Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

324. This Marine is still so handsome

In the south of New World, at 7:30 in the morning, the sky in this sea area has just brightened, and the sun has just risen, at the entrance of the Ward Pirates site.

"Lighting engineer, photographer in place, action! 35

"Marine Radio and Television, Marine Radio and Television, Hello everyone in front of the big screen, everyone, welcome to the first issue of the first season of Marine, the rule of law online, this program is produced by Five Elders' golden cigars, Phyllis dolls, Melatonin , Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is titled broadcast, I am your good friend Curry. Leonardo Admiral, code name Green Fox․

"Are you going to start?"

"Marine is already live, it should be..."

"so excited....!

The big screens all over the world suddenly lit up. The passers-by, the workers who were going to work in the electronics factory in the morning, and the hangover pirates all looked up at the big screen, and it was the Marine they said they were familiar with holding the microphone. Appearing on the big screen, looking at the Marine pretty boy wearing the Marine Admiral cape, some people not only feel that time is really a killing knife, the Marine little pretty boy has become the famous Marine "undead Admiral" today, and they How many of these people have the eight 837 abdominal muscles with distinct water chestnuts that are still not there, they have been restored to a large piece, and this "undead Admiral" is still such a handsome boy...

However, although they have experienced the wasting of time, the passion and passion in their hearts are still there, but they are usually not shown. Now that Uncle Marine has started the live broadcast again, the passion hidden deep in their hearts, That passion was rekindled.

Some time ago, Uncle Marine's large-scale action spread all over the sea. Who didn't know that Uncle Marine was about to enter the New World and the big pirate Byrnndi. World was about to usher in a long-awaited passionate battle. Now the live broadcast has started, no need He said that he knew that the war was about to start, and the people in front of the big screen were also excited. Although he didn't know what the Marine pretty boy Admiral said in the opening remarks, they had never heard of those products, nor did they know about the rule of law. What the hell is online, but they know it's ready to go!

These migrant workers did not go to the electronics factory, and the hangover pirates also woke up with a jolt, and they came to the big screen in the city where they were, and their eyes were tightly fixed on the big screen above. , I'm afraid to miss every minute and every second, it's rare to see such a scene of Marine's away game. The last time was several years ago. At that time, many people were still young boys and girls. A single dog who lives and works hard...

"This time we are in the southern part of the New World, the former Ward Pirates, the former Big League of Pirates, and the current Ward Pirates' sphere of influence, as everyone knows, Ward Pirates Captain, Bounty Six The "World Destroyer" of more than 100 million Byrnndi. World, this person has a cruel mood and cruel methods since his debut. For many years, he has done evil in New World. He has no bottom line. Excuse me, more than a month ago, the merchant ship that Celestial Dragons was on was robbed. There were literally hundreds of people aboard the entire merchant ship, and there was not a single person who led the ship alive. Even the friend in the press who did not disclose the news was caught by this. The heinous scum was stewed with wine, and the scene was really sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who saw it..."

Leonardo continued to hold the microphone to the camera to forcefully list the various crimes of Byrnndi. World, the coffee position has come to Marine Admiral, he did not want to show his face, after all, the appearance fee of Rear Admiral is the same as that of Vice Admiral. The appearance fee is different, and the appearance fee is even more different when it comes to Admiral. An Admiral holding a microphone as the host is a bit of a bargain, but after renegotiating a salary contract with Sengoku-san and waiting for the Five Elders to nod in agreement, the military Taking obedience to orders as his duty, dignified Admiral still wants to be a host, although he made a little profit, but he made money... not shabby..

"Listen to the people on the opposite side, you are already surrounded, and I hereby advise you not to make fearless resistance, and immediately put down your weapons and surrender!

"Byrnndi. World, I know you are in the crowd, everyone is a person of status, don't hide, see you, come out and bark twice......!

Leonardo suddenly pointed to a pirate ship that was a little smaller than Sengoku's Marshal-class super-giant ship not far away, followed by several cadres and younger brothers standing on the bow Byrnndi. World shouted, as if the old boy was really alive The crowd does not come out the same.

Before the two sides fight each other, attacking the other party's aura is an important part. To let the other side know that their boss is a life-hungry person who is afraid of death, he can effectively attack the other party's aura to a certain extent. Some of our casualties, especially many of the younger brothers on the opposite side are former pirate alliance younger brothers, and they are not familiar enough with their own bosses. Such people should be fooled.

"Damn Marine....(^∇X)" On the bow of the pirate ship one size smaller than Sengoku's super-giant ship, Byrnndi. World looked at the opposite and pointed The Marine bastard who was barking madly gritted his teeth, you are so blind? Didn't you see the labor and management standing here all the time?

"Fush me! Hack these Marines!!!(`▼Ware▼)"

"Momo "100 times the gun"!""

"Crack! 35

Feeling that the momentum of the younger brothers was slightly fluctuating, Byrnndi. World did not dare to force it. He had seen the mouth of this bastard Marine. These traditional pirates have always been able to do their best not to force them. He knew that he His eloquence is not as good as that of the Marine kid on the other side, so let's talk about it while this Marine kid hasn't talked yet, lest he won't be able to cut it later!

Byrnndi. World waved his hand, then pulled out a delicate grandfather's gun around his waist and aimed it at Sengoku's super-giant ship. Send a super cannonball to the super ship.

"Throw....! I don't know if the bigger the cannonball is, it will only be used as a target? Brother Kizaru!"

Leonardo looked at the super bullet that had grown countless times in size and slammed his mouth in disdain. To be honest, this guy's Momo fruit was very powerful when he watched anime in his previous life. Slow, a small bullet can turn into an epic cannonball that smashes a warship, but when he came to this world and learned about Devil Fruit, he fell in love instantly.

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