Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

298. That guy holds the grudge the most

"By the way! I haven't asked you yet, I'm very hot right now, what's up with that weirdo? Are you stealing food outside behind my back? (▼ㄟㄨ)"

Coaxed Kong into a happy mood and went back to continue his art research. Those masked men also took away the tea dolphin who was hammered into a dead dog, and some masked men were resuming work on the first floor, leaving only themselves. After the person, Leonardo remembered "Ask for sins" and reluctantly pulled out his arms and stared at Gion with a very angry face.


"No way! When the old lady came, the guy often said some weird things, and the old lady didn't bother him at all. 35

Looking at Leonardo who was blowing his nose and staring at him, Gion explained sweetly in his heart.

"Mad, don't have to give me face next time I encounter this kind of weirdo, just cut it off...(^▼X)"

"Right! What's the origin of that weirdo? I've been with him for several years, and I've never seen him before, and he's quite resistant..."

Leonardo rolled up his sleeves and said angrily before he remembered it. He has been out for several years. Not to mention that everyone knows everyone, it is a bit bragging, but he still knows everyone from Vice Admiral to Yi Ge, and he has never seen them at all. Had that guy, or Marine Vice Admiral, um... stronger than Dauberman and the others, at least he's resistant to beating...

"That guy's name is Jiaji, Vice Admiral's code name is "Tea Dolphin", he graduated a year earlier than us, and he has been with the World Government since graduation. It's normal for you not to know him, if not for his looks... Especially, I almost forgot about him.

The burning mountain on one side explained with a face ashamed with a big cigar in his mouth.

You also remember that people are resistant to beatings..

"Suoga! It's him! Mad, no, this can't be left alone...(^∇X)"

He didn't know who the plus was, but when he heard the word "tea pig", he had a bit of an impression. When he appeared in the original book, he was an Admiral candidate just like Gion, creating an unprecedented 100 confessions. The record of all failures is simply the Sakuragi Huadao in the Marine world, but the key is that there is no Sakuragi Huadao yet. Now, although this guy has not set a record at the beginning, but Gion is now his son, and his son is in public. Speaking such a local dialect, K's heart still feels uncomfortable.

Leonardo touched his chin and started to think, it wasn't that he was bragging, Marine now has him, this weirdo is simply superfluous, the most ideal and the most outrageous way is to feed this guy to the shark, but he is the righteous Uncle Marine, cruel He couldn't do the same thing, Hai Bian didn't have any problem with it, he just killed the killer, the impact of killing a Marine Vice Admiral was greater than the impact of Akainu's younger brothers who had been brushed off over the years.

He can't join forces with Akainu either, can he?

So I have to think of another way. It's better to let this bastard go to a ravine where chickens don't lay eggs and birds don't shit. Although he is an Admiral now, he has the right to use these Vice Admirals. Distribution rights, only the first brother has the transfer rights above Vice Admiral, which is actually not bad. Sengoku-san is also his own. Under normal circumstances, it is not difficult to distribute this guy to Shangougou, but the problem now is this guy Not in Marine but in World government, even if Sengoku-san wants to move this weirdo, he has to report to the five old people above, which is not easy to handle...

Last time, he licked the five old people fiercely, but until now there was no movement, not even two steel jumpers were rewarded. It was completely different from the previous promotion and the arrogance of sending the land, which made him a little bit. I can't figure out if these five old people are being licked too much and it's a bit boring.

"What are you thinking? Big brother, I called you big brother, don't mess around, we will honestly stay here for a few months and wait for the World Summit to end before leaving~︾""

Watching Leonardo rubbing his chin and rolling his eyes, the flying squirrels and Huoshaoshan didn't know what he was doing, but Dauberman was familiar with this discoloration, and at a glance he knew that this guy must have something good in his mind. He was the most impressed. Twice after this guy made this expression, others were going to be unlucky. The first time was when they were still in Marine school. They fought with Kuzan all night for landlords. The first time they made this expression, they went to the toilet and disappeared one and a half. The love story of the three legendary Marines that spread throughout Aubrey Instructor's version.

The second time was at West Blue, the second time this guy made this expression, the great pirate Baroric Redfield was slapped with no dignity...

This is the World government, and when the World Summit was being prepared, he was really worried that this guy would make a mess of things. This guy doesn't matter at that time. From what happened just now, it can be seen that the people above this guy are not just Marshal Sengoku and Marshal Kong. It's so simple, no matter how messed up it is, there is a cover, but he doesn't, he is just a talented, young and promising town homeworker with the hope of the whole village!

How many years and how much blood has been shed to get to today.

The leaders above like to find those younger brothers who have no identity background to take the blame. It is difficult for this person to say that this person is not him, so he hurriedly grabbed this jerk to interrupt his thoughts, and almost cried, you It doesn't matter if someone is covering up and doing something wrong, but I don't!

"" "Hey! Classmates, you still don't know me for so many years, am I such a person in your heart? You have disappointed me! rubbish!"

His thoughts were interrupted, Leonardo saw Dauberman's expression that he couldn't cry even though he wanted to cry. After shaking his head in disappointment, Leonardo took Gion and walked towards the place arranged for them by the World government.

"What does that guy want to do? (⊙_⊙)?"

After Leonardo and Gion Week, everyone looked at Dauberman who wanted to cry but couldn't cry, but they couldn't figure it out for a while, but they also got nervous when they saw Dauberman's appearance. They could even beat people at the gate of the World Government Headquarters, and they panicked in their hearts.

"If it's not unexpected, this "tea pig" Vice Admiral is going to be unlucky, that guy holds grudges the most, don't look at this guy who hasn't read a few books and has no culture, but is the most insidious...£=('o `*))) Alas! I hope you don't do anything more here...'

Dauberman said helplessly.

"....he doesn't mean to kill Vice Admiral, the "tea pig"? ∑(?g?)"

Everyone was shocked when they listened to Dauberman's explanation, so it was Vice Admiral who was in the same position as them!

"It could be worse....=('o`*)))"

Looking at the back of the pair of dogs and men in front, Dauberman sighed deeply.

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