Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

307. There is no one in this shit.

However, because there are still foreign enemies, even if these people are dissatisfied, they just bury this seed deeply in their hearts.

But when their previous words came back, it was different, or it was said that this "chicken" could form this big alliance, and they were still a bit capable and popular. When the "chicken" came back , These people came to him one after another and wanted him to stand up and re-selection, but "Blowing Chicken" itself has improved a lot in his ideological realm, and he didn't want to see the giants he created with his own hands torn apart, so he refused.

But these people did not turn back their arrows. Since they have already acted, they naturally have no idea of ​​retreating. Since "Blowing Chicken" is unwilling, then they will go to the second leader whose life is even harder than "Blowing Chicken", this second leader This part of the brain may not be as clever as the third one, but people's strength in the major leagues is so great, at least the part of being beaten is definitely the first place, even "Blowing Chicken" can't compare, "Blowing Chicken" was won by Teacher Kaido. After half an hour with the fat woman Charlotte, she was so bloody, the second head of the family had carried Byrnndi. World for a long time, and he was stunned that he locked half of the blood and didn't take it away.

And when this Erdang 22 family sees so many people supporting him, what are you waiting for? If you are slow, you will be slapped on the thigh! Immediately called up all the talkative people in the league, and proposed to re-select the speaker. This proposal, however, is divided into three factions in the big league, the third one is the opposition with those who have been fooled by him, the second one is in favor with his supporters, and a group of people remain neutral, but they see two groups of people. There are big brothers who are taking the lead, and they are not rude if they don't, so they found the previous person to "blow the chicken", and it happened that "blow the chicken" was also the idea. The two sides hit it off, and the "blow chicken" represented their neutrality.

However, with the passage of time, the contradiction between the second child and the third child has become more and more serious, and sometimes even staged a full martial arts, but fortunately, the former person of "Blowing Chicken" still has such a loss of prestige , It won't let the two sides fight to the point of winning and losing as well as life and death, but it's not good for "Blowing Chicken" to see it go on like this.

If it continues like this, the giants he built with one hand will be played by his own people before they are killed by outsiders, so for the Pirate League he built with one hand, "Blowing Chicken" decided to stand up for re-election and run for election. , Those who are neutral in their own right are slapped by him, and they also think it makes sense. When "Blowing Chicken" is still a matter of people, they are united and friendly in the Pirate Alliance. Everyone is like a family. Your wife is my sister-in-law, and your sister-in-law is my wife. At that time, everyone didn't have to close the door to sleep.

Look again now, you are guarding me, I suspect you, how tired everyone is together!

Therefore, with the support of the neutralists, "Blowing Chicken" held its first general meeting since its return, expressing that he would come out and run for re-election.

And this time, the practice of "bringing chicken" can make people who support the second child angry. We supported you in the past, but you refused to agree. Now we have stood in line with the second child and fought well. Then you jumped out to run for election. What does this mean? Are you looking down on us?

Fuck him! (♥~ㄨ)

These people who support the second child are also violent. They have already started before the meeting is over, and when the second child sees the people who support him, they have already started. Wherever the second one is right, he will take the lead. His father once said, take the lead, big brother. It's about to play the role of taking the lead, and when you don't care about anything, take the lead and it's over!

The second child rushed directly to "Blowing Chicken" like a tiger descending the mountain. Although "Blowing Chicken" was fucked to blood by Mr. Kaido and Fatty Charlotte in the second battle, it was the same as Mr. Kaido and Fatty Charlotte. The strongest in the world is a beast compared with a natural king, but his own strength is still very good, only a negligible distance weaker than Byrnndi. Vardi, although the second child's power is very fierce, but still It really can't be done with "Blowing Chicken", and he has already been fucked in less than 50 rounds, but the second child continues to play his characteristics of being beaten, and even Byrnndi. World is about to be paralyzed by him. Although "Blowing Chicken" He was able to beat the second child, but he was the same as Byrnndi. World, but he couldn't kill him. Just when the two sides were looking at each other, the third child also entered the field with his team. The three-way melee at the headquarters of the alliance is very lively. If there is a pirate group with a little bit of strength entering the field at this time, they can push the pirate alliance all the way to destroy it.

However, the Ward Pirates became the most fortunate one. The Ward Pirates, which had been developing badly that day, lost their boat and had no money to collect their younger brother. During this period of time, the Ward Pirates had a very difficult time. It can be said that their career was at the lowest point. , they originally planned to come to the Pirates League to discuss the issue of joining forces, but if they couldn't, they joined. After all, among these giants, they have the least grievances with the Pirates League. The key is that they do not have a top-level combat power. If they join, they will have a lot of right to speak, and it is not bad to slowly nibble and annex.

But when they came, they saw a three-way melee, good guy!

So what are you waiting for? Talk about shit!

While admiring the three-way scramble and cheering for the three parties, and when the three leading eldest brothers were all out of blue, Byrnndi. Gu Laxiu's QEWR plus 820 flat A, killing the third child, "Blowing the chicken" is a bloody death, but this time it is not so good, and it is directly lost by the Ward Pirates. Going into the sea to feed the Sea Kings, in the end, there was still a second child who was so hard to die, but saw "Blowing Chicken" being thrown into the sea for the Sea Kings, the third child died, and the old man who knew that the situation was over The second IQ is also OK, dragging half his life with his remnant soldiers and running away immediately.

The remaining pirate brothers who were not killed saw that the founder and the person who talked about hung up, and the second-in-command ran away again. Byrnndi. The world is so fierce, how did they not find out before? But it seems that it is not too late to find out now. , They were moved by the bravery of Byrnndi. World, gave full play to the spirit of joining when the younger brother couldn't do anything, and threw themselves into the big family of the Ward Pirates.

One of the four giants of the New World, the Pirates League, became history on this day, and the Ward Pirates, which had been in decline for a long time and were about to withdraw from this hegemony battle to go home to herd cattle, annexed the rest of the Pirates League. After that, a gorgeous and arrogant person turned around and rose stronger than before the decline, which shocked everyone in New World for a while.

No one has stepped on this kind of shit...

(PS: Thank you dads for your rewards, reminders, and tickets!!).

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