Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

349. Create hatred without hatred


"Stop.... stop, stop... stop breathing, stop breathing, you... you've listened to the explanation, hello..

Leonardo, who hadn't woken up yet, was startled by a loud door smashing sound, and before he recovered, he was suddenly strangled by a wave of Haki who was about to burst into the sky, and then started to squirt, but he heard familiar words. After Xiang Xiang heard the familiar voice, her face turned purple immediately, and she stretched her tongue intermittently, as if she was about to die.

Just kidding, that father-like life is not strong when fighting this stinky bitch, but it can still hold up when it comes to life-saving, and it can't be strangled to this stinky bitch until the end of the day, but this stinky bitch shakes too much , made him a little dizzy, he wanted Isshin to prepare for the battle and not waste his energy on this stinky woman. At this time, you must not fight against this stinky woman. Showing weakness to the other party is the best choice.

"Tell me! Explain to me that I was my cousin last time, and now I am my cousin again, and they are both in District 5. What did you say about your bill in District 5 last week? (♥~▼ㄨ)"

Gion saw that this stinky guy's face was really purple, and quickly let go, but 867, who was still riding on Leonardo with his hands on his hips, questioned, she didn't care how much money this guy made, anyway, no matter how much money, in The inheritance left by her parents is only a drop in the bucket. What she cares about is that she doesn't come to Sabaody for a while, and this stinky guy goes to the No. 5 area to consume.

After knowing that the old Curry Vice Admiral used to be the king of District 5, she has been staring at this stinky guy, but whether he came to Sabaody to be his deputy or was promoted to Vice Admiral instead of being a frontier ambassador and went to World When the government acts as a guard for those officials, the purpose is to keep an eye on this stinky guy. I saw that this stinky guy has been very honest recently, and his body is a little weak. They gave him a holiday to recuperate, but she didn't come for half a month, this stinky guy I also have my cousin, and I swiped it on the fifth area. The key is to use her card to spend money on those stinky women. Gion thinks of this, and the already exaggerated Gouyue is surging at least two numbers. ,Leonardo was so frightened that Kakuzu couldn't help shedding tears.

"...How to explain what, then Commander Sky, Domi, and a large group of people were all present, I was just assisting Commander Kong, and I didn't do anything to make you feel sorry for you, I'll go with the leader. ...cough.. Eating and drinking, of course, we make the little ones pay the bill, there is no reason for the leaders to treat guests, the so-called "cousin" @#¥%@.

Leonardo wiped the tears from the corners of his mouth and forcibly turned his eyes away. Although he was unhappy that this stinky bitch was as he expected and would definitely check his consumption records, he patiently told him that he had studied with Dominic several times. The perfect plan made by a genius, who asked him to swipe someone else's card, no way!

To say that when he was still worried about how to deal with Charlotte's fat man and New World's charming big pirates, Sengoku's inadvertent words brought him inspiration.

It is true that only the hatred of wives and the murder of fathers will make people instantly take revenge, desperate to seek revenge for their enemies, but whether it is the men from Charlotte's fat woman or those few charming pirates, They are all over fifty years old, and they are not purebred giants whose annual rings are calculated in hundreds of years. Some of them are quite big, but they are just hybrids. The others are traditional humans. It is estimated that the parents of these guys are It was already cool when they came out to join the pirates, but even if it wasn't cool enough, as the benchmark of Marine justice and the winner of the best Marine Warrior of the Year, he couldn't do the wicked thing of killing his parents. , This kind of wickedness, even pirates, few would do such wicked things, let alone a Marine.

The so-called disaster is not for the family, the world government has not issued a law that one person goes abroad to implicate the whole family. The last time the five dear old people wanted to implicate (cceg) Roger's horse and unborn son, it was because Roger went to the World government. When people go to places, they may even see some things that the World government doesn't want people to see. This has touched the bottom line of Celestial Dragons, so the five dear old people will choose to cut the grass, but even if they send people to act on them Don't dare to make a big deal, but let those elites who don't know how many CPs act in a low-key manner, and can't make it too public.

But in another way of thinking, there is no need for Charlotte's fat men to have any revenge for killing their fathers with New World's big pirates, it can be completely reversed!

As long as he has a grudge against those people, it's okay to have a legitimate excuse to send troops to the New World. It's not like they came to Sabaody to look for him, but his parents are also both. In Marineford, I don't know how handsome he is now, and he can't do it for the sake of it. Ask someone to hang up his father and mother if he makes some money? Is this fuck still a person?

So since it really doesn't work, then he can only create hatred verbally. I believe that with this hatred, it will be easier for him to take the initiative to kill New World. The first brother Sengoku can't stop his revenge, right?

After the absolute direction, Leonardo called Dominic, and the two of them chatted with each other in the office. It took a whole two days and two nights to waste a lot of brain cells to perfect this plan, although there are still some Flaws, but once the plan is successful, this little flaw doesn't matter much.

If you want to create hatred in the plan, then the condition of the family being "dead" must be triggered, but Leonardo and Dominic both feel that it is a bit unlucky for the family to be "dead", so they have to re-add a tragic character in it , and then outline a paragraph full of songs and tears, and the tragic experience is best to directly fill the hatred value.

And the problem of casting this newly added character comes. The role to be played is too much acting, and ordinary people can't control it at all. Originally, Leonardo planned to let Mo Gion play as a friendship. After all, it is free, but Gion's experience is too little, and his acting skills are still unable to control this vicissitudes of life, charming and moving, and extremely contradictory character, and the so-called big stars of Sabaody let them take a photo, hold a pose, and let them memorize their lines. It was really difficult, the two of them couldn't find a satisfactory one after searching for several days.

In the end, when Leonardo and Kong went to the No. 5 area to spend money that day, they watched a performance of the dying drama of the young lady who was the top card in the No. 5 area and that Kong often rescued, and found out that this young lady is really special. Versatile, her acting skills are much better than those of the big stars outside, so I just patted my thighs and gritted my teeth, and spent a lot of money to ask this young lady to help make a cameo appearance in such an epic kissing scene.

Now that I think about Leonardo's heart is bleeding, he lost a lot of appearance fees before it was recorded...

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