Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

398. Sengoku: Is this a godson to get less?

These bastards who slap him in the face were fucked by Kaido. Although he was very happy, Kaido was useless. Those guys didn't kill any of them. They brushed the heads of a group of younger brothers. Now they are "anti-Marine guild" The core members of the gang don't know which mountain valley Gou went to. The situation in New World is complicated and changeable. It's not easy for Kizaru and Akainu to find them. Where else would you put Marine's face?

Sengoku really wants to greet the 18th generation of Kaido's ancestors now. Isn't this adding difficulty to his dungeon? If you want to do it, you can do it cleanly and kill everyone. He also saves Kizaru's overtime cost. Gas money, what is this now?

Now Sengoku has to face a very serious problem, that is, Kizaru and Akainu are already on the way, if they let them come back halfway like last time, then their Marine will be embarrassed, last time Kizaru and Aokiji just arrived In the waters near Wanokuni, everyone has already finished their fucks. This is the same as last time. This makes people think of their Marine. Isn't their Marine a special thing to come out to help sweep the floor!

So this time, I can't let Kizaru and Akainu come back so easily, not to mention that the core members of the "Anti-Marine Guild" have not been killed by Kaido. I don't know which mountain corner they are in, and their Marine can't be a sweeper!

But New World is so big, it's not easy to find a pirate who Isshin wants to grow bigger and stronger. Gou is the most outstanding passive skill of all Marines.

So now Sengoku is in a very depressed mood, and he doesn't have time to care about whether the eldest nephew's lieutenant can take the position of Vice Admiral.

"Pullo puff..."

"Moses Moses, I'm Sengoku."

Just when Sengoku was a little depressed, he grabbed a few hairs from his head, and before he had time to count how many he was going to plant tonight, the phone on the table rang inappropriately.

"Sengoku, in view of the excellent performance of the Marine Rear Admiral you reported over the years, we have agreed to the promotion of the Marine Rear Admiral to the Vice Admiral, but.... What Green Fox Admiral did in New World this time In order to play the spirit of our World government and Marine very well, as the saying goes, there will be rewards for merits, and punishments for mistakes. The Sabaody branch has just been established. You ask the green fox Admiral what shortcomings still exist, and let people do it. Give us a report...~

After the call was connected, the old man with the knife didn't write any ink, everyone was smart, and they explained their purpose in a slightly tactful way.

"(⊙_⊙)?...Yes, Your Excellency Five Elders, I'll send someone to ask the green fox..."

Sengoku was a little confused by the words of the old man with a knife, and his mind couldn't calm down. What does Five Elders mean?

Does this mean the son wants too little?

Just like the old man with a knife said, everyone is smart, and the old man said it for the sake of it, so he almost asked him what the kid wanted, although he still had a brain Staying on Kaido and the bastards of the "Anti-Marine Guild", you can also hear the meaning inside and outside the words.

These five godfathers think godsons want too little!

This Fuck, when Mickey wrote the name of the eldest nephew's adjutant to the first line of the first line, he was all too embarrassed. The five old guys probably backhanded an X and recommended it with a few others. Rear Admiral also gives X drop.

Now it seems that these five godfathers are really fucking in love with this godson!

A Vice Admiral spot is too small....

"Well... do it as soon as possible. Those soldiers are dying for us on the front line. We can't chill the hearts of those soldiers."

The old man with the knife on the phone worm nodded very gratified, so talking to an employee who can understand the leader's intention is to save worry and effort, and after a few words or two, the other party will know what he wants to express.


With the expression simulated by the phone bug, Sengoku waited for the other party to hang up and was silent for a long time. He felt that if there was a shortage of funds in their marines and they needed to apply for funds, it would be better to have the eldest nephew sign and report it.

Damn, his application for additional funding for activities two months ago has not come down yet, so let him do it as soon as possible for his son's business, what a father's love like a mountain...

"Mickey! Go to little Curry and ask him what the Sabaody branch is still lacking, and ask him to ask for as many as possible. By the way, he will mention the issue of living security for retired cadres...-_-||"

Tucao, but things still have to be done, and Sengoku's brain suddenly lit up and thought about the last retired veterans' foundation, because Kizaru and Aokiji have not arrived at Wanokuni yet, Kozuki Oden, the two fools, were tricked by Kaido, The Retired Veteran Cadre Foundation, which he made after staying up for several overnights, collapsed before it could be reported.

But this time is a good opportunity, these five godfathers love this godson so much, now the godson should have no problem talking.

Little Curry grew up in Marineford, and he should be concerned about the happy life of his uncles and aunts after retirement..

"Well...there are's quite a lot. Brother Mickey, you know that although the Sabaody base has been expanded, the place is still the same place. It's been so many years, and the infrastructure is too old and outdated. Seriously, even many facilities are not available. It is said to be the Sabaody branch, but in fact it is no different from the previous Sabaody base. It is said that if there is a fund to rebuild the Sabaody branch, it will be perfect. The standard of living in Sabaody has improved a lot. I know that the salary of our Marine has also increased in recent years, but the salary of 20,000 a month is honestly in the international metropolis of Sabaody, Queen City and Water Capital. It is difficult to maintain a living. It would be even better if the soldiers below can get a raise in wages. Everyone has passion for work. And...(Noah's).

In Leonardo's Admiral-class mansion, Leonardo was gushing endlessly, and he didn't know what to say politely about the shortcomings of the Sabaody branch he had issued so far, but he was "busy with business" and had not yet arrived at the Queen. The city and the water capital are two places to "experience the people's feelings", so I don't know the living conditions of Uncle Marine in those two places, but they are both international metropolises, and their living standards should be similar. According to the Sabaody land The standard is also correct, but the most important thing is the base on Sabaody. After all, it is the place where he will work and live in the future. The conditions are too poor. In the past, because the Marine funding has been relatively tight, he is not good to mention it to Sengoku.

Even if it is proposed, Sengoku can't afford to build a mansion for him, but now that five godfathers ask him to speak, it will be different, how can the pride come, anyway, the five godfathers are not bad for money..

(ps: thank you dads for the monthly pass!!!).

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