Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

299. Garp: Sengoku, my grandson's birthday!

Naval Headquarters.

In Brother Marine's office, Sengoku was standing behind the desk looking at the world map hanging on the wall, full of pride for a while, this is my country...

I didn't feel it before. After the first brother, he finally understood why the big brother likes to hang a world map on the background wall. Sure enough, the scenery he sees from the top is the same as what he sees in other places. First of all, he feels It's all different!

When Admiral was in a high position, especially when Zephyr stepped back from behind the scenes to become an educator, Marine Admiral was left with only one person. people object.

But the deputy is the deputy after all. I came to Big Brother's office a lot of times before, and I didn't feel much when I looked at the map on the wall.

I don't know when it started, he gradually fell in love with this feeling, it's really uncomfortable not to watch for a day...

Since he came to power until now, all their actions in Marine have been very smooth so far, and the world conscription has been going very smoothly. Under his relaxed conditions, many people who failed the audit before but had justice in mind would rather enter the electronics factory with talent than 820. When the aspiring youths of the pirates threw themselves into the arms of their Marines, and looked at the statistics sent by recruiting sites around the world, he was very satisfied. At this time, there were still young people with justice in mind, and there were still many...

In the first half, under the active cleaning of Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji, the order was much better than before. At least there were no "big" pirates who dared to show up. It's just a new pirate who doesn't know how high the sky is. Although there are still many new pirates going out to sea every day, the impact is not very big.

Marine and the pirates themselves are a long-lasting battle, which cannot be rushed.

During this time, it was Kizaru that impressed him. After being promoted to Admiral, Kizaru has changed a lot, and he is even more positive than Akainu. So far, due to the advantage of speed, Kizaru's record has made Akainu and Aokiji not even able to see the tail lights of the car. By the way, Kizaru was able to achieve this result in such a short period of time in the first half, and it can be said that Kizaru contributed a lot. If it wasn't for the price he raised when he reported his work yesterday, he even doubted whether Kizaru was worn by Akainu's soul.

It's really very positive, my brother just reported where and what big pirates appeared, and just after the coordinates, Kizaru turned into a light and disappeared...

Sometimes he even thinks that it would be good if they have more people like Kizaru in their Marine who believe in doing as much as they want. Although their own justice is ambiguous, as long as they can afford the money, the efficiency of completing tasks is definitely better than that of Akainu. too much!

He is still considering whether to give Kizaru a salary increase to make him work harder, but when he thinks about the statistics of the World Conscription so far, he feels that he still needs to slow down.

In short, in the more than a month since he took office, the situation of their Marines has been very good, which also made him have a kind of thought and pride that hit the best brother in history in the mouth of little Curry!

"Bang! 35

"Sengoku! It's my grandson's birthday next month, give me a fake note...!"

However, just when Sengoku was full of pride, the door of the office was forcibly blown open, and the old Garp boy walked in with one hand picking his nose and the other holding an A4 paper, and the golden swordsman came to Sengoku's office At the table, he skillfully picked up the stamp on the table and stamped it on the paper, then threw it on the table and said carelessly.

The whole set of movements is chic, coherent, clean and neat, fixed-point positioning, without the slightest sloppy water, and without decades of proficiency, it is impossible to achieve such a perfect effect....

" bastard, how many times have I told you, knock before you come in!!(;≧Q≦)y"

The atmosphere that was brewing was finally broken by this bastard, and the arrogance disappeared without a trace. Seeing a good friend who was not angry, he just squirted. This fuck has only been in the position for more than a month, and he is already (cceg) Changed the door several times.

However, looking at the good friend who looks like a dead pig who is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, he reluctantly picks up the fake note on the table after spraying it. The grandson of the good friend is no different from his grandson. He is too busy with work to celebrate his grandson's birthday. Can't let good friends go, can't they?

I didn't expect that Dorag, your kid is very good, and even gave birth to a son in two years......(^?^)?

However, when he saw that the seal on his hand was just stamped with nothing written on it, his whole body was not well, and an extra-large well popped out of his forehead, and he was mad again.

"Where is the word? Your fake note doesn't even contain a single word. Is this a fake note! "(?`Dan'?)?彡"

"Haha, don't worry about these details, just fill it up for me, I'll go first!"

The old boy Garp waved his hands indifferently, then turned around and walked towards the door.

"Wait... this is for kids....(-_-)/"

Sengoku was also accustomed to the operation of his good friend. He handed him over, pulled out the drawer, took out a nicely packaged box, and threw it to his good friend. He waved his hand and told him to leave quickly, out of sight and out of mind.


The old boy Garp had a weird look on his face, and then hurried out of the office.

If only good friends know that his grandson is Roger's son...

"Marshal Sengoku, there is news from the World government, let us send someone to receive Vice Admiral."

The old boy Garp had just left, and although he was still Rear Admiral, his status had once again improved. Even Vice Admiral saw that he was going to be sympathetic to the marshal's adjutant, Mickey, and walked in with a strange look.

"Tea pig? Isn't that kid doing a good job in the world government? Why do you still need to send it to accept? (⊙_⊙)?"

Sengoku listened to Mickey's report with a question mark on his face. He remembered that Cha Dolphin was a talent produced by Akainu and their previous Marine school. At that time, he was quite famous. At first, he planned to ask his big brother Marshal Kong to focus on training him, but Later, he was a step too late, because the World government was going to guard the gate. He was depressed for a while, and then because Zephyr was shining in Marine school, he taught Akainu, Kizaru, two monsters, and flying squirrels. High-quality young people, especially Akainu and Kizaru's limelight, directly kill the legends left by the tea dolphin, and there are more Admiral materials such as Dorag, Kuzan, Xiao Curry and Gion, so they are in the World The government's tea pig has been thrown into the corner by him.

If it wasn't for this guy on Vice Admiral's nomination list two years ago, he'd almost forget they Marine and this guy.

This kid is still nominated by Vice Admiral at the gate of the World government headquarters, which shows that this guy is doing well there. Why was he returned all of a sudden, and they had to send someone to receive it. That kid has no feet? (⊙_⊙)?

PS (Thanks to several fathers for their tickets, reward!!!).

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