Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

402. Sabaody, my Shanks are back!

But.... He didn't expect that the grandson of the male pig's foot Garp was born, and it was right to think about it. It has been almost two years and three years since Roger's son "Fire Fist" Ace was born. In the original book, "Fire Fist" "Ace seems to have debuted about two years earlier than Garp's grandson. If you count the time, the new Pirates are in the rebellious period when they debut, that is, when they are seventeen or eighteen, they have their own ideas, and their parents and family can't control them." It seems that the time is right. Garp's real grandson, Luffy, the king of heaven and earth, has indeed emerged this year.

This made Leonardo not only sighed by the old man, but time flies so fast. Before he knew it, he had come to this time for so many years. Before, he was a little puzzled that he wore it too early and did not catch up with the era of Garp's grandson. , Now think about it carefully, when Wang Luffy debuted more than ten years later, he was probably already a father.

As for why this desk of Sengoku was killed in the line of duty, it is very understandable. As long as the old boy Garp appeared in Sengoku's office, according to his memory, it seemed that there was not a time when Sengoku was not violent and broke. It's normal to order something, but it's a pity that this luxurious treasure tree big wooden table is...

"Are you here to find Marshal Sengoku?"

Mickey watched his little brother dressed so formally today, with the Marine Admiral cape draped, a straight Armani red-brown suit, and shiny leather shoes. Except for the messy hair, he was not strict enough, but he was the most beautiful pair of Marine. young.

"Ah, you know that I can't be idle, and my bones are rusting after spending a few days at home, so I came to find Marshal Sengoku to take a leave of absence and return to Sabaody... By the way, I will supervise the reconstruction of the Sabaody branch. , you also know how treacherous the subcontractors in Sabaody are. Once there is no one who can cover them, those bastards will probably come up with a tofu dregs project for you in ten days and a half months. Are you kidding me..."

Leonardo spread his hands and said.

I have to praise the efficiency of the World government here. The deficiencies in the Sabaody land that he raised a few days ago have just been reported. Yesterday, Dominic called him and said that a group of contractors led people to demolish the house. The efficiency of this is definitely a lever.

Thanks again to the five godfathers for their love!

"... Marshal Sengoku's mood is not very good right now, so don't go there. I'll just tell him for you later. You can go back first. 99

Mickey waved to him, sometimes he really admired the little brother's mouth, obviously he was bored at the headquarters and became restless when his mouth became restless. Although it was all the same, it sounded to people. The feeling is completely different, maybe it is because of this mouth that the Five Elders can be added as godfathers.

"Okay, you're busy first, I'll dodge first."

Leonardo nodded, seeing the damage of the luxurious large wooden table, he could know how unsightly the first brother was now, and he didn't want to disturb the old man to get sullen, waved his hand and turned away.

The current first brother is far from the stage of self-cultivation in more than ten years. If the first brother knows that the eldest grandson of the old Garp boy is Roger's son, it may not be as simple as dismantling the table. It is estimated that Naval Headquarters will give Demolition, but then again, when did Sengoku know that the eldest grandson of the good friend is Roger's son?

He has seen Roger with his own eyes. Except for the slight resemblance to Roger between his eyebrows, "Fire Fist" Ace can perfectly avoid Roger's appearance genes, and he doesn't want to look at all...

"Captain, Sabaody land is the land of Marine Admiral green fox, are we really going up?"

On the sea not far from Sabaody, Sengoku dreamed that he wanted to leave early. The Red Hair Pirates and his party who quickly rolled into the New World slowly moved towards Sabaody on the sea, and they were about to reach Sabaody. Always holding a big meaty leg that can't be eaten, he asked with a little worry.

He also generally understands the love-hate relationship between the Marine "undead Admiral" in the Sabaody branch and their captain, just like the eagle-eyed handsome boy from West Blue to the Grand Line by their captain was the Marine Admiral who did it, and now They are about to break out of the first half to go to the New World. It is already very sad to be haunted by a handsome eagle-eyed boy. If they are targeted by Marine Admiral again, their "learning path will be even more difficult."

"Sabaody, my Shanks are back...!

At this time, Shanks, who was standing on the dragon head on the bow, changed his drunken appearance, but stood on the dragon head full of energy and did not hear the words of his friends at all, but stared at the black spot ahead. The Sabaody Archipelago, endless exclamations.

In the past, Sabaody was just an ordinary stop in his life journey. To be special, it was the place where his co-captain retired and retired, but now Sabaody is a very special place for him.

His captain once said to him that a man's first time is very sacred, and he can't go out of trouble just like Deputy Captain Rayleigh, but to leave it to his beloved sister, so although he debuted in his teens, After spending so many years in this sea where dragons and fish are mixed, I always keep in mind the words of Captain Roger, and have always been like a jade.

But who would have thought that his precious first time was lost in this Sabaody, and it was still a disaster for the Celestial Dragons sister!

What a fate to get 900 people!

"Captain, if it really doesn't work, let's take a detour and go directly to New World through the official channel, anyway, those Marines can't stop us.

Beckman, with a never-ending sap in his mouth, heard that Shanks was looking at Sabaody Land in the distance, and at a glance he knew that the captain must also have a sad past in Sabaody Land, so he walked up and persuaded.

Generally, if a pirate group wants to rush into the first half of the New World, they can only dive into the channel of The fish men island, which is tens of thousands of meters deep in the sea after coating Sabaody. no.

But I don't know why, their Red Hair Pirates are not the same. When they set off from West Blue, they also followed the same path as other pirates, but an accident made him pass through the passage guarded by Uncle Marine. At first, they thought it was an accident and decided to try it at the next intersection, but the result the second time was the same as the first time. The pirates who broke into the official fortress worked hard, and when it was their turn in the next second, those Marine uncles seemed to be blind as if they could not see them.

If one is an accident and two are coincidences, then the next four or five or six times will make him suspect that those Uncle Marines are really blind!

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