Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

396. Let the godson see the strength of godfathers!

"I'll write now..."

Hearing Sengoku say this, it can be considered that he agreed to Dominic's application for promotion to Vice Admiral. Leonardo didn't push too hard, he took out an A4 piece of paper from the table, picked up a pen and wrote on it.

If that's the case, then it's not a big problem. It's not that he is bragging. In recent years, he has spent his life on five godfathers, three international metropolises, and one Marine Vice Admiral. quota?

"Dear Your Excellency the Five Elders:

Sabaody's Green Fox Admiral Admiral Dominic Rear Admiral has been on the front line for many years, and he is conscientious and conscientious. No matter how dangerous he is, he always insists on the front line of the battle and is seriously injured. In view of Dominic Rear Admiral's excellent performance over the years, Marine Admiral Green Fox sincerely recommends Dominic Rear Admiral to be promoted to the position of Marine Vice Admiral "Nine Zero Zero", looking forward to him making more contributions to Marine in the future.

........Alright, alright, you go back first, I recommend Mickey to help you write. -_-||”

After Sengoku looked at what Leonardo wrote, it was full of fucked-son style, and he interrupted him with a black line before he finished writing. What kind of mess is this fuck writing? It is not recommended. Recommended, licking is not like licking, if he really handed this recommendation, I guess Five Elders thought it was something wrong with his brain


In the first place, Zephyr should not have passed the cultural assessment of this kid, he is so Marine Admiral, he can't even write a recommendation...

"Okay! By the way, do you want to add the name of General Manager Kong to the recommender? Dominic is so stupid that he has also helped General Manager Kong to settle several accounts, and the name of General Manager Kong is more secure?"

Leonardo's refreshing handwriting, this writing and homework is indeed not his area of ​​expertise, but he did not forget to add a sentence when he put down the pen, after all, in his opinion, the strength of Domi's guy is really pulling his hips, even if five godfathers If you want to give him face and follow the normal procedures, you can't give it wow, but if you add Kong, it will be different.

Although Kong doesn't have much real power now, but the status of the rivers and lakes is placed there, the second floor of the world government office building!

With that status, that status, if you recommend a Vice Admiral to the top, five godfathers will still give you a face, anyway, the Vice Admiral contract doesn't cost a lot of money..

"This is a recommendation to be promoted to Vice Admiral, not to be promoted to Admiral, okay, I know what I know, you go out first. -_-||"

Sengoku waved his hand at him impatiently, good guy, this stinky boy is planning to pull his big brother into the water, but it is a bit of a fuss to be promoted to a Vice Admiral to have his big brother come forward.

"Okay! You are busy..."

Leonardo saw Sengoku's impatient look, and out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at a human-shaped object wrapped in black cloth on the bookcase next door, nodded as if I was done, and slowly exited the office, not forgetting to close the door... ...

"This is the list recommended by Sengoku to be promoted to Vice Admiral this year. One of them is the adjutant of the Green Fox boy, Dominic Rear Admiral. What do you think?"

The next day, a Vice Admiral recommendation letter from Sengoku was immediately sent to the World government headquarters. Every year in Naval Headquarters, Vice Admiral is promoted and the old Vice Admiral has reached the age of retirement, but the situation is different every year, there are more and less, Even sometimes there are not two or three a year. This year, a few old Vice Admiral have reached retirement age, and these people have retired.

Naturally, someone had to make up for it. Dominica was not the only one on the list that Sengoku submitted, but Sengoku also put Dominica's name at the top of the list for the sake of his eldest nephew.

When I first got this list and saw that the first line of names was Admiral Green Fox Admiral, Dominic Rear Admiral, the old man with a knife immediately felt the strong smell of going through the back door.

Generally speaking, promotion to Vice Admiral is not a promotion to Admiral. As long as it is recommended by Naval Headquarters, they just ignore it and pass it at a glance. After all, none of the people recommended by Naval Headquarters are none of them. I know who is who, but the hard conditions are there. I believe Naval Headquarters will not recommend any parallel importers. After all, if Marine Vice Admiral is hung up by pirates, the most affected is Marine, and their World government will be affected. limited.

And it just so happens that they all know Dominic Rear Admiral, so that's what they are doing... Cough, Marine Admiral's adjutant of the green fox, although he can't be said to be famous, but in his heart he still knows that there is such a person... .

He also knows about Dominic Rear Admiral. After all, he is not their adjutant. The internal affairs are indeed talents, but if the force is worth.... It is not enough to see, Sabaody is not far from Mariejois , there is another place where they fuck.... They all know everything about Sabaody, they fucked a while ago

When he was not in Sabaody Land, this kid was in charge of the overall situation in Sabaody Land. Several pirate incidents happened. In the end, Kong, who was competing for the top spot in District 5, helped him solve those pirates. This kid is obviously hardware and hardware. Not on the software~~~

Now Sengoku still has to hand over the kid's name and write it first on the first line. The recommender column is still written with the name of their dry child. Needless to say, it must be another backdoor.

Under normal circumstances, they always let him pass with one eye and one eye closed. After all, the hard power of the person recommended is definitely no problem. The problem is not too big, but the problem of this Dominica is relatively big, the strength really does not match the strength of Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral!

This made him a little entangled. Last time, he said that he wanted Ganer to experience the arrogance of their 4.6 godfathers. As a result, this Ganer... unexpectedly came.

It's also a bit against the rules to recommend a person who doesn't match the hardware to be promoted to Vice Admiral!

.....A Vice Admiral place is just, it's not a big deal, he can give it to him if he wants, arrange this kid in a more leisurely place or let him take a job in Sabaody directly, it's good for our World government and Marine Influence does not hit. "

At this time, the old man with a scar on his forehead spoke up, dry... Last time in New World, a wave of operations made his pocket that was about to shrunk swell up again, if it weren't for dry... operation in New World, New World Several alliance countries are still dragging the sky gold, and he is about to take off his old face and join in with that kid Doflamingo.

It's just a small Vice Admiral, let the godsons see the strength of the godfathers!

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