Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

282. Is it okay to just take the salary and not Admiral?

Marineford, Naval Headquarters.

Because he is about to become the first brother of Marine, Kong wants to let the younger brother adapt to the life of the first brother so that he will not be in a hurry. During this time, Marine has handed over all the affairs of Marine to Sengoku, and he is in the office every day when he goes to work. Close the curtains, turn on the air conditioner, take out the paper to study the handicrafts that the "Love General" gave him, and go to No. 69 Xingfu Road at night to rescue those poor misses who lost their feet, and give more to those little sisters while they are still in place. The elder sister should be the big brother on the list, otherwise after he leaves Marineford, those little sisters will be so pitiful that they are not the big brother on the list!

Kong has been pretty cool during this time, but Sengoku, who is about to become the first brother of Marine, is busy, working from 9 to 5 every day, clocking in ten minutes early in the morning and going to work until two or three o'clock in the middle of the night, except for bathing, sleeping, eating, drinking and pulling All in the office.

Originally, Brother Marine was not that busy. Even when the wave of the big era just broke out, Kong would also commute to get off work on time, and would never spend an extra minute of spare time. 22 As the saying goes, only the combination of work and rest can last longer. Continuing to burst liver like Sengoku, even a fierce man can't bear it.

However, the situation Sengoku is facing now is completely different from that of Kong. Usually Kong has two assistants, Vice Admiral and Sengoku to help. When there are many things, although he is a little busy, it does not affect his normal commute to get off work. However, Sengoku's current situation is , Kong gave him the job of the first brother, and then he himself is Admiral and also has his own job. In this way, he is equivalent to one person working two jobs, but he can only receive one salary... Admiral has already had a lot of things to do, plus the job of a first brother, this part-time job will cost him his life.

Sengoku, who was immersed in his work, occasionally raised his head, raised his eyes, looked at the photo of his youth on the table, a handsome and handsome man, and then looked at the eight-pack abs on his lower abdomen. What is practiced is a small belly.

Time flies, time is ruthless, and the dragon slayer of the year will now become a dragon...


Just as Sengoku felt that the years were ruthless, the ringing of the phone bug on the table interrupted his thoughts.

"Moses Moses, I'm Sengoku....

Sengoku didn't look up while burying his head in the dense files on the table while the phone bug....

“Sengoku Admiral is there? Have you eaten? ('???)”

The phone worm very humanely simulated the voice of seven points of concern and three points of vileness.

"...What's the matter, did Mickey inform you, next month you will be promoted to Admiral with Kuzan and the others, and you have to go back to the headquarters to attend the ceremony....(-_-)/"

Hearing this sound, Sengoku's hands stopped, and the ink from the pen dripped on the document...and then said.

This kid's tone is just like Big Brother Curry's, which is a precursor to asking for help...

When he launched Buster Call to let this kid on, he didn't see such a tone. He said that he needed surgery for a ruptured Achilles tendon.... You are so powerful, Kaido can't even bleed, and he can't play basketball or hurdle. , Achilles tendon ruptured!

"I received it, I will leave tomorrow, but I want to ask you a question before I leave... This is the case. First of all, I would like to thank the leaders for their love and promotion. To maintain world peace and protect justice

"Stop, stop, don't say anything official, just get down to business. `(-_-)/"

Hearing that kid's words made him nauseous, and the leader of the leader didn't dare to write such a speech, Da Sengoku hurriedly interrupted with a black line.

"That's right, you also know what kind of person my father is. Since I was a child, he taught me that taking the lead is not a good end, and the man behind the lead can also have a good meal. I have nowhere to put my absolute talent. Allow me to be as low-key as my father, and I have been going against his wishes all these years. I am already very unfilial. I am afraid that if I am the upper hall master this time.. No! I have given birth to my son and I have separated from the father-son relationship, but I don't want to live up to the love of the leaders for me, so I want to ask, can I just take Admiral's salary and not be this Admiral, I don't know... Can I do it? ?"

Leonardo asked, licking his face in the Sabaody Archipelago Marine Base office.

Last night, he even wasted the rare rest time when Gion was not there. He has been tossing and turning on the boat all the time. On the one hand, his biological father cannot deny it, on the other hand, he has high salary and high benefits. If it is Kong, Sengoku and these giants have the cheek to ask for it, if he refuses, wouldn't it be a shame? If it is Kong, Sengoku has the cheek to ask the Five Elders for it, it's better, after all, he is Kong's own Man, Sengoku also has a love affair with his father, but if it was made by the Five Elders, it would be bad if they refused.

If you want to mix in the public house, you can't hit the Five Elders in the face of anyone!

Garp sprays Celestial Dragons all day long, have you ever seen him spray Five Elders?

Thinking of Garp, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He felt that he wanted to be this Admiral because he wanted to be an Admiral with high wages and benefits, but if 807, if he only took this salary and benefits and not an Admiral, then wouldn't it be all right?

Isn't Garp doing the Vice Admiral's job with the marshal's salary?

Thinking of a way, I immediately contacted the future elder brother Sengoku-sang, the so-called people take tea and cool, the current elder brother's words are not good now, and he will be eating under Sengoku-sang in the future.

.... Since you are not an Admiral, you will naturally not be able to receive Admiral's salary. This is clearly stipulated. You don't have to worry about your father's problem. I think he will be very happy if you become an Admiral. "

When Sengoku heard this, he had a black line. Why didn't he want to live up to their love, and he didn't want to give up Marine Admiral's salary and benefits? (-_-)/

But he can understand this kid's worry. After all, when he met Big Brother, this kid didn't even have sperm. He knew exactly who Big Brother was, and that's exactly how it should be. In Five Elders Xu Nuo's fourth Admiral When the job document was officially released, he would get rid of Marshal Kong and not announce it for the time being, so that he could have time to do the ideological work of Big Brother, but there were too many things that followed. Caused by the rampage of the times or something, I was so busy that I forgot about it.

Now that the time is up, he also intends to invite Xiaohe to do ideological work for Big Brother tonight......

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