Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

395. Just see how much the five godfathers love this godson

"Everything has to be a special case. You can see that the guy's strength has indeed made a bit of money, but this performance and military exploits are real. You can see that the flying squirrels, Dauberman and the others are the elite Vice Admiral. Who has the record? Dominic is so beautiful? Besides, he came to our Marine when he was fifteen years old To live up to the hopes that people have given us in Marine, isn't it?

Leonardo rolled his eyes. After all, Dominic's strength is a hurdle that cannot be avoided. If he can't talk about Sengoku, even if he can talk about Kong, he will still have to pass the Sengoku level. Now Kong is no longer Marine's brother. It was Sengoku, and it was impossible for Kong to bypass him and recommend Dominic's name to the Five Elders without giving face to the younger disciple.

......What you said also makes sense, but what we Marine has to deal with is the vicious pirates, not those street gangsters with small voices and strength, strength is always the first standard, this Dominic is for you It's good to have you as an adjutant, but Vice Admiral has to lead people to carry out the mission after all, do you know how much of a blow to Marine's morale by sacrificing a Marine Vice Admiral, even if I agree with your recommendation, the Five Elders also Will take this into account and won't let him get promoted. "

Sengoku's eyes flickered, and he was indeed a little moved. The Marine Vice Admiral now are almost all high school students who came out of Marine Academy, and there are almost no people who started from the top soldiers like Leonardo said, because they Marine Every year, the Academy sends people with high potential in Marine to Marine Academy to teach Zephyr, so those with insufficient potential will naturally have no chance of ascending, nor do they have much hope for the future, which is good and bad.

At the beginning, it was because the Valley of Gods war was too tragic that they lost all their Marine talents. Even Admiral lost two of them, and his strength dropped to the lowest point. Therefore, in order to make up for the missing talents as soon as possible, Marshal Kong, who had just taken up the post, came up with this method. , otherwise the former Marine Academy rarely recruited people from outside, and they were basically the family members of the Marines in the headquarters. Only those with great potential or outstanding achievements would be sent to the Marine Academy to be gilded. Back then, he and Zephyr , Garp and Xiaohe are like that.

Now it has been proved that Marshal Kong's method really works. After 20 years, their Marine's power has returned to its peak and even surpassed it before. However, the drawbacks are gradually revealed. Now the senior officers in Marine are almost all academics. Those soldiers who are not academies are also Rear Admiral. After all, lack of potential means lack of strength. How can a person with lack of strength be in the position? Even the adjutants of many senior officers are sent by the academy, such as his Adjutant Mickey, Zephyr's adjutant Aubrey, and the former adjutant of the Chief Air Division. After all, those who have studied in the academy system are better than those who are wild, but those who are judged to have low potential. There is no hope. If you are lucky, Rear Admiral is already the limit. If you are unlucky, it is hard to say when it will hang up. This will inevitably affect the mental outlook of the entire Marine middle and lower levels. In the past, it has always been a hidden danger.

And the eldest nephew of the eldest nephew, the adjutant, happens to be a wonderful person. He has no potential and is born in a wild way, but he is indeed a talent in internal affairs. The promotion of this Dominica can indeed give those who have insufficient potential to see hope and support them. Marine blesses their own justice. , After all, people came here to be Marine really just for a few thousand yuan and five insurances and one housing fund this month? People are doing it for the pure justice in their hearts!

However, although Sengoku was a little moved, he enjoyed being served like this by his eldest nephew, but from the perspective of the overall situation, he was a little hesitant to recommend a person who did not meet the standard to be promoted to Vice Admiral, not to mention whether the Five Elders could be promoted to Vice Admiral. Pass, there will be a lot of voices in their Marine alone, which is the reason for his hesitation. Don't look at Marine Vice Admiral not as good as Admiral, the marshal, but Marine Admiral, how many marshals together?

Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral is already the absolute core leader, sacrificing one is a big blow to the morale of their Marine. The influence of the Jaguar D. Saron incident has not been completely eliminated, especially in Marine's morale. The giants are even more influential, and Kuzan doesn't dare to go to the giants' troops now~ I'm going to sleep. …

・・・・For flowers・・・・

"Hey! What do I think it is? Isn't it just leading people to act? That guy is not very strong, but you have also seen his internal affairs ability. Although this is a bit hurtful to Brother Mickey, Dominic's business ability is definitely not better than Mickey's. Brother, do you agree with this point? He has been promoted to Vice Admiral, so you can let him stay in Sabaody as a branch chief, or the G1 branch chief, which is closer to Sabaody, is ok, anyway, Fisher The uncle is also old and retired after two years. The G1 branch is not far from Mariejois and Sabaody. I can cover him. G1 branch has not been pirates for a hundred years, so you should be It’s not bad to spend a Vice Admiral contract to buy people’s hearts, everything has advantages and disadvantages, but this case shows that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, don’t you think?”


Leonardo also fought hard for Dominic, a younger brother who didn't grow up. The key is that he was bragging in New World to keep him as Vice Admiral. Although he has no culture, he also knows that when he is the boss, he needs to keep his words. Isn't he responsible for the bullshit he bragged about?

"Da da da...

"Da da da... 99

"When the time comes, you submit a recommendation application, and I will send it to the Five Elders. Whether you can do it depends on whether you have enough face as a godson...

Sengoku kept tapping his fingers on the table with "da da" sound, thinking about the pros and cons of this matter, and finally decided to give it a try. After all, this drawback must always be solved. The problem is bigger.

According to the current development trend of the eldest nephew, his term of office will end in 20 years, and it is no surprise that the position of the first brother Marine may be handed over to this kid, and he, the uncle, can't leave the trouble to the eldest nephew, right?

But he didn't make things too absolute. After all, he had the right to recommend and have a part of the right to speak when he was promoted to Vice Admiral, but in the end, it was the Five Elders who made the final decision. ...↑.

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