Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

325. Coming up is a big move

The development depth of Devil Fruit is actually not unlimited. The upper limit of Devil Fruit development is also high and low, and this upper limit depends on the person who eats this Devil Fruit. For example, Whitebeard's Shock Fruit, although it is a fruit that claims to be able to destroy the world, However, if Whitebeard's powerful body triggers a large-scale tsunami, the earthquake is already the limit. Even Whitebeard's peak period is estimated to be unbearable to trigger a large-scale tsunami several times. Especially if you have to be a Super Saiyan, Bumpman can't handle it.

World government, the reason why Marine is afraid of Whitebeard is not that Whitebeard can really destroy the world, but that even if Whitebeard can't destroy the world, there will be several large-scale tsunamis and earthquakes that no one can stand. World government wants to rule the world It's not to destroy the world, people are dead, who will they rule?

And this Momo fruit, which will become bigger and smaller, faster and slower, is the same. If a Super Saiyan eats this Momo fruit, then the speed will be enhanced to exceed the speed of light, and a bullet will become a planet. There is no problem with most of them. They have a strong body and can hold it, but this Byrnndi. World is just an ordinary race, and there is no special talent to speak of. His upper limit can be strengthened to a hundred times. It is already the limit. 101 times, he can't do it.

However, this kind of speed and volume of strengthening materials by a hundred times sounds awesome, but it is actually the same. At most, he can strengthen his own speed by 30 times. No matter how fast he is, he can't bear it. The speed didn't exceed Observation Haki's perception range, as long as Observation Haki's awesome people can fully predict his actions and attack trajectory, that's why this Momo fruit sounds awesome, but Byrnndi. World is messed up After so many years, he has been at such a level that he can't achieve high performance, and he himself has an upper limit!

"Light speed kick!

"call out!"


In fact, Leonardo didn't need to remind him. When the super cannonball came out, Kizaru put both hands into his trouser pockets and lifted a long leg whose Achilles tendon almost reached his buttocks. His toes pointed a little bit of golden light at the super cannonball. With one kick, a laser cannon shot at the super cannonball, and the super cannonball was smashed into pieces in an instant. One thing to say, this Kizaru really can't blame him because he is not keen on physical training. Sparkling fruit needs speed and speed. If you want to explode with explosive fruit, the special effects are so beautiful, and everyone will be like him. Anyway, after eating Sparkling fruit, as long as you are not careful, or you don't meet a player who doesn't talk about martial arts, it's hard to die. But you can still run, who can catch up with the speed of light?

The moment I ate Sparkling fruit, I thought of being a monster farmer in the second echelon of the ocean. After a little development, the first-line big names are also casual. Look at how hard it took Byrnndi. World to create it. A super epic cannonball that can smash warships~ It smashes with one kick.

"Ice Age!"

Marine's traditional tactics started. After Kizaru came on stage, it was Kuzan's turn. Kuzan jumped from the deck and stepped on the Moonwalk, soaring in the air with his hands open like a big bird. - into ice.

up! 35

"Kill it!!

"Clap clap..."

After Kuzan came on stage, Dauberman and the others roared and summoned the surrounding Uncle Marine to take the lead in rushing to the opposite pirate camp. Now both the enemy and us are in an absolute advantage in terms of the number of heads and the main lineup. This How can you not be brave at times, the whole world is watching...  

The surrounding Uncle Marines were also warmed by the voices of these bosses. Those recruits who had just joined Marine were also copying the guys and jumping off the iron warship with their bosses, stepping on the heavy ice, red necks and snarls. go up.

When the camera bugs are aimed at them, the momentum is even more powerful. I can't wait to show the pirates from all over the world. Whoever dares to cross the knife immediately, only me Marine is the leader....

"Follow me! (▶n▲)" Byrnndi. The cadres and younger brothers on the World side saw a large group of uncle Marine rushed up. Although they were a little flustered in their hearts, they were the main starting players of the giants who had seen the world. Looking at the number of younger brothers on his side, although there are fewer, but not much less, he stabilized his heart and picked up the guy's big hand and rushed towards Uncle Marine who was rushing over.

"Kill it!" New World's professional younger brother has professional ethics. As long as the salary is in place, everyone will do it for you. When you see the big brother who takes the lead, they all rush to it, and they all rush up.

・・・ Flowers・

"Momo a hundred times..."

“Senju Shin Su!!!

"Boom rumble...!

"Don't be so special, fuck him for me! Become a Buddha on the top...! 35

"Boom boom boom...!

Byrnndi. World, as a traditional old-fashioned big pirate, saw that the younger brothers around him were all on, and naturally he couldn't fall behind. He put the elder brother sitting on his shoulders down, and the color of his whole body hardened and instantly turned into a black iron man who was ready to activate the acceleration skills. He rushed up, but Leonardo didn't give him a chance when he saw the darkened armament, his hands flashed green light to pretend to be forceful, so fast that he couldn't even see the afterimage. Unknown handprints.

A thousand-meter-high Senju Buddha stood up beside Byrnndi. World Haki, covering the sky and the moon, Leonardo pushed his hands forward with fingerprints on both hands.

Countless big fists behind Senju Buddha slammed the ant-sized Byrnndi below. World and a group of pirate younger brothers beside him were an unskilled and mighty bastard.


If Mr. Kaido can resist, he really doesn't believe that this bastard can also resist. This time they Marine is not planning to play a protracted war. They are fighting away. They will come to fish, so before entering the New World, Sengoku called their Marines and Admiral to hold a meeting. This battle must be resolved quickly, and they must win this battle beautifully and show their Marine's momentum and style. After all, this is the The first battle of his first brother Sengoku, he can't win too much....

In order to give the leader a face, Leonardo naturally didn't force it, and it was a big move.


Rushing to the front, the ghost spider suddenly saw a super giant Buddha collapsed. Seeing that they were about to enter the blind fist range of the Senju Buddha, they couldn't help but breathe out the fragrance. They stepped on the brake and forcibly glided forward for five or six meters. They raised their hands and called to stop. Younger brother, if they rush into the attack range of the Great Buddha, they won't have the resilience of Kaido-sensei...

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