Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

377. Didn't you see that Curry Admiral was already squirting?

"This damn little bastard...! Hiss! Damn fat woman, how dare you chop it up! Long bread, take Linlin away...(`▼Ware▼)"

Seeing that slutty face, Kaido teacher is going crazy, this bastard is so disgusting, everyone says Kaido of the Beasts is disgusting, but this bastard is a thousand times more disgusting than him , 10,000 times!

Half of this Fuck's body was sprayed off without dying, Kaido even wondered if this kid came from the fruit of immortality, it's so disgusting!

So disgusting that he wants to vomit!

And it hasn't been a long time for Teacher Kaido to be disgusted. One is not enough. There is a slight pain in the tail that is not too high from the ground. The dragon's eyes look down, and he almost faints from anger. Fat Charlotte doesn't know when The big sword carrying the fire below is frantically attacking his big tail, and the eyes are glowing red, and the mouth is drooling, looking at it, even Teacher Kaido can't stand Charlotte's fat woman. As a human being, this dead fat woman's teeth are 22 times better than his. Now this dead fat woman has cake again, the ghost knows if this dead fat woman will give him a bite when he is hungry.

In a hurry, she took off her anger for dozens of meters to ensure that Fat Charlotte couldn't bite his tail.

This dead fat woman's hand in here really affected his performance too much.

"-_-||... Linlin.... Stop hitting, cut the wrong person..."

Hearing Mr. Kaido's call, the post office's harmonious greetings in Long Bread's heart were not understood properly. In Linlin's current state, let alone stop it, even if she noticed that there was a danger of being swallowed alive, the world thought that The rational Linlin is the most sturdy, with a body of steel and natural power, making her a proper goddess of war in this New World.

But only he knows that Linlin like this is the most terrifying. Although there is no body of steel, he has turned on the six-parent-no-father mode. He doesn't care who the person in front of him is. It's because Linlin's teeth and digestive function are very good. He has raised Linlin for so many years and has never seen Linlin indigestion or tooth decay. Now that he has the courage to draw Linlin's attention to himself, there is a ghost.

But Mr. Kaido spoke again, looking at Mr. Kaido's super mace on the ground that was blazing with cold light, I don't know if it was rust or Bloodline's super mace.

So I can only stare at the scalp and shout to the fat woman Charlotte from a distance. This sound is only heard by a few powerful people of Observation Haki present. sound.

"This bastard...(▶a▲)"

When Mr. Kaido saw the operation of Long Bread, he really didn't get mad at this timid old boy. Where did you fool the fat woman to be a pirate?

"Made, bastard, turned into a long worm and flew in the sky to be counted as an egg, if you can plant it and continue to fight! (▼^▼ㄨ)"

Leonardo found that he was ignored by Teacher Kaido. Although the six-pack abs of labor and management are a little less, they are actually muscles with only 5% fat content, but they are a little whiter, this bastard Egg actually dared to ignore him and chat with the little old man, Leonardo was so angry that he pointed at Teacher Kaido in the sky and spat out.

This bastard was about to fly into the atmosphere by Charlotte's fat woman. Even if the Achilles tendon grows to the back of his head and steps on Moonwalk, he can't jump up, let alone hit him. Since he can't hit him, he needs to spray. Spray this bastard down.

And Charlotte Fatty, after she couldn't reach Mr. Kaido's big target, turned her target back to him in an instant. To be honest, watching Fatty Charlotte's current state, his scalp was numb. Thinking about an altitude of nine meters, the tonnage is almost counted by numbers. However, the scene of the extremely domineering big fat woman staring at your mouth with red eyes and drooling eyes, Leonardo thinks that horror movies are not so scary.

If the fat woman Charlotte was still the flower of the sea a few decades ago, it wouldn't matter. It would be fine if he suffered a loss and became the boss of Cao once, but this thing is such a big fat woman now!

"Damn stinky bastard, come up if you have a seed, and labor and capital will cut you into eight pieces!! (▶a▲)"

Teacher Kaido is of course not Tie Hanhan. Tie Hanhan can't play the routine of Chen Cang in the dark. Seeing where the brat is naked and pointing at him as a shrew, of course he can't be cowardly, even if the kid's mouth is history Grades should also be sprayed back.

"If you have something special, just give it to me! (^∇x)"

"Come up if you have something! (▶a)"

"You come down! (♥~▼#)"

"Come up! o(▼В▼X;)o"



The BIGMOM Pirates, who watched the battle and maintained the order on the scene, watched the two of them go up and down, ignoring where their mother was squirting, from a hearty and majestic battle to a vixen scolding the street in an instant, the change The turnaround was so quick it was surprising.

You guys are really hitting!

At the same time, he looked at the old lady who was chasing the bastard Marine while spraying and running, or their old lady was sharp enough, and they were still unaffected by this environment.

It's Gan!

"Dominic Rear Admiral, I don't know if I should say it inappropriately. Did Curry 883 forget the purpose of our trip? Would you like to remind him...(⊙_⊙)?"

The battle was fierce, and the scolding was also very exciting. The Marine uncles were all stunned for a while. This kind of scolding at the boss level is rare. Maybe I have never seen it once in my life. After all, many boss-level scolding Tasks are generally done as much as possible without being forced. Today, they are fortunate to see such a rare scene in a century. It is their honor, and they will have the material to brag with their descendants in the future.

But... at this time, I thought that the little Ensign officer had suddenly reacted. Why did Curry Admiral lead them here to make money, not to fight, to scold the street?

Looking around, except for their dozens of friends, they were all surrounded by people from the BIGMOM Pirates. This little Ensign officer felt a chill in his heart. If these pirates didn't talk about martial arts, they would bully them more and kill them less. , can't stand it!

He finally made a second-class merit and joined the ranks of officers. He will go to Marine College to report next year. When he comes out, he is a "royal child". A lot of things are waiting for him in the future, but he doesn't want to let his Vice Admiral die so young. Uncle white-haired man sends black-haired man..

"How do I know, didn't I see that Curry Admiral is mad now, I can't persuade him at all!"

Dominic also covered his face with his hands and looked up at the sky...

(PS: Thanks Dad for the monthly pass!!).

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