Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

330. As soon as the labor and management sober up, you are finished

"Boss, can we still get on? (⊙_⊙)?"

After seeing his boss spraying Byrnndi. World, he kept drinking and didn't say a word. At this time, the long-haired elephant of the three-way army marshal was a little impatient, carrying a machete in a hurry. asked.

Those Marine bastards are leaving soon, so he can block them while they go, and he'll be useless when they're far away.

"Made, fuck it! Byrnndi. World was slapped without even killing a single Marine. What are we going to do? After Marine leaves, take someone to take over the site~!(^∇X)"

Teacher Kaido waved his hand to the younger brother very upset and said, this is the younger brother, if other younger brothers dared to ask him such a brainless question, he had smashed it with a stick earlier, and he had no brain at all, how could he come out and mix?

But it's normal for Jack to have no brains.

"This guy is a piece of crap, Perros Pero, taking people over to take over the turf...95

On the other side, in the BIGMOM pirate group, Charlotte fat woman stuffed all kinds of cream cakes in her mouth and looked away in disappointment, and then said to her long-tongued eldest son, whether Charlotte fat woman and Kaido teacher are really not in the same family. Entering a house, although the two do not live often, but the idea is the same, it is impossible for her to take the lead to stand up and wave the flag to boycott Marine. , She stands up as a ghost, she will only be a target for Uncle Marine for nothing, but if Uncle Marine and Byrnndi. World fight fiercely, both sides are damaged, it is better that Uncle Marine slaps Byrnndi. World, and then he is also injured. If it's serious, then she doesn't recommend standing up to wave the flag.

In this way, not only can you gain some fame, but you can also justifiably take over the territories of the Ward Pirates, so why not do it?

When she saw Byrnndi. World, although there was nothing he liked about it, it was still something to be able to compete with them for so many years. After the annexation of the Pirate League, the strength of the Ward Pirates increased from the number of people. Said to be more than her old lover Kaido's Beasts Pirates, and fought at her own door. Although Uncle Marine has a lot of troops, they are fighting on the road. In this case, even if you close your eyes, you can kill a few Marines. main force?

Not to mention killing the Marine Admiral, how could those Marine Vice Admiral cut down several, making Uncle Marine more casualties?

As a result, she has been blocked by others at the start, and she is just killing a few big men in her Marine. This fuck is too wasteful. In this case, if she still blocks the road, she will have no brains. She is hungry. She might make some brain-dead decisions under the circumstances, but she is now well fed and has twice the IQ of Kaido!

Now that the Ward Pirates are on the street, it’s just one less opponent. The most important thing in New World is the newcomer. It is still the period when they are divided into big kings, so the Ward Pirates are also in her eyes. It's not a big deal, she's looking at the countries that produce creamy desserts from the Ward Pirates.

"Wo....Ward Pirates just finished? (⊙_⊙)?"

"Everyone has been slapped, what do you think?"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go buddies!!! `Dan')?"

Not only Mr. Kaido and the fat woman Charlotte, but countless pirates in the New World saw this war and ended up having sex so quickly. To the territory of the Ward Pirates.

Are they going to block Uncle Marine?

of course not!

Their plans are similar to those of Teacher Kaido and Fat Charlotte. If the Ward Pirates fight with Uncle Marine for a longer time, the battle will be tragic and there will be a leader such as Whitebeard, Teacher Kaido, and Fat Charlotte. "People stand up and wave the flag, they may respond and go to fight soy sauce, first to drive Uncle Marine out of New World, but now the Ward Pirates can't even withstand the first wave of Uncle Marine, especially Byrnndi . The old boy World, when I saw him as the second leader of the former Pirate League, he was quite fierce, but he was so strong that he couldn't take it anymore after being beaten by that "undead Marine" big move. It's really too special. What's the catch? Look at Kaido, the king of singles, who was beaten by force, and his body was deformed. He was still alive and well, and he even gave the famous The Resourceful General Sengoku a routine.

This is the difference!

Now that the Ward Pirates are on the street, it is a good opportunity for them to rise up. The Ward Pirates' site used to be the site of the Pirates, and the Pirates had swallowed the Terence Pirates. A large part of the territory of the two big pirates, the pirate group and the Ward pirate group, should be due to the fact that although the high-level combat power of the pirate alliance is not on the table, people are stunned because of the large territory, many younger brothers, and hundreds of beasts. BIGMOM opened on May 5th for more than a year. Before the Ward Pirates annexed the Pirate League, they had not had time to react. The Ward Pirates had already fully taken over those sites, making them regret it. Pat the thigh.

・・・・For flowers・・・ …

But now that the Ward Pirates are on the street, those territories are borderless!

Borderlands is naturally acquired by the capable, if you have a quick hand, you can slap your thigh if your hand is slow. . . .

At the same time, the war of the Ward Pirates also symbolizes that these sites can re-raise a wealthy family, a wealthy family!

Isn't it just to fight for fame and fortune to get the upper hand?

Now the chance to take the top position is right in front of you. These New World pirates are so excited that they are like their fathers resurrected to find them and lose their computers, and their eyes are green!

Yes.. this is too watery, right? How long has it been, the labor and management have just bought the number of melon seed beer, and this is over???"

It's not a good thing for the battle to end too soon. For example, the audience who managed to get a good seat from all over the world and then went to buy melon seeds and beer to prepare for a protracted battle, now they don't buy it, and this fuck is also over too quickly. Right? It takes a few days to fight with the Beasts Pirates or the Whitebeard pirates. Why is this shit over in less than a day? Is this shit Uncle Marine too tyrannical or Ward? Is the pirate group too spicy?

But they are also one of the four giants of New World. Although they have not won the championship, they are also the tycoons who reach the Eastern Conference semifinals every year, right??

"Made, I've been agitated for a long time by Laozi Bai, so don't touch Celestial Dragons if you're so talented! (^∇X)"

A group of Mr pirates in front of the big screen are very upset, especially those pirates who have just sobered up. The labor and management have just taken sober pills, so why are you all over?

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