Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

329. Kaido-sensei: I have never seen such a waste

"Come on, Captain!



"Go on! You can..."

The people in front of the big screen and the pirate brothers around the scene seemed to be infected by the strength and iron blood of Byrnndi. World, they all stopped and clenched their fists tightly, nervously watching the last drop of blood still moving forward. The figure, could not help cheering for him.

Even some Marine uncles were not only infected, but silently cheered on this tough guy.

This moment has nothing to do with the faction, what they see is a mighty tough guy...


Leonardo looked around dumbfounded when he heard the cheers and cheers around, this Fuck made it seem like he was the villain, and the group of Marine uncles behind Huoshaoshan, where are you standing? ......(^∇X)

"...Quick fight....(-_-)/

Standing on the bow of the boat with his hands in his trousers, Sengoku, who looks like a great leader, was also overwhelmed by the atmosphere, and said to his eldest nephew speechlessly, they Marine are so fast when it goes on like this Become a villain.

"....I respect you for being a tough guy. Go to Impel down and report my name. The uncle of the prison guard there will arrange a super invincible sea view for you. Get down on your knees...837.."



Leonardo also nodded with a black line. A shaved Byrnndi. World appeared next to the last drop of blood. He took out the ancestral knife of kindness and did not draw it as a fire stick. Haki wrapped around Byrnndi. World's head and knocked people unconscious.

This Fuck is obviously because this old boy can't bear to be beaten, and this tragic atmosphere is especially brought out by him.

Sure enough, Teacher Kaido is still strong enough, but unfortunately now Teacher Kaido's class is worth the price of Fire Ember. Quinn and the big hairy elephant are not good enough now, um... Fat Charlotte seems to have one or two sons who are quite good. ..

"Captain!! (One)"

"Go! Brothers, hack these Marines to avenge the captain!!! (ㄧㄥ`)"

"Kill!! (ini)ini)ini)"

Not to mention, the atmosphere of Byrnndi. World was brewing quite well. When he fell, the little pirates who were still stubbornly resisting before but their hearts were beaten were like dead fathers at this time. , The anger came back again, tears and snot snot flowed desperately one by one, while copying the guy and rushing up as if trying to fight with the opposite Uncle Marine.

"Eight Feet Joan Tomoe!!!

"Boom boom boom...!

"Meteor Fire...35


“I surrendered too, that Admiral named Red Dog was sprayed!!(?』?)/”

However, this wave of momentum came and went quickly. Kizaru couldn't wait for a group of pirate younger brothers who rushed up. It was a set of non-locking big moves that bombarded indiscriminately, and Akainu also reacted. When they were about to start the big harvest, the pirate brothers who were still aggressive like their dead father were completely panicked, and they threw their hands before Akainu's big lava fist hit the sky despite the surrounding explosions. guy is lying on the ground with his head on his back.

Just kidding, the bosses have all been slapped, show their loyalty properly, and it's easier to find someone else when they come out later, isn't it, the bosses have been slapped, who's going to go to hell!

Anyway, they are not guilty, at most they are instigated by the boss to hack people, they don't need to go to Impel down, just go to a detention center and stay for two or three years if they behave well, deduct the statutory holidays and come out in a year and a half. He can still be a good guy then.

How much money is it for a month? Is it worth working hard for the boss......

On the contrary, those cadres who have been with Byrnndi. World for decades are affectionate and righteous. They do not have these professional younger brothers. They see that the boss has been slapped and understand that the situation is over, so they look at each other very tacitly, and then nod their heads. , a person carried the deputy captain Byojack with a combat power equal to 0, mixed into the crowd and dressed up for a second, then fought with Uncle Marine and retreated (cceg), when he pushed to the edge of the battlefield, he suddenly burst out and killed a few people. Uncle Marine, who had "five-five" with them before, slipped out of the battlefield quietly, looking for a place to quietly develop and wait for their captain to return and make a comeback.

They firmly believe that a small Impel down can't even hold a disabled Golden Lion, how can it be held that they will become bigger and smaller captains...

No one noticed this scene, everyone was shown by the wonderful performance of this kind of professional younger brother from New World. When the boss was alive, he didn't have such a momentum, and now the boss is lying on the ground and is aggressive....

"Humph! Hand this group of scumbags to me! (▼~▼#)"

At this time, Akainu's face was very green, and it felt very uncomfortable to be stuck in half of this ultimate move. He wanted to kill all these garbage regardless of his ultimate move, but now they are fighting away. Better to be restrained..

"Humph! What a waste. (▼^▼X)"

Beasts Pirates, Kaido teacher rarely didn't hit the iron today, but sat on the ground with a golden sword and watched the battle. After seeing Byrnndi. World being smashed by that bastard Marine, he grabbed the man beside him in anger. The big gourd kept pouring wine into his mouth.

This Byrnndi. World is such a piece of shit!

Although he doesn't despise this Byrnndi. World, even if this guy's shit luck rises again, but he still despises this trash, so after knowing that this guy blatantly tore Celestial Dragons by hand and was exposed, he knew This guy isn't dashing until next year.

Tear up Celestial Dragons by hand is no big deal. He did it back then, but he is not as brainless as this guy. He can't do the aftermath work well and was exposed, but this guy doesn't care if he lives or dies. The bird thing, what he cared about was that he still had an account to settle with that Marine kid.

Originally, he thought that there were so many players in Byrnndi. World now, and Marine was playing away from home again. Even if Byrnndi. World was a waste, even if he lost the match against Marine at his home, Marine would have to pay a huge price, etc. After they're done fighting, he'll take someone out and let that damn Marine kid see the results of his crazy ironing during this time. Even if he can't kill that Marine kid, he'll feel comfortable when the Marine kid is ruthless. By the way Killing some more Marines will set Marines back ten years.

He couldn't help but praise him for such a perfect plan.

In the end, the others were all assembled and the battle was over, but Byrnndi. World was such a rubbish, he was maimed within ten minutes of the start, and Marine didn't lose much, but he was all over the street.

Kaido teacher is very angry, I have never seen such a waste!

PS (Thanks dads for the tickets!!).

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