Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

302. A person like him who has both parents and Ma Zi is alive

"Ah. It is said that the two have competed no less than ten times. The first time was when this eagle eye ran to West Blue to find this redhead who had not yet gone to sea. The two had a match, and the outcome was unclear. For a period of time, Hawkeye competed with this red-haired sword, and the movement was quite loud, and now it is even more so. The news said that the two were on a small island, and the island was cut down.... But It sounds strange, although this eagle eye has been looking for people to compete with swords before, but most of the time it is only once, and now it feels like eagle eye is chasing this red haired sword, Red Hair Pirates chases wherever the eagle eye goes , which is not the same as what he did before. 99

After Huoshaoshan finished speaking, he also expressed the doubts of many people. Everyone knows that this eagle-eyed handsome guy who doesn't even give face to Uncle Marine and Whitebeard in order to find someone to compare swords with is a pure swordsman, just the kind of swordsman who is left behind. When the world is looking for someone to compare swords, everyone has seen his strength and record. Under normal circumstances, such a person will not compete twice with the same person in a short period of time. After all, this kind of person has been pursuing the peak of kendo all his life , If you win, then there is no need to continue to compete with your subordinates, because the meaning is not great. And if you can't cut the opponent, you will usually go back and work hard for a year or two, and then you will be ashamed before you come out.

This is the normal growth process of a swordsman.

But this eagle-eyed operation made him completely unable to see, and he didn't know what the two guys were doing.

"...Hey! What a persistent person! By the way, is there any new pirate rookie emerging now, for example, the one who sees him and has a kind of guy who will definitely be awesome in the future feeling.35

Leonardo put his hands behind his head and looked at the blue sky with ease, silently mourning for the red hair and giving himself a compliment. Fortunately, the target he chose for Hawkeye was the red hair. Can it last so long.

Hawkeye's strength is just now, although he has not yet become the strongest adversary and the world's largest swordsman, but if he continues like this, it will not take many years to complete this ultimate achievement, the world's great sword There are not many people in Hao himself, just because the distance is relatively long, it takes time to run to find those people. It is the small coffin board of the eagle-eyed pretty boy, which can be blown over when the waves are big, and it is either manual or natural to get there. Wind, to be honest, that kind of small wrecked boat is very pretentious when it comes, but it's too time-consuming, just like Kuzan riding a bicycle on the sea, it looks very pretentious, and it's really cool to enjoy the sea scenery slowly when you have time. Yes, but the speed is slow to death, just like Kuzan, the former eldest daughter who has been homeless since she got married, rides a bicycle around the sea aimlessly when she is on vacation. The round-trip vacation is over.

A person like him with both parents, Ma Zi is still alive, and a person with a family, even a small iron warship is too slow...

However, Leonardo is not very interested in the feud between Hawkeye and Red Shanks now, as long as Hawkeye continues to pester Red Shanks and don't come to him.

Before his mysterious small treasury skyrocketed and completely got rid of the little black card of the stinky girl in Gion and realized the freedom of wealth, he really didn't want to slash with the guy holding the super artifact, it would hurt money, but if someone came It's not enough to ask you for a fight, if you don't move a knife, a swordsman doesn't move a knife to cut you, people think they look down on others, especially a straight man like Hawkeye, it's not a good thing to be missed by him... .

Nowadays, new people are coming out in large numbers in the sea, and it is quite common for a new generation to replace the old, but until now, there is no one he is familiar with or who has persisted for a longer time. Almost all of them dared to come forward and were brushed down by another batch of newcomers within half a year. This half year is the same as the novice protection period. Within half a year, they will meet gods and kill ghosts and ghosts. Once the novice protection period expires, No, it will be eliminated directly.

Until now, he had not heard a name that was familiar to him. He remembered that when he was in Logue town, didn't all the Shichibukai in version 1.0 assembled except the empress and murlocs?

But it's been more than a year now. Except for one Hawkeye who made a name for himself, the other four have never heard of it, especially Celestial Dragons Doflamingo, who was blackened by Oda's official newspaper reader. Is this guy still in North? Blue wandering around, right?

He still wants to wait for the criminal genius to come to Grand Line to give him a few riches...

"...the most recent ones are this Red Hair Pirates and this eagle eye, the Red Hair Pirates captain Red Hair Shanks bounty has skyrocketed to 120 million, but this guy is no longer a newcomer, Roger Sea The former intern of the pirate group, this eagle eye didn't even know if he was a pirate because he didn't even have a pirate flag, and Marshal Kong didn't know whether to give this guy a bounty..."

The flying squirre said on the topic.

Leonardo sat up, touched his chin and nodded, it's not surprising that the red-haired Shanks made a maximum salary of 120 million as soon as he debuted. , plus he is a great genius, it would be very strange if he couldn't make a maximum salary of 820, this is someone who even the Celestial Dragons girls dare to sleep.

The fact that this guy made his debut and still has a bounty is related to the fact that he used to be a pirate intern, and that he was surrounded by Roger, Rayleigh and other top-tier server battle horns. To be honest, few people still remember it. At the beginning, there were two interns on the Roger Pirates. After all, everyone's attention was on Roger and Rayleigh. Those who had fought with the Roger Pirates probably didn't know about the interns. In addition to the red-haired Shanks, there is also a late bloomer, the red-nosed Buggy. They remember that Shanks is the No. 1 figure because when he was fighting, Shanks also followed and he performed quite well. There were a few scenes, and the red-nosed When it comes to fighting, Buggy is either hiding in a wine barrel or lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, and has never appeared on the scene at all, which is why it is known in the anime that the red-nosed Buggy used to be an intern with the red-haired Shanks on the Roger Pirates. When I was born, even Sengoku ate several kilograms...

Sengoku also saw this guy when he and Akainu were in Logue town. To be honest, the price of 120 million people who know Shanks will feel that the bounty is low, but they don't know Shanks. After seeing his bounty, he will eat several kilograms.

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