Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

360. Five Elders, that's my godfather, why not!

Since Kong went to Mariejois, he began to lie down and completely let himself go. After all, the commander-in-chief of the three armies is just a name, and the real power is not large. In addition, there are five respected old people on top of him, and he wants to follow the past. It's totally impossible to see the mountains and small mountains like Naval Headquarters. Sometimes it's not a good thing to be the second child under a strong boss. Besides, there are five strong bosses above Kong... So every day in the daytime He studies handicrafts on the second floor of his exclusive World government office building. At night, he appeared in the fifth district of Sabaody as a big brother to save those stray young ladies and sisters in dire straits. Leonardo felt that he would not talk about his relationship with Kong, just relying on During this time, he used Sabaody's finances to buy Kong so many orders, it should be no problem to ask him to do a little favor.

Although the title of Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies does not have much power, his identity, status, and title are still very valuable, at least more valuable than Brother Marine. .

"Curry Admiral, can this.... do it? With my strength, can the Five Elders pass..."

Hearing Leonardo say this, Dominic also became a little less confident. He really wanted to be Vice Admiral. That's right, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, not to mention that Vice Admiral's annual salary is much higher than that of Rear Admiral, although Now he doesn't need to rely on that salary to live, but there is no doubt that the Vice Admiral's cape is more powerful than the Rear Admiral's cape, but he still lacks confidence in his position as Vice Admiral, not because of anything else, if In terms of qualifications and performance, he is definitely enough. He joined Marine at the age of fifteen and has been working for more than ten years now. His qualifications are older than many Vice Admirals today, and there is no problem with performance. For the past few years, the boss has been messing around with the boss, and the last time he followed the boss to fight fire in New World and the original pirate league boss "Blowing Chicken" sand bucks is enough, not to mention that there are still a few small pieces in the cabin this time. Giant gang.

The only thing that worries him is that the standard of consideration for the superior Vice Admiral is completely different from that of the Vice Admiral. First of all, it is the most core hard power. The person who can become the Vice Admiral must at least have a one-to-three bounty of over 100 million in terms of combat effectiveness. Thief, but his strength... Although Curry Admiral usually sounds ugly, he also knows himself and his strength is real.

When he was in the front line of the New World battle, he was able to survive and return to the headquarters to marry the beautiful girl. He never slackens his diligence and practice every day, but since he mixed with Curry Admiral, there has been such a difference. A boss with a strong record of hatred and a brilliant record is there. In addition to the various surrounding environments, he has not practiced diligently for many years now, even if he ate the Devil Fruit given by the boss, However, the real combat power is not outstanding among Rear Admiral, let alone the lieutenant general.

"Get rid of that "me" for me, what is it? The Five Elders are my godfather! Why not? But if you get promoted to Vice Admiral, you will have to bring your own little brother, you can't be like this , makes the younger brothers feel very insecure, look at Dauberman, Ghost Spider and the others, they are obviously as good as you, but they always have a master style on their faces. It can bring a sense of security to the younger brother Yu below!"

"Okay, now there is no job at 2:45, the people of the BIGMOM Pirates are almost asleep, you wait here, I will be back when I go..."

Leonardo looked at it after educating Dominic. According to the experience he learned from watching the Hokage next door in his previous life, people sleep the deepest at three or four o'clock in the middle of the night, when their vigilance is the least, and the pirates themselves have no The ninjas are so professional and vigilant, even those who are on guard will go to sleep in secret, it's a good time to do it, holding the three doormen who don't know how many Charlotte fat women are in their hands. The son-in-law's bounty list was stuffed into the inner bag and walked towards the door.

The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, killing people and setting fires in the sky. The ancients' words are often not deceiving. Leonardo went ashore and slowly approached the BIGMOM pirate group's station on the island, because now although he wants to avenge his "cousin" With the arrival of Fat Lady Charlotte, the battlefield on this side has not started, but the vigilance of those pirates on the other side of the island is too high. After all, although Fat Lady Charlotte is the mother, she has given New World pirates to New World pirates over the years. The sense of oppression is too strong, especially in the legend that the fat Charlotte will go crazy if she is hungry. In that crazy mode, even Teacher Kaido, she can take two bites coldly, so when the fat Charlotte comes After arriving in the Norsman Kingdom, although these pirates knew that the fat lady Charlotte was here not for them, but to wait for the Marine Admiral to come, they were still nervous to death, even in the big night. Step by step, all the people are watching.

・・・・For flowers・・・ …

No way, they are really worried, what if they are so good that they can't hide that they are favored by Charlotte's fat woman, and sneak attack at night and capture them back as male pets?

Although it is very cool to have a character like Fat Charlotte in New World, but when I think of Fat Charlotte's devastating sense of oppression... I have to change my vegetarian diet in the next few days, no wonder those people like Delevingne He used to be quite strong, with thick tendons and eight-pack abs with distinct water chestnuts. Usually, he likes to put his strong tendons outside without clothes. Now he is all skinny, with sunken eyes and clothes that are dying. Although the state has not declined, the sense of oppression and heaviness brought by the strong body before has disappeared.

It's so terrifying to think about, it's only been a few short years since Delevingne was snatched up as a boy favorite for Fat Charlotte..

And I don't know if it's the guy who drove the boat or not. He actually stopped the boat at this port, which led to Leonardo who wanted to go to the BIGMOM Pirates and had to traverse the place It's all the pirate group's territory. Leonardo relied on Observation Haki to avoid the vigil pirates all the way, and constantly interspersed in the pirate group's territory. However, when he went deep into the center of these pirates, suddenly a The emergency brake looked around.

He found that he seemed to have put the cart before the horse. It's true that Charlotte's fat woman's men are valuable to Kaido teacher, but the bounty of the pirate group leaders around him seems to be quite a lot. The quality of the single pull out may not be as good as Charlotte's fat woman. Those children or door-to-door husbands come in high numbers, but these guys are better than a lot!!!!


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