Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

306. The Fall of the Pirate League

The fall of the One Piece League is really indirectly related to Leonardo. After Leonardo took their first person "Blowing Chicken" sand urchin away, the third leader was supporting the second leader when Byrnndi. World Haibian , The power cable was raging, and he came down with a mouthful of guns to establish his status as the next big boss. When the second boss who was Byrnndi. World Haibian didn't die for a long time reacted, things had become settled.

But at the same time, a seed was also planted. After all, the third child took advantage of the fact that the eldest brother was slapped and the second child was beaten. Although it is said that many people were fooled and voted for him, it is really difficult to ascend in this way. Carrying a heavy load, it is still a matter of fisting when you come out, and it is just that the strength of the third child can only be regarded as average, and it is not as good as the second child. The second child is also a real person at the beginning. Seeing the third child The top is elected by so many people, and he has nothing to say, and he has no brains, so he has to recognize it.

When the third child was in power, it was good in the beginning. After all, everyone can unite as an enemy. Although they didn't save their former boss, it was all to survive in the New World and not be attacked by Kaido teacher again. Charlotte fat woman bullied, but when Teacher Kaido came back from the first half, everyone saw that Kaido's Beasts Pirates had increased in strength, and they had no time to continue working, and they were waving their banknotes into the talent market to earn crazy growth. This is even more true for the Pirate League, which is stacked by numbers. Because there is no top-level combat power to lead the team, they used to start a team with Teacher Kaido and Fat Lady Charlotte, all of whom were several times more talented than the other party. Dare to be tough with others, now every household is recruiting younger brothers, they naturally can't fall behind, but they have to accept more younger brothers to continue to maintain their advantage.

And Teacher Kaido is also a moralist. After saving New World together with those who led him back to New World, he had to leave, and he had to stay. It was not too messy at all. Most of the people who were rescued at the beginning were basically the same. Thanks to Mr. Kaido's dock, but the former talker of the One Piece "Blowing Chicken" sand urchin is an exception. After all, he and Mr. Kaido's grievances and grievances can't be finished in three seasons and fifty episodes. Although the strength has gained a little, the integrity of the big pirate is still there. At first, he was beaten by Kaido because of his good brother because of his good brother. Form an alliance.

He used to be a wealthy talker on an equal footing with Mr. Kaido, but what does it mean to be Mr. Kaido's younger brother now?

After speaking out, he was afraid that after death, his own father would not give him entry. If he couldn't beat him, it would be fine for others to join in this kind of thing, but he definitely couldn't.

So after returning to New World, he resolutely left Beasts Pirates and returned to his Pirate League. On the way back to the city, he also knew that in the process of being slapped, the third child took the opportunity to become a talker. This former person is now weak and weak, and it is not so easy to get back power, so after returning to the Pirates League, he will keep a low profile after returning to the Pirates League. After all, the Pirates League was built by him little by little. As a newcomer to the New World, he still has feelings for this big league. After seeing the third child in the position, every decision is relatively correct, and he does not act arbitrarily. Anyway, his original younger brother was influenced by Teacher Kaido along the way. He is now alone and can't do anything.

I have to say that although this "Blowing Chicken" sand bile has been fished a bit, the realm of thought itself is high, otherwise it would be impossible to create a wealthy family out of nothing, and after the ups and downs, his mental realm will be improved. Floors, and sometimes rapid retreat can be regarded as a realm.

Compared with being driven down, he can still retain a bit of the dignity of the boss by retiring like this.

Originally everything was fine, but when the New World fell into a strange peace, when they waved the money to enter the talent market to recruit younger brothers, this kind of alliance problem that was not one of their own began to appear. The Pirate League itself depends on the number of people. After the piles are piled up, now every household, major alliances and even Charlotte's fat woman's BIGMOM pirate group are waving banknotes to enter the field to collect their younger brothers, the entire talent market is in chaos, and the wages of professional younger brothers also doubled during this period. the uphill....

The wages of this kind of professional cannon fodder continue to rise. For Charlotte fat woman and Beasts Pirates, the two old-fashioned giants do not know how many industries they have built over the years. This is not the case for the thieves group, which makes them even worse off.

But if I want to get in the New World, I can't grab the rich and powerful Charlotte, so I can only find another way, from recruiting a younger brother to the talent market and digging a foot between the various pirate groups. At this time, many people found that this digging other It seems that the people of the pirates are much cheaper than going to the talent market to receive income! In the talent market, they can't compete with the rich and powerful like Charlotte's fat woman!

This also led to frequent occurrences of pirate groups in New World digging each other's feet.

But these have nothing to do with the Pirate League. Although the Pirate League was a new wealthy family at that time, it was still a wealthy family. Although the banknotes are not comparable to Charlotte's fat lady, they are not comparable to ordinary people, so the two giants In the talent market, there is a unique battle for wealth, and neither side has a winner in this battle.

Originally, many people thought that this matter should be over here, but they can think that this is just the beginning in 4.6. Although the Pirates League and the BIGMOM Pirates barely fought a tie in the rich arena, they have a lot of face. , But this time, the practice of the new top third really touched the interests of many people in the league.

Unlike the BIGMOM pirates, the money of the BIGMOM pirates belongs to the fat woman Charlotte, and the money that the pirate alliance takes out this time is not the third one's own, but everyone's.

All these years of fighting to the death and fighting to the death have finally earned these net worth, but the third child fought with the BIGMOM pirates for the sake of his face. It is said that people die for wealth and birds die for food. Many people who were already dissatisfied with the position of the eldest third and had their opinions reached a peak.

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