Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

394. Crane Vice Admiral has several postdoctoral degrees.

"Hehe, your child's mouth is indeed historic, but you don't have to worry about my reputation. My biggest wish right now is to see Gion get married. I know you have a good relationship with that guy Rayleigh, so you just To be precise, when will you marry Gion? (???)?"

Although Leonardo talks about high-end economics, it's okay to fool other people. If you want to fool the Marine think tank like Vice Admiral who has been mixed for decades with old fried dough sticks, it won't work. He Vice Admiral laughs and doesn't eat him at all. This one, looked at him with a smile, especially when he mentioned the "Poseidon" and "Pluton" Rayleigh, the second of the three ancient artifacts, his eyes flashed a warning light.

As if this was a warning that if he dared to inherit Rayleigh's ancient artifact "Poseidon", she would not give face even to Big Brother's son.

Her washing fruit hasn't washed her own people yet...

"I'm just friends with that guy Rayleigh, since you have spoken to Tsuru Vice Admiral, of course I won't let you down, next month... No! Immediately! I'll go back to Gion and choose an auspicious date to get married. , will definitely live up to your "high expectations"! (-_-)"

Leonardo was shivering when he was stared at by the crane Vice Admiral, and he immediately raised his head and pointed at the ceiling, as if making a sacred oath.

He almost forgot that although this old giant is not strong in Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr and other small partners, but his strength is absolutely unquestionable, especially the one who can brainwash people, involving rules, can Washing the pirates into the fruit of washing the sage, even Doflamingo, who even dared to fight with Marine, would have to admit to this old giant.

It’s true that the Paramecia fruit is difficult to develop, but if it is developed well, it will be quite the existence of Delas, especially the Paramecia fruit that involves rules. It is not enough to have a postdoctoral degree, at least two The above, and it happens that the crane Vice Admiral has several postdoctoral degrees nearby, otherwise it is impossible to suppress the academic tyrants in the staff department, Leonardo has no doubt that the crane Vice Admiral has developed the fruit of washing to the level of awakening. , Although he is covered by a system father and his vitality is very strong, he can't be covered when he encounters such a bug-like ability...

"Well! I'm relieved that you have this determination, but (cceg) don't worry too much, it's rare for you to come back once, go home and see your parents stay with them for a few days."

Crane Vice Admiral nodded with satisfaction, and gave his friend Sengoku a look after speaking, my job is done, it's your turn, and then she walked away lightly, just like she came gently without taking a cloud away ....

"o(mouth) o... Marshal Sengoku, don't you play like this?"

After Vice Admiral of Crane left, Leonardo's connection instantly collapsed, and he looked at Sengoku resentfully. The look in Vice Admiral's eyes before he left made him think that the two must have colluded to force a marriage.

"z('?`?)ㄏ...I didn't know that Xiaohe was coming, but since you promised Xiaohe, you must do it, okay! Be happy, just let you get married Not to let you die.

Sengoku spread his hands and smiled comfortingly.

"I'd rather you let me die, I can't die anyway...-_-||"

Leonardo muttered with a black line. He had also had the terrifying idea of ​​marrying Gion before when he was bored in Sabaody, but when he thought of not getting married, he was killed by that stinky bitch's routine. Well worth it.

But now the old-fashioned giants have come out in person, and it's impossible not to get married, otherwise, they will really bring their talents to become the king of thieves with their father and mother.

A good Marine Admiral with an annual salary of over 10 million shouldn't be a poor bandit king, isn't he sick...

"Okay, it's rare to come back here. I'll give you a few days off to accompany your parents. In the future, don't go to New World without my order. Do you have anything else to report?"

Sengoku heard what he muttered, and thought that he had been flirting with Xiaohe for decades, and now he is still a special friend, but this little bastard really doesn't want to marry someone, which makes him more uncomfortable than eating shit, no Impatiently waved at him to chase people away.

He wants to be alone...

"By the way, there is really one thing to report, as you have seen, brother Kizaru, Kuzan and Senior Akainu are also Admiral, and it wasn't a dozen Vice Admiral who followed up that time, I was the Admiral. The lineup is the most shabby, there is no one around who can fight, the best player is Dominic who has not improved after eating Devil Fruit, Marshal Sengoku, I am your student anyway, how can you score some Vice Admiral for me to pretend ?Dominic has also been with me for several years, with enough qualifications and performance, I would also like to recommend him to be promoted to Vice Admiral by the way, you see..."

Leonardo ignored Sengoku's gesture of waving his hand to chase people away, and came to Sengoku's side, picked up the teacup on the table, poured tea and handed water to Sengoku, and said to please.

"Ah... There is no problem with the number of Vice Admiral. There are still several Vice Admiral in the headquarters who are recovering from serious injuries and have no free space to arrange for them to stay at home. It is better to let them go to Sabaody, but that Dominic. ... the internal affairs ability is not bad, but this strength......"

Sengoku turned out that the tea that the eldest nephew poured himself was very comfortable, and he spoke leisurely, but he was a little hesitant when he finally said that the eldest nephew's adjutant was promoted to Vice Admiral.

Marine Admiral taking care of his own people is not a big deal in itself. It is enough to open a small back door. Back then, this kid was recommended by his father, Zephyr, Xiaohe and Garp after the Battle of the Valley of the Gods. what?

It is understandable for this kid to want to take care of his own people. He also knows that Dominic. When this kid is not in Sabaody, his ability to help this kid with internal affairs is not bad, but Rear Admiral is promoted to Vice Admiral in addition to qualifications and performance. One hard requirement is strength. Back then, although Big Brother was a Vice Admiral who was promoted through their back door, even though Big Brother usually fished in troubled waters, his hard power still reached the passing line, so Marshal Kong wrote Big Brother's name to them. In the first place, all the indicators of Big Brother have been reached, and the Five Elders will naturally agree to save face.

But this Dominic...he has some reasons. If he puts one out today, it is estimated that tomorrow all kinds of connections will come through the back door. He can't agree to all of them, right? Marine doesn't have that many Vice Admiral staffs. ....

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