Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

303. This newspaper reader has not yet come out North Blue

He guessed that it wasn't that Sengoku didn't want to drive him higher, but that the situation didn't allow it.

The bounty is a double-edged sword. It not only brings more enemies to the pirates, but also a way to motivate the pirates in disguise.

If Sengoku really gave the red-haired Shanks a bounty that was worthy of his worth, think about it, a pirate who has just officially debuted for the first time has a bounty of several hundred million, and those pirates in the first half are not crazy. .

What do young people become pirates for? Freedom is just a slogan. After all, it is nothing more than unfinished fame and fortune. The higher their bounty, the greater the fame. Once you see Shanks' hundreds of millions of bounties, those people Juebei started to go crazy and do things again.

But if the bounty offered to Shanks is too low, it won't work. Before the Fuck debuted, he had already opened up with Akainu and took Roger's body away under the heavy siege of Marine, although there was a shadow of Garp in it. , but it doesn't matter, it's a fact that the red-haired Shanks can match Akainu halfway, if they don't give him a higher lead, wouldn't their Marine be a waste?

Therefore, the maximum salary of the pirates in the first half is 120 million. The skills reflect their Marine's attention to Red Hair Pirates, and at the same time, they can stabilize the emotions of the pirates in the first half and not drive them crazy.

As for whether to open a bounty to Hawkeye, it is indeed a very contradictory question. What Hawkeye has done in these years is indeed between open and unopened. First of all, he does not even have a pirate flag, so it is not an official certification. The pirate, but when this guy first debuted, Marine also had a lot of sword players cut by this guy, especially during the Marineford battle, this guy attacked Marine Vice Admiral in front of so many people, although In the end, he was smashed into the street by a doll that fell from Sengoku's office, but it is not too much to be charged with assaulting a police officer. However, since his debut, this guy has done a lot of good people and good deeds, and he has also killed a lot of vicious pirates. He has helped them Marine a lot. If a bounty is offered to this guy, who will do good deeds in the future?

Therefore, based on the most basic bottom-line issue of morality, Kong did not offer a reward to Hawkeye at first, and turned a blind eye to him, but now that Sengoku is in the top position, the situation may be different. Brother, Sengoku must make some achievements to consolidate his prestige. The eagle-eyed handsome boy is blind in the sea all day long. Although he has done a lot of good deeds, it is still a kind of provocation for Marine, so Sengoku may Can't bear it.

"Then is there any news from North Blue? I heard that North Blue has a godfather who dominates the North Blue underworld in the last two years. Is it true~"?"

Leonardo still didn't give up and asked if there were other people, especially focusing on Doflamingo. Others were fine and should have no interest in him, but Doflamingo was different.

Now the three major international cities of the Grand Line are under his jurisdiction, especially since he is located in Sabaody, the center of the world economy. Doflamingo wants to come to the Grand Line to become bigger and stronger in the future. These three major international cities are important cities that cannot be let go. ,Especially in Sabaody, who are the world-class tycoons these days without any assets in Sabaody?

In the past gatherings of rich people, which time was not in Sabaody Land where the wealthy sat at the center table, and the wealthy dozens sat on the periphery next door, and they couldn't spend 1,500 yuan a month.... Go out and look at the door.

So Doflamingo wants to make his business bigger and stronger. He is a hurdle that Doflamingo can never get around. As an honest and excellent Marine, he also wants to see what price Doflamingo takes to impress him. When he got that little black card, he felt like a soft-boiled eater. After a few months of working hard to fight the human traffickers, the harvest was confiscated by the stinky bitch in Gion. If it wasn't for the World Summit, he would come to Mariejois. They all wanted to go to North Blue to tie Doflamingo to Sabaody's land, and they went out to help him fight the turf.

Too fuckin' ink!

"Sihai side...I don't know very well, you also know that our troops are tight, and we managed to stabilize the first half, and we really have no time to take care of the four seas. In the past, we managed to control a strictly forbidden East Blue, and now we can't take it into account. .Why do you suddenly pay attention to North Blue?"

Dauberman asked curiously after explaining.

Although the four seas are the birthplace of heroes, compared to the Grand Line, the combat power system is much weaker. Even if the four seas are in chaos, it is not too difficult for the Marines to calm them down. Just throw a Marine Vice Admiral and you can swept all the way. So the people of the Grand Line rarely go back to pay attention to the four seas, unless the four seas are their hometown, they will pay more or less attention from time to time, but only to understand the situation a little.

Moreover, the most noisy pirates in this period were not North Blue, West Blue and South Blue. It was precisely at that time that the old boy Garp went home from time to time on vacation, resulting in East Blue, which is known as the weakest sea of ​​the sea without breaking ten million pirates.

Now East Blue is more famous than the other three seas, East Blue not only has a Marine hero, but now also has a One Piece, this is the real hero!

Although there have been many great pirates in other mountains and seas, the achievements of these people are not comparable to the title of One Piece.

Dauberman always felt that this guy wouldn't pay attention to places like the world for no reason. This guy must be holding back some bad farts against North Blue, but he couldn't find any evidence.

"" "Just chat to pass the time, you also know that these days are boring..."

Leonardo pursed his lips when he saw Dauberman's distrustful eyes.

He found that since Dauberman had been with him for two years, his mind had become enlightened, and he would use his brain...

"Da da da.......

(Money) North Blue is a flamingo on a luxury pirate ship, dressed in bird feathers, obtained a post-doctoral diploma a year ago and unified the North Blue underworld in just one year. In the blackening Celestial Dragons, Doflamingo, Oda's official newspaper reader, held a goblet full of red wine in one hand and tapped on the table with the other, thinking about the problem with a serious expression.

The younger brothers below did not speak, and they were all quietly waiting for the decision of their chosen one, the Young Master. Although they had waited all morning, their feet were numb, but these people did not have a single complaint, because the Young Master This is definitely about to let them enter the next chapter. This decision is very important. Many of them have failed once in the past, and now they are middle-aged and have the last chance. The wave is gone, the young master is right, you can't be in a hurry when you are steady... rubbish.

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