Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

283. Old Curry went to cry

"But....I heard that Garp Vice Admiral also receives the salary and benefits of the marshal. You see that his big villa in Marineford is more Haki than your Admiral villa..."

Leonardo knew it wasn't that easy to deal with, and didn't give up on moving the old Garp out.

".... Garp's situation is different, his situation is special, and his contribution to our Marine is too great... Moreover, your Admiral seat was made an exception by our Marine's joint efforts to make an exception for the Five Elders. , You can't refuse for our Marine either. -_-II"

Sengoku's face darkened instantly at the thought of good friends giving such a head to the next generation of young people, but he still had to explain.

You must know that Garp's bastard didn't know how messed up he was when he was young. He was already in the position of Rear Admiral. That guy has been doing his own way for so many years because he often didn't obey orders. Marine was still a big leader. If it wasn't for his battle in the Valley of the Gods Crazy Tide hammered Rocks to death, that guy is still a big boss...  

"But....what about my dad's side? I can't really let him out of the father-son relationship with me? o('')o"

Leonardo's face sank, and Sengoku-san said that for the sake of it, so there's no need to talk about it.

66.....Big brother is not an unreasonable person, I will let Xiaohe go and solve him, and you can talk to him after you come back, he will agree...Okay, I will also Something happened, hang up. 99

"Toot toot..."


Leonardo looked at the phone worm who had stopped moving helplessly and looked up at the sky, then took a deep breath and became angry.

The mood is also a little more relaxed, and some things still have to be faced!

"Curry Vice Admiral.. No, Curry Admiral, the boat is ready and ready to go!"

Dominic Xing hurried in, with a look of excitement and excitement, as if he was suddenly hired to inherit billions of inheritances when he was middle-aged and had nothing to do.

Leonardo's superior Admiral has to say who is the most hilarious, and it must be Dominic. As Leonardo's direct confidant and the boss, Admiral, he will naturally rise. Even if he is just a Rear Admiral, he will be able to listen to his waist and talk to Vice Admiral in the future.

Don't you see Sengoku Admiral's adjutant Mickey Rear Admiral, although he is only Rear Admiral, but in front of his boss, Curry Vice Admiral, he is still a little brother, little Curry's bidding, this is the card face!

Last night, his wife just heard that his boss was going to take the position of Admiral, and immediately obediently listened to his words and didn't go out for a haircut all night. This is... a card!

Now he can't wait for the time to come a month later, when the boss takes the position of Admiral, a month is too long, he can't wait!

"It's early, and the time hasn't come yet, but don't say it, this Admiral's call is pretty good, and I'm calling it a few more times...(^?^)~*?"

Leonardo's mouth is modest, but the smile on his face doesn't show any modesty, not to mention that the difference between Admiral and Vice Admiral is not just a word, the justice cape is more coquettish than Vice Admiral's justice cape Now, the annual salary is several times that of Vice Admiral, so thinking about it... Leonardo is in a better mood!

"I am back....."

Marineford Vice Admiral residential area, Leonardo didn't go to his official Vice Admiral mansion, he jumped straight to his father's and mother's house, and he was about to be promoted to Admiral. He didn't even live in the big villa that was built. It's going to be moved in three months, and it's still a little troublesome to think about.

Walking into the front yard, the house was quiet, and his father didn't even pose to greet him.

Um... Mom is taking care of the flowers and plants in the backyard, and his dad... is not at home.

"Mom, I'm back, where is Dad? Where did you go? No. 69, Xingfu Road? (⊙_⊙)?"

Leonardo came to the backyard with a question mark on his face. It was eleven o'clock at noon. Usually, at this time, his father was more than just getting up. Others may have been injured by fighting too much when they were older. Less will be tormented, not suitable for pain here, but there is pain there, and I can't sleep at night, so I wake up before dawn.

But his father is different. He has been a Marine for decades, and he has been on many battlefields, big and small. However, when he retired, he still had no scars. The only small wounds left were when he cut his toenails. Others bragged about accidentally making a cut and he kept it until now.

Therefore, his father's retirement life has always been to eat well and sleep well, and there is no such problem as other fathers who do not sleep well, sleep lightly and wake up early...

"Bah! That guy ran out early in the morning with a bunch of incense and candles, and he didn't know what he was going to do. Don't worry about him, you are tired along the way, go and rest..."

Leonardo's mother obviously heard the name of No. 69 Xingfu Road, and after giving the big baby a blank glance, she continued to do her own thing while talking.

"""Hi....I'm going to look for him.(⊙_⊙)"

Hearing that Dad was holding a bunch of incense and candles, Leonardo couldn't help but his teeth hurt. Now it's not a holiday, so he knew he was coming back today and he was going out with incense and candles. Needless to say, he would definitely run to find it. His dead ghost grandpa is crying...

After finishing speaking, he went out with a black line and walked towards the small mountain package contracted by his dead ghost grandfather.

"Uuuuu... Dad, I'm sorry for you! Your grandson, my unfilial son, the only heir of our family is about to become an Admiral, I'm really sorry for your treatment of me. Teaching Wow!!!!"

Marineford is a small mountain bag, old Curry didn't give the red envelope for nothing, and the blind fortune-teller didn't brag. The feng shui pattern here is first-class. The hills are surrounded by streams on both sides, and the front of the hill (Qian's Zhao) is impacted by the mountain stream, eroded into a water ring, and the water flow is trapped into a golden dragon chasing the pearl, which is called the Dragon Tuzhu Cave.

A lonely grave was erected at the top of the hill. An old man with more than 60 pairs of white temples squatted in front of the solitary grave while burning ingot candles and crying loudly. Residents far away were also infected by the cry, and many people's eyes were red.

I thought it was some lonely old man who was abandoned by his son and refused to support him when he was too old. This situation is rare in Marineford.

But when they got closer and saw the old man crying clearly and heard the content of the cry, there was a MMP in their hearts that they didn't know what to say.

This old Curry Vice Admiral is really not a son of man, is this still a human word, my son is ready to be an Admiral and he came to cry, how many such unfilial sons do you have, give me a dozen... .(^x).

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