Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

361. Prepare for high waves

There are more than a dozen pirate groups surrounded by the CCP, large and small, of which five are small giants who were caught in the entertainment sector and are worth about the same as the card 2. Although these pirates are all tricks , but their worth is really not low. After all, they have been able to live in New World for so long. With the strong support of the World government, they have been in New World for a few big fights and are still alive. No matter how they survive, their worth is still high. Basically, there will be a certain degree of improvement. Among these people, except for the five small giants who were caught 21v5, the average worth of the others is between 200 million and 300 million. If these guys are all Well, it should be equal to the price of selling Charlotte's fat woman's man to Teacher Kaido, right? The key is that it's not too difficult!

Leonardo stopped at the door of the chassis of a pirate group that did not know what pirate group, the pirate "883" flag looked like a chicken but a duck, and a pirate group that looked like a duck but not a duck. If there is no accident after this time, if there is no major event, he estimates that before the situation with the world gets better in the first half, it will be difficult for him to have an excuse to come to New World. After all, where Marine Admiral goes, it means The cards are all Marine cards, which are easy to attract people's attention and ideas. I don't want to be like the old Garp boy. Although he is the spiritual leader of their Marine, no one cares about running all over the world. Sometimes he regrets doing it in the first place. Why don't you have a firm attitude and refuse to be the top Admiral, although it is a bit difficult to handle, but there are five godfathers on it, it's good to brag about them in the next live broadcast.

The total amount of the wave here is almost 3 billion. Even today, the economy is still expanding. It is an astronomical figure. Now it is not enough to buy a large house in the most prosperous area of ​​Sabaody. One or two billion, without a big water pipe, Kong is only one or two million as the big brother in one night, and more than 30 million is enough for Kong to dominate the big brother for several years. Fatty Charlotte's husband-in-law also got it and sold it to Teacher Kaido, and his requirements were not too high, just twice the market price per person.

Although Mr. Kaido is not as rich as Mrs. Charlotte, her worth is definitely not too low, and Mr. Kaido's expenses are much lower than Mrs. Charlotte. Mrs. Charlotte has a lot of sons and daughters to support, and Mrs. Kaido's only "son" "They've all gone out and started their own businesses...

Since Mr. Kaido couldn't spend so much Bailey, it would be good for him to help Mr. Kaido digest some, so as not to keep it for too long, it would be bad.

However, there is also a big problem here. There are more than ten pirate groups here, and there are more than ten pirate leaders. It is basically impossible to smash them all at once, and he does not have so many hands. People pack it back together, the most important thing is that if there is too much movement, the BIGMOM Pirates will find out, but he doesn't care.

Anyway, he is covered by a systematic father, and with his current vitality, even if he stands in front of Whitebeard and lets Whitebeard's own crit punch hit him, and exhausts Whitebeard to death, he can't die, it's just those who come with him when the time comes. My brother is in danger.

He Leonardo is a righteous Marine, how could he do something that doesn't care about the life and death of his teammates?

Doesn't this make him contemplate that black-faced charcoal of Akainu?

So Leonardo thought for a while, looked at the direction of the BIGMOM Pirates, and then looked at the pirate flag hanging in front of him that looked like a chicken but not a chicken, like a duck but not a duck, gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, quietly I slipped in and tried the water first...!

A very inconspicuous pirate ship among the piles of pirate ships at the port, Dominic on the ship was swaying back and forth at this time, and from time to time he looked at the pure gold on his wrist, and the watch was inlaid with small diamonds. Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight, not nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight, as long as ninety-nine-eight, you can take it home, ingenious, hand-made, and it makes people feel unaffordable at first sight The gold and diamond watch, and then from time to time look to the distance on the shore.

Now Dominic's heart is very flustered. Now that the boss is not there, he is the best at fighting on the whole boat. The others are fine with the handkerchief. If he finds something wrong with them, he can't hold back. Before he came, he told his wife that he would come to New World to do a big business with the boss and go back to open a gym for her in Sabaody, so he wouldn't have to wait until night to run to exercise. ...

The most important thing is that he has seen the hope of being promoted to Vice Admiral, and now he can't die!

Thinking back then, among the dozen or so children who came out of their village, he was the only one who was still alive. He was the hope of the whole village. Seeing that he would be able to further become Marine Vice Admiral's glorious ancestor, he was just one step away. If he hangs here, then so sad....


"Cuff this guy and take it down, by the way, check how much this guy is worth."

Just when Dominic was in a state of impatience, a loud sound interrupted his thoughts.

Leonardo didn't know when he appeared on the boat carrying a long object that was still twisting in a urea bag.

"(⊙_⊙)? Curry Admiral, didn't you go to the man of "Aunt", and came back so soon? This guy is...

Dominic was startled by the sound, and when he saw that the person was his eldest, he was relieved and pointed at the object that was kept twisting on the ground in the urea bag. The resident location on the island of BIGMOM Pirates is too far away, even if the boss runs a red light all the way, it is impossible to come back so quickly.

"I changed the plan temporarily. This time we fought with high waves. Before the island is not only the man from Charlotte's fat woman, there are also a lot of pirates. Since they all have to live, it is better to have a big wave, so Charlotte's fat woman I'll talk about it later, bring this guy back to test the water and see how the pirates on the island react. If the effect is good......

Leonardo begins to tell Dominic about his tentatively decided plan, and paints a magnificent blue earth for Dominic.

If this vote is made, let alone open a gym for his wife, just open a few more hair salons for her, and hire a royal hair stylist and a well-built bodybuilder.

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