Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

362. At least they are safe

"Fuck...! Will Curry Admiral make things worse by doing this? (A)"

"Yeah, Curry Admiral, is it too big? ∑(?g?I)"

When Dominic heard Leonardo's overall plan, he was frightened, not only him, but also the Marines around him. Fuck, they originally came to the place where the pirate battle was taking place. For these technicians, it is a very dangerous thing in itself. Although Curry Admiral is fierce, it is impossible to keep so many of them in Wanjun.

Just a BIGMOM pirate group has already made their scalps tingle, now it's better, this is going to smack everyone on the island except the fat woman Charlotte, if this fuck is found, then The scene they could hardly imagine.

"Shh... Be quiet, let's see how those people on the island will react to this guy's disappearance tomorrow, and then, let's talk about it again, are we going to have another New World, now that the global economy is swelling at 22, and the gas bill is so expensive, Why don't you make more money? This time, we will try to do it all in one step... By the way, check it out, who is this guy? What's his worth?"5

Leonardo said and pointed to the pirate leader who had been put out of the urea bag on the ground and had no idea what was stuffed in his mouth by Brother Marine, who had been "wooing" without speaking, with tears streaming down his nose.

"Reporting Curry Admiral, I found out that this guy is the captain of the Turkey Pirates who entered the New World three years ago, with a bounty of 270 million "Fire Man" Polis Deman..

An Uncle Marine, who was holding a large bounty list, took out one of them and handed it over.

"...No wonder it's such a waste. It's been three years since you came to New World, and the bounty is still so low. How dare you call yourself a fire boy... I wonder if you were a fire boy player before your debut!""

"Drag him down and lock him up with those guys, keep stuff in his mouth and don't take it out, let him know the consequences of daring to call him "Fire Man". (▼^x)"

Leonardo ended up putting up a reward list, and when he saw the word "hot man" on the reward list, he was not happy at once. Turkey fruit, every fire-related thing on this fuck's body....

It's no wonder that after three years in the New World, the bounty is so special, and the pure two hundred yuan is invited to play tricks.

However, this also reflects the value of the pirates on the island and how strongly the World government supports the career development of the pirates in the New World. Just like this, or it is estimated that they are just playing soy sauce in the three chaos. can also rise steadily.

You must know that the pirates who enter the New World generally come to the New World after they have made hundreds of millions of dollars in the first half. Although there is no express rule that pirates who are worth hundreds of millions can enter the New World, this has become unwritten. It is a tradition, with a net worth of less than 100 million, it is easy to be laughed at when you come to New World, especially the worth among pirates is actually a kind of bragging capital, although it is not very accurate, but often the amount of reward is a kind of strength. symbol.

Why did the sand crocodile challenge Whitebeard in the original book and was ridiculed for more than ten years after his hand was chopped off. After more than ten years, people would say that he was a loser who challenged Whitebeard. The number of people who challenged Whitebeard in the New World is overwhelming , I don't know how many pirates were turned over by Whitebeard himself, why can't others remember, just remember this sand crocodile with a severed hand?

It's because this guy made more than 80 million as soon as he debuted and thought he was invincible in the world. I don't know how high the sky is and how deep the sea is. It's okay to enter the New World with a worth of less than 80 trillion to 100 million. , went straight to Whitebeard to single out, isn't this fucking funny?

Perhaps this is also the only person in the history of pirates who dared to meet Whitebeard with a worth of less than 100 million yuan.

But now the sand crocodile is still in the first half of the wave and the trajectory is not so fast to stage a small knife and a cannon. Under normal circumstances, the pirates who dare to break into the New World and can also break into the New World are normally worth over 100 million yuan. , this turkey man even if he got a bounty of 100 million before he entered the New World, but at that time Roger had already ascended the throne

New World has gone mad. Although there was no full support from the World government at that time, it would not be the case for those who have some goods. It has been less than half a year since Garp's grandson entered New World. To several billions, even if it is not a male pig's feet, the growth rate of this value is indeed a bit of a catch.

Compared with the fact that every time they applied for funding for Marine, they had to delay for a month or two before they were approved. This fuck made him have a kind of New World pirate who is the real son of the World government. There is no one who has done so much, and that's all. There are more than 200 million worth of all kinds of goods, almost 300 million yuan, he is a dignified Marine Admiral, and the leader of F4 is only a little bit more than a thousand Ten Thousand Years salary, people are more popular than dead people!

No, this time I have to make a fortune!

Through this comparison of the worth of the turkey man who was out of Devil Fruit with no fire, Leonardo made up his mind to make a fortune this time before going back.



"Have you heard?

883 "What did you hear?

"The Turkey Pirates.

"What pirate group?"

"The turkey pirates! It's the pirates next door to us, and I heard that their captain disappeared last night.

"Nani? Wasn't it because "Aunt" saw it and kicked it away in the middle of the night?"

"It shouldn't be. I heard that the bounty for that guy is only 270 million. Even if "Aunt" likes our captain, he will not look down on him. Our captain is more than 300 million..."

"...The 270 million little coffee, why are you so mysterious, that kind of little coffee is probably afraid that "Aunt" will run away by herself..."

The next day, when the crew of the Turkey Pirates woke up, the sky was falling and their boss was gone!

However, when other pirates heard about the disappearance of a captain of a pirate group that they had never heard of, they lost interest in a moment. It can be regarded as a marginal figure, just like the two captains who are worth more than 300 million yuan said, it is normal for such a young man to secretly leave his younger brother and run away because he is afraid of the domineering oppression of the "aunt".

Could it be that "Auntie" can still see a fringe figure of more than 200 million, can't he smash him back into the boudoir at night to breed offspring? If so, they will be happy, at least they are safe.

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