Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

300. Sengoku: This tea dolphin is impetuous

I contacted the flying squirrel Vice Admiral, according to the flying squirrel Vice Admiral... the tea dolphin is that bastard... Cough, the tea dolphin Vice Admiral happened to be seen by little Curry when he confessed to Momousagi Vice Admiral Arrived, and was beaten a little bit by little Curry... Now he is still lying unconscious in the hospital bed. The Five Elders saw that he was not suitable for continuing to work in the World government, so they ordered him to be sent back to our Marine. , but because little Curry made too much noise when he beat the tea dolphin Vice Admiral, the foundation of the World Government headquarters office building was demolished, so they are now repairing the foundation and no one has sent them back, so we can only pick them up .

"But... Marshal Sengoku, it is said that Commander Kong was also present at the time, and he seemed to express his abhorrence for Vice Admiral's behavior. After we brought people back, it was not a good arrangement, and Vice Admiral's reputation has begun to deteriorate. Great.......

Mickey's business ability is strong, even if he is very angry now, he has greeted the bastard and the whole family a dozen times in his heart, but he can still control his emotions and tell him about the flying squirrel. The whole story of the matter is clearly articulated and expressed without the slightest bit of personal emotion. As a professional civilian secretary, I will not have personal emotions in my work, but it is still okay to give a little constructive advice.

This bastard doesn't want to mix up! I don't know if Curry is his little brother~? (♥~♥ㄨ)

"-_-||...Take the person back and talk about it. After the injury is healed, you can see where there is a shortage of people and let him hone in on him! Hone in! Impatient...-"

Sengoku also had a black face, and said to Mickey with a serious look.

I can't blame little Curry. After all, it's a man who can do this kind of thing. If anyone dares to talk to Xiaohe in front of him, he won't kill that bastard. Curry still has a dog with a tea dolphin, which means he is kind by nature.

However, if you think about a talent like Tea Dolphin, you can't say no to it. On the way to fight crime and pirates, he has always been informal. There are indeed some problems with the character of Tea Dolphin, but it is also the strength of Vice Admiral. It can't be wasted, dare to tilt the corner of his eldest nephew, it is impossible for this person to reuse, but it is good to send it to the front line and use it as waste!

"Understood, I'll arrange for someone to pick up Vice Admiral."

Although Sengoku said it vaguely, after being with Sengoku for so many years, Mickey understood the boss's meaning, and after taking orders, he left the office and called someone to repair the door.

The boss said that after the bastard recovers from the injury, let him see where there is a shortage of people, and then take the bastard to exercise.

There are two key points in this sentence. The first is where there is a shortage of people. At present, the situation has stabilized due to the actions of the three Admiral in the first half of the seat. The following bases basically do not need to mobilize a Marine Vice Admiral to go to the town. Although the situation is a little worse than the first half, it is not so bad that it has to film Vice Admiral to solve the problem like the original West Blue.

So now the first half of the trip is important to the four seas, the prosperous sea area, and the towns are not short of people, and the second key point in the boss's words.

"Hone in! Hone in!" Emphasizing and repeating important things is a good habit of the boss for many years. What is the best place to train people and hone them?

Isn't it the mountain valleys that their Marines can't take care of? Those places are the best places to train people. Just look at the previous Sabaody base commander before Little Curry. I don't know if I can fight, but it is certain that wealth can be eaten. As a result, Marshal Kong sent him to Shangougou to guard the fish pond for just over two years. When this pig-headed Vice Admiral came back from vacation last month, he almost I can't even recognize it. This pig-headed Vice Admiral not only successfully lost weight, but also has twelve well-defined abdominal muscles to bring him back to the top. At first glance, he can definitely fight!

That kind of place is the most tempering place. Mickey is going to go back and see if there is any such place in the first half. If there is, wait for the bastard to be hurt and throw it directly. If not, it doesn't matter, the pig head. Vice Admiral gave him a lot of stuff when he came back from his last vacation, and asked him to talk in front of Marshal Sengoku, move him away from the guy who doesn't lay eggs, doesn't poop, takes a shower and shares a bathhouse with a group of orangutans place.

Now that he has received the benefits, he has been thinking about how to help that pig-headed Vice Admiral speak good words in front of the boss and call him out. Of course, because of the previous criminal record, he can't go to a good place, but it is better than talking with him. Orangutans share the same bathhouse!


Speaking of which, this pig-headed Vice Admiral is actually quite bumpy.

In Marine, especially those who are in charge of the bases below, it is not a big deal to get some oil and water. After all, everyone is human, and everyone has emotions and desires, but they cannot forget what their job is. Marine's job is not Is it safe to catch pirates and surround one side? And what to do to catch pirates is to rely on fists and knives?

As long as your business ability is still there, you can still salvage it, and it will not have much impact on fishing for oil and water.


It's strange that Marshal Kong didn't send you to guard the fish pond...

Look at the little Curry, he has made a lot of money in Sabaody in the past two years, but his business ability is still very good, even so good that sometimes even Marshal Sengoku and Commander Kong frown, either as Whitebeard's godson or as Kaido. The head horse brother.....

With such excellent business ability, no amount of money can be made too much, and now he is given three international metropolises so that he can be justifiably fished, this is what he is capable of!

But for now, it's alright to throw that bastard tea pig over to bathe with the gorilla and fish out the pig's head Vice Admiral, and it's not a waste of him to give such a lot of benefits...

World government headquarters.

Leonardo dragged his tired body early in the morning and walked to a courtyard below the office building without waking up. He slumped on the beach chair and continued to repeat yesterday's work.

The work here is so boring, there are still several days before the World Summit, and there are not many royal families from the participating countries. The prime ministers come here, and their marine work is just to show off in front of the younger brothers from the participating countries of the World government. The muscles and the venue will not be disturbed, and they will not be able to do any security work.

This is how someone really hits Mariejois, and they don't need to go to the Marine. Those people who wear masks and don't know how many CPs have already gone on. The World government spends a lot of money to support these people every year. indivual.

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