is known as the No. 1 of Marine's F4 this year, but Marine three Admiral still belongs to the three major Logia. The cards are neat and tidy, and he is a bit chaotic even if he is a non-Logia player.

I didn't expect that the five old guys at the top of the world government would come up with an Admiral to wait for him. It's really... so special!

I have the opportunity to write a thank you letter of 100,000 words to thank the five good godfathers......

It is gratifying for him to be Marine Admiral. After all, Admiral's salary is much higher than Vice Admiral. When have you seen Sengoku, Zephyr, Garp short of money?


Although Garp is Vice Admiral, Te Meow's family is richer than Admiral, and they receive the treatment of the first brother Marine.

Although the salary card has been controlled by the stinky mother-in-law of Gion all the year round, but of course I am happy if it can be a promotion and a salary increase. Isn't that what people live for.

But the problem comes again. His father's ultimate dream is to be a Vice Admiral. He never wants to see him stand out in his life. In his father's words, getting ahead means being a top bird, and being a top bird has never existed in history There is a good end, which one is not set on fire....

His dad's ultimate dream is a three Vice Admiral, and he can only be a Vice Admiral. Now that he is going to be Admiral, he is sure that if his father finds out, he will have to cry, make trouble, hang himself. . . .

Before, he sprayed Golden Lion, invited Whitebeard to fight, and stood up to Kaido. This kind of behavior has violated his father's ideology, and he was about to become an unfilial son, so he didn't dare to fight at home during this time.

Phone, now another Marine Admiral, it's no wonder that his dad has to cut off the father-son relationship with him...

Leonardo is very entangled, he is not a soul wearer, this Fuck is his own father, in order to worry about his lack of fatherly love, but he didn't even want to have a second child, it is impossible to sever the father-son relationship, but Marine Admiral=liter The temptation to raise the salary is too great. In the past, it was because there was no fourth Admiral. He knew that the third Admiral would not be his turn, so he didn’t feel it. But now there is an additional Admiral, and he has already locked it. It's so hard!

Now he knows how much courage it took for Garp to refuse to be promoted to Admiral, it was so hard!!!

"Old Perkins Vice Admiral? No... You were promoted to Admiral, shouldn't Perkins old Vice Admiral be happy, and why should you ask him? (⊙_⊙)?"

4.6 Mickey was a little confused, with a puzzled look on his face, he thought he was an Admiral, why doesn't he look like he's not very happy.

"This... in short, it's hard to say, I'll go back to the headquarters and talk about it.

The father-son relationship is about to be severed, so it's no wonder Leonardo is so excited!

However, as for his father's "wild vision", those who know it will do. There is no need to publicize that his father has no moles on his chest. How can a son arrange labor and capital like this, this is his own father...

"Da da da... 95

After hanging up the phone, Leonardo put his chin on his chin and kept tapping on the desktop with one hand. His true octa-core high-definition brain was running frantically, thinking about how he could get a promotion and a salary increase to receive Admiral benefits without breaking the father-son relationship.

This question is even more difficult than the ninety-nine multiplication table!!.

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