Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

364. Dignified Marine Admiral Playing Stealing Home?

In the moonlight, the brown hair that is slightly curled and a little messy in the sea breeze can still be distinguished, and the pair of eyes looks a little lazy, with the most handsome face in the Marine, although it looks like he is not old. It's very big, but I can still feel the slightest sense of oppression from my body that makes me unable to help calling my father.

Wasn't that fuck they waited so impatiently that they thought Marine "undead Admiral" would put Charlotte's fat pigeon?!

Combining the seastone handcuffs on his hands and the seastone ankle cuffs on his feet, Raphael Jill is a smart person, and it is more impossible to be in New World if he has no brains. He immediately guessed his current situation.


Raphael Gill debuted for eight years and lurked for seven years in the first half, just to wait for an opportunity to make his name and his Gill Pirates famous, and to open up a new era like Roger!

I didn't expect it!

Unfulfilled ambitions, he has already been slapped!

No wonder some rumors in the New World say that this "undead Admiral" is morally corrupt, acts despicable and shameless, and has no bottom line for doing things. He didn't believe it before. After all, he had been to Sabaody before, and spent a period of time in Sabaody. Although Sabaody was somewhat restrictive for pirates, the life of the residents on Sabaody was indeed much better. The law and order 883 is indeed not what it used to be, so in his opinion, this "undead Admiral" is not as bad as those pirates said, right?

But now he believes that this fuck is too shameless, and the dignified Marine Admiral is playing stealing home in the middle of the night without coming to the front of the hard steel?

Does this sound like a word?

At the same time, he also sighed silently. Before, the guys on the island thought that the Marine Admiral would not dare to come because of the thunder and rain, but not only did they come, but they seemed to have arrived long ago. Just focus on them first, Marine's routine is so deep like the sea!

"Huh? You look calm then, your psychological quality is much better than that of the turkey man. You have been beaten up since you were beaten last night and you are still crying and making a fuss. You have the right to remain silent now. I won't ask you anything, but what you said will become evidence in court. After you go down, comfort your teammate who was kicked back last night. When you come out to hang out either in a hearse or in a police car, you are a generalist. None of them seem to be the boss, and it's ridiculous to cry and cry since last night!"

Leonardo saw (cceg) Raphael Gill's facial expression changes in his eyes, from initial confusion to surprise and finally to relief, this is the spiritual outlook that a traditional big pirate should have, and the bounty is a little more. Ten million, this kind of ideological awareness is not on the same level. You have to endure it when you come out and get slapped. It is much better than the turkey man last night. How many times have they done it, if Uncle Marine couldn't stand it and threw the turkey man into a single room, it is estimated that they would have been hung up by those people before returning to the city for the bonus...

Early the next morning.

The dedicated younger brother who was on the night shift outside Raphael Jill woke up from his dream, breathed comfortably, stretched, and found that he was still covered with a quilt, and the quilt looked as if it belonged to his own captain. , could not help but feel a heat flow in my heart.

The captain of their family really has nothing to say. He is about to take care of his younger brother with loyalty. There is a saying in the sea that it is very important to the boss. Although their boss is not as good as those big pirates, he is really good at taking care of the younger brother. Originally, Last night, he was on night shift and fell asleep. The captain found that instead of spraying him, he covered him with his own quilt.

Where can you find such a boss?

Immediately, the younger brother saw that the door was habitual, and thought that the boss was still sleeping and it was difficult to disturb him, so he took the quilt and waited at the entrance.

Half an hour later, the door is still closed...

Hmm... I gave myself the captain's quilt, maybe I didn't sleep well at night so I got up a little later...

An hour later, the door remained silent.

Maybe there was no cup lid last night, maybe the captain caught a cold, and so on...

I want this dedicated little brother here to be even more moved. From today, he can die for the boss!

Two hours later, Father Tai had already basked in his butt, and the door remained silent. This little brother couldn't sit still. He hugged the quilt with tears in his arms and gently pushed the door open, intending to ask his boss to take the initiative to admit his mistake. Because my eldest brother seems to be seriously ill...

However, the younger brother opened the door and saw that there was no one in the room, but the eldest's captain's uniform was still on the table.

So what kind of boss can bring out what kind of younger brother, this younger brother is also a person who usually likes to use his brain. Looking at the scene of the crime, he remembered that the captain of the pirate group heard that there was some kind of chicken yesterday and left the crew. The news of running away overnight, and now that their captain has disappeared, could it be that their captain has also run away?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible, the captain's clothes are still there, who would run away in pajamas?

Then there is only one possibility left, and that is that their captain is missing!

A terrifying atmosphere spread in this little brother's heart. Although he dropped the quilt and ran out of the room to find their deputy captain, the big boss was gone after the battle was imminent. This is a top priority!!!

Not long after, the news of the disappearance of Raphael Gil, the captain of the Gil Pirates and a bounty of 320 million, gradually spread.

However, in this group of pirate gangs, they still can't make too much waves. In this pirate gang with a leader of 200 to 300 million per capita and a core of over 400 million, 320 million is too high. Numbers are like the students who were not top-notch or emerging among the more than 40 classmates in the same class when they were young, they were ordinary and unremarkable at all. Those people might still be able to name them at that time. One or two years after graduation, It will also feel familiar, but I can't name it, and after four or five years, I will really become a stranger.

Raphael Gill is a person in this rank. The bounty is not as high as the five leading cores who were carded 2115 There is still an impact on the Gil Pirates, but it is not deep.

Therefore, after most of the pirate leaders heard about this, they still disdain and disdain as always, thinking that this Raphael Jill must be the same as the previous turkey man, unable to withstand the pressure of Charlotte. Fat woman secretly ran away, He didn't take it seriously at all, and he didn't even forget to look around at himself, secretly competing to see who could hold on longer, and who couldn't help but run away for the third time.

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