Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

350. Gion just eats him

"You're going to go to New World again, can't you just take it with Sabaody? I don't have money for you! Is it shameful to spend my mother's money? (^▼X)"

After listening to Leonardo's plan, Gion was even more unhappy. She had been with this stinky guy since she was sixteen years old. She didn't know that this stinky guy had come up with so many tricks to make money. It's the same as disgusting the little black card she gave.

"'re wrong, I never thought it was a shame for a man to spend a woman's money, it's a skill to be able to spend a woman's money. I did it because as a Marine Admiral, I saw The ordinary people of New World are still living in dire straits but are powerless. I am ashamed for this! The sky is against the ground, the rain is against the wind, the soldiers are against the thieves, the continent is against the sky, Marine's duty is to catch the pirates, what am I doing? No, I just want to do my part for those people who are living in dire straits, isn't that wrong? You just have the heart to watch those people live in dire straits every day, and we should fight the pirates Marine Are you happy in the first half? Is this the justice that we Marine uphold?"

In the face of Gion's soul torture, although Leonardo's grace wanted to say that Huamei's money was really embarrassing, his big man's heart really couldn't pass this level, but of course he couldn't say that in front of this stinky woman. , Then Leonardo's expression suddenly changed, brewing for more than ten seconds, and in an instant, he said the lines that he had thought about before, with a bit of compassion and compassion.

After their plan was implemented, he guessed that the stinky woman would definitely come to question him about his "cousin", but he didn't expect that the stinky woman would actually check his bills, but this line was designed so vividly, As he spoke, he himself was taken in, and the tears that swirled in his eyes were real tears, without any preservatives.

At this moment, he felt the holy light emanating from his body. If he was nailed to the cross in another world, it would be him...

"...Then you have to be careful when you go to New World, don't make things too big, Marshal Sengoku is not willing to get involved in New World affairs now."

Gion just took his stance, looking at Leonardo with a righteous Ling Ran, the best Marine fighter of the year, in Gion's words, the dog is handsome and the dog is handsome, this momentum immediately weakened, a pair of small eyes Blurred admonished.

"Don't worry, Kaido and Whitebeard are all dead, but they're just a few tricks whose names don't fit into the original book, it's not difficult, and they'll be back soon.

"Okay, it's time to get ready, we're going to leave soon...

Leonardo expressed that he was very satisfied with the stinky bitch's response, and he waved his hands calmly and didn't care that the stinky bitch was next to him. He was used to sleeping naked, and he got up from the quilt and walked to the wardrobe. Suit up.

Anyway, I don't know how much I've been seen, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's a blessing to suffer...

"Hey... This "undead Admiral" seems to be making a big move. Look at how many purple calyxes he actually took to avenge his "cousin" this time. 39

"I expected it a long time ago, but I heard that the enemy of "Undead Admiral" seems to be the man of "Big Mom" ​​of the BIGMOM Pirates, is it really okay?'

"Cut! "Undead Admiral", but even Kaido can be transformed into shape, Whitebeard can't be blasted to death, man, what can happen...

At 7:30 in the morning, Sabaody landed out of the port dedicated to Marine at No. 60. A large group of uncle Marines were dressed in uniforms. They wore seagull caps and carried this year's most advanced grandfather's gun on their left shoulders. Armed with a long knife, they lined up one by one in a majestic line to board the ship with their Curry Admiral ready to go to the New World to do something big.

And Marine's big move is even divided into dozens of Sabaody fields in such a big place. It is impossible not to be eye-catching. The port of No. 60 area has already been surrounded by people receiving them. After the news, residents, pirates, paparazzi from the press, etc. came to watch from other areas.

After seeing Uncle Marine in the history of the port, he was well-equipped, the big sword around his waist was cold and bright, and the gun barrel on his shoulder was also rubbed black and shiny. The handsome and handsome Uncle Marine also talked about it. Some residents can't help but worry about their parent, Curry Admiral.

Since Curry Admiral came to their Sabaody land, the security of Sabaody land is good even for the grandma who has lived in Sabaody land for decades, although it is not as good as the legend of Carnival City some time ago. To the point of visiting, but compared to the past, a cosmopolitan city like Sabaody has become a paradise. At least the vicious pirates who come to Sabaody have become polite now. Pirates will apologise when they step on someone's toe.

・・・・For flowers・・・

This is something they didn't dare to think about in the past. All these changes are brought about by this Curry Admiral. They are really worried that Curry Admiral accidentally hangs in the New World and Sabaody changes a chief officer, but they don't have such a situation. live.

"Hey! Roger, I don't know if we're doing this for good or bad..."

In the crowd, Rayleigh, who was dressed in poor clothes, was holding a bottle of super cheap water mixed with wine without even looking at the label. He drank it one by one. It could be seen that Rayleigh, a well-known coating master within ten meters, was the The business is still not very good, now the pirates in the first half are rushing into the New World to compete for the top, the business of other coating masters is expected to be hot, and the business of Rayleigh, the coating master, is still so bleak, it is really cool... .

Rayleigh looked at the figure on the Admiral-class warship, listened to the conversations of the people around him, looked up at Tian with his own voice and sighed, and the conversations of the people around him touched him a lot.

He was fooled by Roger to board the ship because of his freedom. Later, the original ideal of mixing with coffee was also changing. Knowing what they saw on the final island in the end, Roger completely changed his idea of ​​continuing to sail. , I want to change this shackled world, and let more young people jump to the sea to free their minds and experience true freedom, instead of listening to their mother's words when they are 18 years old and going to work in an electronics factory with their talents. of a lifetime.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with their ideas, but they do forget that there are good dogs and bad dogs, and there are good people and bad people. From Roger's opening of the big era to now, he has seen too many, because he is too free, and he can't control himself. Lawless young people, this era is completely different from their ideals! A.

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