Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

305. The Ward Pirates can have today thanks to you

"Don't talk about it, these noble grandfathers are really rich, look at these people wearing gold and silver, oh, what's the background of that guy, he brought out the crown, and he's not afraid of meeting kidnappers on the road?"

At the gate of the World government headquarters, Leonardo led Dauberman and the others to watch from a distance those who were wearing gold and silver, either wearing pure handmade grandmothers or with a mess of big gems on their foreheads, and a few more arrogant people wearing crowns. The talkers from all over the world who came to attend this conference are all big-bodied, round-waisted, fat-headed and big-eared. To be honest, Leonardo is too sour. Reincarnation is indeed a technical job!

Look at him and the Marine uncles around him. They all have abs ranging from twelve to eighteen. They are exposed to the sun and rain every day. Knowing that Enies Lobby drinks coffee, these guys don't have any goods but they are all dressed in fancy clothes. This Fuck treats World Summit as a beauty pageant. It's really enough. Now the sea is not peaceful, and inheritance is not afraid of being kidnapped?


Dauberman and the others watched with a black line as a hillbilly entered the city. It was rare for Leon to comment on anyone he saw. He took two steps back calmly and tried to keep the distance between him and the hillbilly. Fuck, there are two Marine Admiral, Kizaru and Aokiji on the way. Unless they meet Whitebeard, what kidnapper can succeed? Not even the single-player Kaido, who is just durable...

"Little Curry hasn't seen him for a while, and his mental state is not very good..."

At this time, Kizaru and Aokiji came from a distance with a group of Marine Uncles stepping on the models, but unfortunately there is no BMG, otherwise it would be perfect...

Kizaru looked at Leonardo, who was not in good spirits even though he was full of gas after two days of rest.

"Hey! In short, it's hard to say, what is the origin of those few wearing crowns, and you actually let the two Marines ~ the guardians personally escort them?

Hearing Kizaru's ridicule, Leonardo waved his hand, he didn't want to talk about the past again, and his life was no more stormy. He quickly changed the subject and pointed to the few crowned men who were about to step into the conference building with the steps of the devil. These are the most arrogant, and come to Mariejois to wear a crown. Isn't Celestial Dragons their father?

"The kings of several countries in the New World have a dangerous journey, so we have to escort them in person."

When I came to the gazebo, Kuzan sat down and said in a lazy voice, as if he hadn't woken up.

Since the Ohara incident, Leonardo found that Kuzan is getting more and more lazy. If the previous laziness was due to the Devil Fruit factor, it is now out of his own heart.

"(⊙_⊙)? Are there any member countries in New World?"

Leonardo has a question mark on his face. It's not because he has little reading, but at this time, their Marine forces have all withdrawn from the first half of New World's main attack except for a G1 base to guard the gate. The membership fee is because it needs to be covered by Marine, but now they can't cover them with Marine, New World is almost all pirates now, and those so-called allied countries are just a slogan, what really covers their country is Those big pirates.

Under such circumstances, the king of the New World came to attend this meeting, which is indeed a bit incredible.

"This is the shrewdness of these guys. Both ends are sold well, and both ends are not guilty. Although some financial losses are lost, the country can continue. In New World, these countries will never be short of money."

Kizaru didn't know when he was holding his thermos and said slowly.

"Suo Ga... No wonder he came so arrogantly with the crown, the feeling is that the big brother can't cover the younger brother!"

Leonardo is somewhat aware that these countries are already high-risk areas in the New World. If you want to survive, you can only keep changing positions. Today, when Uncle Marine is still there, he will fight for Uncle Marine and pay the heavenly gold. Tomorrow Uncle Marine will leave. To hold the thigh of the big pirate and pay the membership fee to the big pirate will not forget the share of Celestial Dragons. This approach may seem shameless to outsiders, but as a country, as long as it can survive, it doesn't matter what it is. Shameless, the iron-boned country has basically been wiped out, and the rest are all smooth people. They came with the crown because now the big brother can't cover the younger brother, and the younger brother will inevitably float a little.

"The changes in the New World are too fast. The Pirate League was annexed by the Ward Pirates, and now the Ward Pirates are even more exaggerated than the Beasts Pirates. The New World is not peaceful. These countries are in the Beasts Pirates with Ward. The junction of the German Pirates' territory.

・・・・Seeking flowers・

Kizaru drank a sip of tea as if sipping wine, his small blurred eyes seemed to see through the illusory prosperity of the world, and said in a low voice.

"...The Pirate League was swallowed? What's the situation? Byrnndi·World doesn't seem to have this ability, right? As a second-in-command, he fought for a long time and Immune to Death. (⊙_⊙)"

Leonardo was quite surprised to hear this. He had seen the configuration of the One Piece League. The former big boss "Blowing Chicken" was brought back by him, but he was rescued by Mr. Kaido. , Although the top combat power of the One Piece League is not good, Byrnndi. World doesn't seem to be much stronger. At first, he was stared at by Mr. Kaido and didn't dare to let go. The most important thing is to be a Pirate League two. The head of the family was exhausted and paralyzed and couldn't do anything to others.


To be honest, there is no Pirate League in the original book. He originally thought that this Pirate League should be a stepping stone for the Four Emperors, the red-haired Shanks, but how could it be swallowed by Byrnndi. World in the middle.

Byrnndi. World doesn't seem to have this ability?

The strength ratio of the two sides, now that the former speaker of the Pirate League "Blowing Chicken" sand bile is back, and the previous speaker still has so many leading cadres, even if the Byrnndi World can't be exhausted alone, if If they were besieged, Byrnndi. World and his little brothers would definitely not be able to compete in the One Piece League.

Now, the once down-and-out giants, the Ward Pirates have risen again, my God, it is really unpredictable!

"It's normal that you don't know what happened two days ago, and the newspapers haven't published it yet. Speaking of which, it has something to do with you, and the Ward Pirates' existence today is entirely up to you!"

Aokiji pushed off the blindfold and looked at him with a pair of godless "big" eyes.

This guy is just... irritating, just go to New World to make a fortune, and it can make New World's situation change, the major forces reshuffle, and save a lonely wealthy family... .

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