Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

363. Steady and steady is the last word

Except for the crew of the Turkey Pirates who are frantically looking for their boss, the other pirates do whatever they want and don't take it seriously. After all, they are just captains of the pirates who have never heard of them. The worth of 70 million people in the first half seems to have broken through the ceiling. Even the previous New World is not low. When Kaido sat down on Jack the Drough, one of the three disasters, it was only more than 100 million. But today, the World government is vigorously developing the New World pirate industry.

270 million?

During a big fight, it's good to just mess around on the edge of the battlefield. As long as you are a pirate leader, you can basically reach 200 million. This is worth more than a cow's hair in today's New World.

Moreover, there are many examples of the captain being afraid of death and leaving his friends to run away. On the contrary, there are many such examples in the New World. When the small partners of the Pirates were first established in the New World, many of them were no longer the ones they used to be. Little friends, some died on the road of adventure, some died under the fire of Uncle Marine, etc. Most of the little friends now joined in halfway, so the bond between them is not so deep, from Pirates From the beginning of the group's establishment to the end of the brave world The most normal portrayal of thieves.

The next day, a moment after midnight, the pirates on the island had another day of guarding against Fat Lady Charlotte, and the pirates fell asleep again.

Since the fat woman Charlotte came here, these pirates have never taken the initiative to attack, nor dare to take the initiative to attack, after all, when the fat woman Charlotte didn't come, they were killed by the second son of the fat woman Charlotte, "the head of the three dessert generals". "The card is two-one-five, and now the fat woman Charlotte has committed suicide, everyone knows that the gap between the two sides is too big, and the fat woman Charlotte is lucky if she doesn't do anything to them, but if they want to give up the chassis here and fight They are not reconciled in other places. There are so many pirates in New World, and the Ward Pirates' site is so big, and there is a first come first. If the last hair is not caught, it is better to start from the beginning.

Besides, the fat lady Charlotte came here to wait to fight the "undead big~" green fox in Marine. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with them. Maybe after the fight, they will go back to their respective homes to find their own mothers, and they will be able to continue the story. next episode.

In the dark and windy night of this month, a figure kept walking left and right in the night, using all kinds of blind spots of light to avoid those pirate boys who could sleep lazily on the night shift with the awesome Observation Haki.

The Gil Pirates, the captain's bounty is 320 million Raphael Gil, whose worth is slightly higher than the previous turkey man, although he is not a marginal figure in this group of pirate leaders, but he is also in the The edge and the backbone hover. In black clothes and black trousers, with only a pair of eyes showing on his face, Leonardo sneaked in quietly with the help of the light from the blind spot of the sleeping pirate brother, and came to the bed to see a big soft Raphael Gill, who was sleeping soundly on the bed and still snoring at all, couldn't bear to wake him up, Leonardo took out his ancestral sword of kindness, Armament Haki wrapped, Conqueror's Haki wrapped with a stick!

The world is quiet!

Then, quite skillfully, he took out a black urea bag and stuffed the person inside. Then he went out on his shoulder, turned left, walked in front of the door, and then went back to his room and grabbed a quilt from the bed and came to the door to give the dedicated person , I have to sleep at the door of the boss at night and cover the shivering little pirate brother. When he sees the sleeping pirate little brother's expression stretched out, he knows what kind of sweet dream he is having, and then he shows a father-like smile, Carrying the urea bag and disappearing into the night.

The whole process took less than a minute, and the Gil Pirates' station was still so quiet. Could it be that the snoring from the surroundings made me sleepy......

Yesterday, I slapped a turkey man with a marginal character. Leonardo was very satisfied with the response of the pirates on the island. Dominic and others also found this order worth doing, although it was still a risky act for them, but Curry Admiral said Well, wealth and wealth are sought after, how bold people are, how prolific they are, when Dominic Rear Admiral and those people followed Curry Admiral to the New World, they went to New World, and they came back for promotion. Have you been promoted and made a fortune?

Dominica Rear Admiral has already bought a big house in Sabaody, so on the premise of being able to go back and stay in the house, a reasonable risk is also necessary...

This time, Leonardo started from the bottom, and did not move the core starters who were stuck two-one-five-five, but now the water cooler guards and the substitutes on the bench are now finished and move the five players. The core starter of the card two-one-five-five is the so-called long-term flow.

If this is the beginning, it will start with these five cores. If you think about it with your butt, you will know that there is a problem. You have to eat one bite at a time, and it is the last word.

"" "Bang 35


"Wake up this guy and verify his identity.

After a while, Leonardo carried the urea bag back to the ship and threw the urea bag on the deck at will. The Marines around him were frightened and hurried forward to open the urea bag to see if it was broken. They stayed in the big house. All my wishes are on these guys, and if they break, they are worthless...  

"Curry Admiral, it's Raphael Gill."

One of Marine's eyes brightened, holding a reward list, came over and compared, then nodded and said uncle.

The former Moroda Pirates, the Alvin Pirates plus the Molinsdan family, plus yesterday's turkey man, the now (good money) Raphael Gill, there are still a lot behind, even if it is not for the sake of it. Money is only for the sake of a sense of righteousness in the hearts of those who joined Marine couldn't help but drool over the wealth.

It's just too much!



Suddenly a peculiar smell came from the mouth, the smell was a bit nasty, and a little salty, and there was some pain in the forehead that made Raphael Jill wake up, slowly opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment, his eyes were full of doubts , Didn't he sleep in his bed? I had a dream just now that I had seen the legendary One Piece Iron Throne right in front of him, as long as he took two steps forward, he would be able to climb onto the Iron Throne .

However, a peculiar smell from his mouth woke him up, but when he saw the people standing in the C position in the surrounding crowd, his eyes almost didn't pop out.

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