Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

378. The first mouth general in Marine history

Having been with Curry Admiral for so many years, he can fully understand the loneliness and loneliness of Curry Admiral. To say that Curry Admiral is a thriving peak in the troll world, whether it is Golden Lion or Whitebeard in the past, they were ruthless and ruthless. The character, or maybe because he knows that he can't beat Curry Admiral, so he has never been able to find an opponent who can fight him for three rounds. This kind of high place has been too cold for too long, and it's hard to meet a Kaido. To be able to avoid Bi Lian's spraying back and forth with him, this may be the joy of seeing a hunter.

At this time, the "Ya Xing" that interrupted Curry Admiral was about to be struck by lightning. I didn't see the lightning cloud of Charlotte's fat lady.  …

"Wait, wait until Curry Admiral is hooked..."

However, seeing that the younger brothers behind him looked a little trembling under the big siege of the surrounding pirates, he opened his mouth and comforted.

To be honest, in the face of this dense group of BIGMOM Pirates who can't even count the math knowledge he has learned in his life, he is also a group of emptiness in his heart. So many people can drown them in the water!

Among the three remaining giants in the New World today, Kaido has the largest number of Beasts Pirates, followed closely by the Whitebeard Pirates. Although there is a gap between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates in terms of the number of younger brothers, the gap is not Very big, after all, Whitebeard is the only remaining fruit of the top four in the last era. It has dominated New World for so many years, and its reputation is still there. If Whitebeard let go of his hands and feet, New World would still have a lot of unreliable seas. The thief hugs his thighs and calls him father. The second largest number of younger brothers is the BIGMOM Pirates. However, the BIGMOM Pirates have the least number of younger brothers. That is relative. Compared to Teacher Kaido and Whitebeard, they don't eat anything. Charlotte is fat. The mother-in-law still values ​​quality, just like her sons and daughters, the quality of the BIGMOM Pirates is the highest among the three giants.

Moreover, the number of younger brothers of the BIGMOM pirates is indeed different from that of the Beasts Pirates or the Whitebeard pirates, but compared with other pirates in New World, they are still a bunch of fat camels!

Now also ruled out the cracker Cracker who will make the cracker soldiers out, if that guy comes out with a bunch of cracker soldiers again... Honestly, Dominic is also shaking in his heart.

However, as the first person under Curry Admiral, the man behind Curry Admiral, Curry Admiral is now fighting in the front, no matter how he has to stabilize the military, let the opposing pirates see the spirit of their Marine!

"Puff, puff...



"Everyone, come and see, the duel king Kaido doesn't dare to come down from the sky when he turns into a worm, and he's a duel king? I...Bah! I'm so embarrassed for you...(▼ ~▼ㄨ)”

Leonardo didn't expect Teacher Kaido to be so resistant to spraying. He sprayed from night to day. This thing can still hold up. The conversation changed, and she resisted the fat woman Charlotte twice and kicked her away. Then he took out his special microphone and turned the volume to the highest level. He copied the sons and daughters of the fat woman around Charlotte. She looked at Kaido-sensei in the sky with her little eyes of unconcealed contempt.

I don’t know if it’s because of him, a rambunctious little butterfly. Teacher Kaido is obviously much more savvy than in the original book, and he can hold his breath a lot. If he were to be the teacher Kaido in the original book, let alone his historical level of mouth cannon, that is Garp's grandson, who has no technical content at all, can't handle Kaido teacher.

It's so bizarre!

"Bang! 35

The younger brothers of the BIGMOM Pirates who were watching the battle from a distance heard the sound and sat on the ground with a staggered butt under their feet. They looked at the bastard Marine who was holding a microphone and opened his mouth in the distance. Admiral, it's not an exaggeration to say that this Fuck is the first mouth-to-mouth general in Marine history, he always carries a microphone wherever he goes, he's invincible!

"Damn bastard kid.....(`▼Ware▼)

Teacher Kaido, who was far above the atmosphere, looked at the guy who was holding the microphone and looked like the seven aunts and eight aunts who were next door neighbors when he was a child. He hated it, and got angry when he saw it. The kid's mouth was torn to pieces, but when he saw the old lover, his eyes were still red, and his mouth was drooling.

He still endured it. He knew the details of the old lover very well. If she stayed awake, her natural body of steel would make her body defense power top-notch. Back then, the rotten Shenwu artillery that was known to be red in Marine couldn't hit her. defense.

But if the old lover loses his mind, then his body of steel will disappear. Without the protection of the body of steel, the old lover's body defense will drop by a notch in an instant. The lover looked like a starving ghost and came to fuck him, in case his stinky temper couldn't help but throw her a big tail, and it would be difficult to play a friendly match with the old lover in the future.

But looking at that damn stinky bastard, Mr. Kaido's teeth itch with anger. This little bastard can't get enough of spraying with his mouth, so he pulled out the microphone.

"Puff puff!

"Uncle Bang!


"Clap clap clap!

"Did you see, did you see, it turns out that Kaido of the Beasts, known as the strongest animal in the world, turned out to be a coward! Fortunately, your little brother is not here, otherwise let them know that they are with a coward boss, and also What a mess, there is no future, go home and let the cows go!""

Astronauts with eyes above 5.0 saw Mr. Kaido clenching his teeth (money is good), and after resisting Charlotte's red-eyed two knives and kicking the fat woman again, Leonardo's eyes lit up, I'm afraid you bastard won't respond, just respond!

The microphone is plugged into the collar, and the hands are clapped on the back of the hands, and the look of a menopausal aunt is scolding the street. This is a new wave of open mouths. The pain point of teacher Kaido is not that you call him a bastard. People are originally bastards. But it's telling the truth.


Hearing this, Charlotte's fat mother's son, daughter, and little brother's pets looked strangely at Kaido, the dragon in the sky. They are not cowardly, but they still want to see how Mr. Kaido plans to fight back. After two rounds, Mr. Kaido did not fight back. If this goes on, they will lose!

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