Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

397. I want too little for a godson!

"That's right, it's just a small Vice Admiral, the problem is not a big one, let that kid continue to work in the future... cough, there won't be anything wrong with the green fox, wasn't it good before? , but.... just such a small Vice Admiral, will it be a little bit less?"

The blond old man nodded. This time he agreed with the old man with the scar on his forehead. To be honest, he was still a little disappointed.

As a result, this dry son is really too simple!

To have the name of such a little Vice Admiral, and not give them a chance to show their pride!

"'s really a little short, but this kid Green Fox only needs one Vice Admiral spot, we give too much and it's not very good...

The old man with long hair and long beard agrees with what the old man said, and they are all ready to let Sengoku ask what the kid is going to ask for, it is best if this kid opens his mouth, they can also let go of their hands and feet, but they are still They didn't act, and as a result, this kid only had such a small request, which gave them a sense of power and nowhere to go...

A small Vice Admiral with substandard hardware and 22, can this be a problem?

I want a few more!

This doesn't give them the slightest chance at all, even if they like to give more, they must have a valid reason, after all, they are the Five Elders who are just, strict and selfless.

"Why don't you give Sengoku some breath? I think with Sengoku's wisdom he should know what to do. 35

The old man with a birthmark on his face suggested by touching his chin.

Although Sengoku is more stable than Kong, he never tries to be big, and everything is stable and stable. He will not be like Kong. Although he is not stable at ordinary times, he will create some small surprises for them from time to time, but the reason why they agree that Sengoku will be promoted Because Sengoku understands the leadership's intentions better than Kong, sometimes they have just opened their mouths to say a few words, and Sengoku has already guessed what they want to express before they finish speaking, and many things do not need to be explained at all.

It's like thinking about a doll leak, they just gave Kong a call to overweight, and Sengoku fought it all alone, this is their most eye-catching ideal employee!

So he thinks he can give Sengoku a breather without being too explicit, Sengoku should know what to do...

"I'll call Sengoku right now....

The old man with the knife was persuaded by the four little friends, and he no longer struggled. It was just a little Vice Admiral. They could afford it with their own pockets. In terms of the benefits that the godson gave them, it was only a drop in the bucket!

As he said that, he picked up the phone on the table and operated like a tiger, and the hand speed that he had cultivated for decades was vividly displayed...  

Naval Headquarters, the first brother's office, after submitting the list of recommendations to the World government, Sengoku didn't pay attention to the eldest nephew's deputy, and he didn't have time to pay attention to the little Rear Admiral's appointment. , Now there is a bigger thing waiting for him to pay attention to.

The "anti-Marine guild" on the New World side that rose up because of some reasons for the eldest nephew is really a group of small kalami, and it is not useful. It has only been so beautiful for a few months. When it arrived, it was already beaten into a dog by Kaido with his little fat man. A guild composed of so many pirates simply couldn't withstand Kaido's wave of shocks, and more than half of the casualties had been lost in less than a week. Running away.

This not only made him speechless, although the establishment of this "anti-Marine guild" did indeed slap him in the face of a Marine brother, but before Kizaru and Akainu hurried to New World to chug them, he still hoped that this "anti-Marine guild" Alright, even the more riots in the New World, the better. The more and more New World is, it will give their Marine enough time to deal with the pirates in the first half, so they don't have to be distracted by the New World.

But these guys are so stubborn, the number of people is obviously more than several times more than the number of people who were brought in quickly. As a result, they were almost killed by Kaido. Fortunately, he stopped it in time, otherwise Kaido's this The battle was almost listed in the strategy version of the children's textbook. It won a big victory with several times less than the opponent and also beat the opponent to the point of destruction. This Fuck is more exaggerated than those classic battles in the textbook, but it can't be said that Kaido is too good. Force, it can only be said that Kaido's opponent this time is too fishy, ​​so many pirate leaders can't do Kaido in a team, and the original pirate league has to pull too much.

Well now, New World is not only not as chaotic as he imagined, but because of this wave, this bastard has made a lot of fame.

Kaido can really use his brain now, and I don't know if he got a wave of intelligence points from him in the last routine, and he added them to his IQ. Since the last battle in the sea above The fish men island, he returned When he arrived at Kaido in New World, he felt completely changed.

It's no longer as mindless as before, giving people some small conspiracies and tricks from time to time, Kaido's influence on mindless drives was too deep before, and everyone was completely unprepared for Kaido's little tricks and tricks. His three big horses continued to fight with the Whitebeard Pirates in Wanokuni, while he secretly ran to block his eldest nephew. 900

Fortunately, the eldest nephew had the goods and was not killed by Kaido, and this time Kaido showed the routine of Mingxiu's plank road to darken Chencang to the fullest. Except for a few people in the world, such as him and Kizaru, who knew Kaido in particular, No one else would have thought that Kaido would dare to give up the Wanokuni battlefield at the critical moment when Wanokuni and Whitebeard started fighting and set aside some people to join the "anti-Marine guild". They all know that the value of these sites is not as big as the value of a Wanokuni when multiplied by one or three times. It is not only the top three richest countries in the New World, but also a holy place in the hearts of warriors all over the world.

The hometown of Dragon Slayer Ryoma!

As a result, Kaido, who was realistically putting two horses in Wanokuni, was crushed by Whitebeard's sons and had to go back to push the "anti-Marine guild" who stepped on him. Now the result is that on the battlefield of Wanokuni, Beasts Pirates' The fire and drought have already been wiped out by the sons of Whitebeard, and they have not died because of the rough and fleshy attributes of the ancient seed coat. Although Kaido has regained his own territory, the "anti-Marine guild" has Those main members, Moroda, Alvin, Molinsdan, and the god-like military adviser Morion, have all been killed, and now it is his turn to have a headache.

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